from __future__ import annotations import re from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import wraps from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import weechat from slack.log import print_error from slack.shared import shared from slack.slack_workspace import SlackWorkspace from slack.task import create_task from slack.util import get_callback_name, with_color from slack.weechat_config import WeeChatOption commands: Dict[str, Command] = {} # def parse_help_docstring(cmd): # doc = textwrap.dedent(cmd.__doc__).strip().split("\n", 1) # cmd_line = doc[0].split(None, 1) # args = "".join(cmd_line[1:]) # return cmd_line[0], args, doc[1].strip() def parse_options(args: str): regex = re.compile(" +-([^ =]+)(?:=([^ ]+))?") pos_args = regex.sub("", args) options: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = { for match in regex.finditer(args) } return pos_args, options @dataclass class Command: cmd: str top_level: bool description: str args: str args_description: str completion: str cb: Callable[[str, str], None] def weechat_command( completion: str = "", min_args: int = 0, slack_buffer_required: bool = False ): def decorator(f: Callable[[str, List[str], Dict[str, Optional[str]]], None]): cmd = f.__name__.removeprefix("command_").replace("_", " ") top_level = " " not in cmd @wraps(f) def wrapper(buffer: str, args: str): pos_args, options = parse_options(args) split_args = pos_args.split(" ", min_args) if min_args and not pos_args or len(split_args) < min_args: print_error( f'Too few arguments for command "/{cmd}" (help on command: /help {cmd})' ) return return f(buffer, split_args, options) commands[cmd] = Command(cmd, top_level, "", "", "", completion, wrapper) return wrapper return decorator def list_workspaces(workspace_name: Optional[str] = None, detailed_list: bool = False): weechat.prnt("", "") weechat.prnt("", "All workspaces:") for workspace in shared.workspaces.values(): display_workspace(workspace, detailed_list) def display_workspace(workspace: SlackWorkspace, detailed_list: bool): if workspace.is_connected: weechat.prnt( "", f" * " f"{with_color('chat_server',} " f"{with_color('chat_delimiters', '[')}" f"connected" f"{with_color('chat_delimiters', ']')}" f", nick: {workspace.my_user.nick()}" f", 0 channel(s), 0 pv", ) else: weechat.prnt("", f" {with_color('chat_server',}") @weechat_command() def command_slack(buffer: str, args: List[str], options: Dict[str, Optional[str]]): """ slack command """ print("ran slack") @weechat_command("%(slack_workspaces)") def command_slack_connect( buffer: str, args: List[str], options: Dict[str, Optional[str]] ): async def connect(): if args and args[0]: workspace = shared.workspaces.get(args[0]) if workspace: await workspace.connect() else: print_error(f'workspace "{args[0]}" not found') else: for workspace in shared.workspaces.values(): await workspace.connect() create_task(connect()) @weechat_command() def command_slack_workspace( buffer: str, args: List[str], options: Dict[str, Optional[str]] ): list_workspaces() @weechat_command("%(slack_workspaces)") def command_slack_workspace_list( buffer: str, args: List[str], options: Dict[str, Optional[str]] ): list_workspaces() @weechat_command("%(slack_workspaces)") def command_slack_workspace_listfull( buffer: str, args: List[str], options: Dict[str, Optional[str]] ): list_workspaces(detailed_list=True) @weechat_command(min_args=1) def command_slack_workspace_add( buffer: str, args: List[str], options: Dict[str, Optional[str]] ): name = args[0] if name in shared.workspaces: print_error(f'workspace "{name}" already exists, can\'t add it!') return shared.workspaces[name] = SlackWorkspace(name) for option_name, option_value in options.items(): if hasattr(shared.workspaces[name].config, option_name): config_option: WeeChatOption[Any] = getattr( shared.workspaces[name].config, option_name ) value = "on" if option_value is None else option_value config_option.value_set_as_str(value) weechat.prnt( "", f"{shared.SCRIPT_NAME}: workspace added: {weechat.color('chat_server')}{name}{weechat.color('reset')}", ) @weechat_command("%(slack_workspaces)", min_args=2) def command_slack_workspace_rename( buffer: str, args: List[str], options: Dict[str, Optional[str]] ): old_name = args[0] new_name = args[1] workspace = shared.workspaces.get(old_name) if not workspace: print_error(f'workspace "{old_name}" not found for "workspace rename" command') return = new_name shared.workspaces[new_name] = workspace del shared.workspaces[old_name] weechat.prnt( "", f"server {with_color('chat_server', old_name)} has been renamed to {with_color('chat_server', new_name)}", ) # TODO: Rename buffers and config @weechat_command("%(slack_workspaces)", min_args=1) def command_slack_workspace_del( buffer: str, args: List[str], options: Dict[str, Optional[str]] ): name = args[0] workspace = shared.workspaces.get(name) if not workspace: print_error(f'workspace "{name}" not found for "workspace del" command') return if workspace.is_connected: print_error( f'you can not delete server "{name}" because you are connected to it. Try "/slack disconnect {name}" first.' ) return # TODO: Delete config del shared.workspaces[name] weechat.prnt( "", f"server {with_color('chat_server', name)} has been deleted", ) def completion_slack_workspaces_cb( data: str, completion_item: str, buffer: str, completion: str ) -> int: for workspace_name in shared.workspaces: weechat.completion_list_add( completion, workspace_name, 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT ) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def find_command(start_cmd: str, args: str) -> Optional[Tuple[Command, str]]: args_parts = re.finditer("[^ ]+", args) cmd = start_cmd cmd_args_startpos = 0 for part in args_parts: next_cmd = f"{cmd} {}" if next_cmd not in commands: cmd_args_startpos = part.start(0) break cmd = next_cmd else: cmd_args_startpos = len(args) cmd_args = args[cmd_args_startpos:] if cmd in commands: return commands[cmd], cmd_args return None def command_cb(data: str, buffer: str, args: str) -> int: found_cmd_with_args = find_command(data, args) if found_cmd_with_args: command = found_cmd_with_args[0] cmd_args = found_cmd_with_args[1] command.cb(buffer, cmd_args) else: print_error( f'Error with command "/{data} {args}" (help on command: /help {data})' ) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def completion_list_add(completion: str, word: str, nick_completion: int, where: str): if word == "%(slack_workspaces)": completion_slack_workspaces_cb("", "slack_workspaces", "", completion) else: # TODO: Consider WeeChat verison support, in < 2.9 one must use hook_completion_list_add weechat.completion_list_add(completion, word, nick_completion, where) def completion_slack_workspace_commands_cb( data: str, completion_item: str, buffer: str, completion: str ) -> int: # TODO: Consider WeeChat verison support, in < 2.9 one must use hook_completion_get_string base_command = weechat.completion_get_string(completion, "base_command") base_word = weechat.completion_get_string(completion, "base_word") args = weechat.completion_get_string(completion, "args") args_without_base_word = args.removesuffix(base_word) found_cmd_with_args = find_command(base_command, args_without_base_word) if found_cmd_with_args: command = found_cmd_with_args[0] matching_cmds = [ cmd.removeprefix(command.cmd).lstrip() for cmd in commands if cmd.startswith(command.cmd) and cmd != command.cmd ] if len(matching_cmds) > 1: for match in matching_cmds: cmd_arg = match.split(" ") completion_list_add( completion, cmd_arg[0], 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT ) else: for arg in command.completion.split("|"): completion_list_add(completion, arg, 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def completion_irc_channels_cb( data: str, completion_item: str, buffer: str, completion: str ) -> int: if weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "full_name").startswith("core."): weechat.completion_list_add( completion, "#asd", 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT ) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def register_commands(): weechat.hook_completion( "slack_workspaces", "Slack workspaces (internal names)", get_callback_name(completion_slack_workspaces_cb), "", ) weechat.hook_completion( "slack_commands", "completions for Slack commands", get_callback_name(completion_slack_workspace_commands_cb), "", ) weechat.hook_completion( "irc_channels", "channels on all Slack workspaces", get_callback_name(completion_irc_channels_cb), "", ) for cmd, command in commands.items(): if command.top_level: weechat.hook_command( command.cmd, command.description, command.args, command.args_description, "%(slack_commands)|%*", get_callback_name(command_cb), cmd, )