from __future__ import annotations import json import re import time from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Union from urllib.parse import urlencode import weechat from slack.http import http_request from slack.shared import shared from slack.task import create_task, gather if TYPE_CHECKING: from slack_api import ( SlackConversationIm, SlackConversationInfo, SlackConversationNotIm, ) class SlackApi: def __init__(self, workspace: SlackWorkspace): self.workspace = workspace def get_request_options(self): return { "useragent": f"wee_slack {shared.SCRIPT_VERSION}", "httpheader": f"Authorization: Bearer {self.workspace.config.api_token.value}", "cookie": self.workspace.config.api_cookies.value, } async def fetch(self, method: str, params: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {}): url = f"{method}?{urlencode(params)}" response = await http_request( url, self.get_request_options(), self.workspace.config.slack_timeout.value * 1000, ) return json.loads(response) async def fetch_list( self, method: str, list_key: str, params: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {}, pages: int = 1, # negative or 0 means all pages ): response = await self.fetch(method, params) next_cursor = response.get("response_metadata", {}).get("next_cursor") if pages != 1 and next_cursor and response["ok"]: params["cursor"] = next_cursor next_pages = await self.fetch_list(method, list_key, params, pages - 1) response[list_key].extend(next_pages[list_key]) return response return response class SlackWorkspace: def __init__(self, name: str): = name self.config = shared.config.create_workspace_config( self.api = SlackApi(self) self.connected = False self.nick = "TODO" # Maybe make private, so you have to use get_user? Maybe make get_user a getter, though don't know if that's a problem since it's async self.users: Dict[str, SlackUser] = {} self.conversations: Dict[str, SlackConversation] = {} async def connect(self): # rtm_connect = await self.api.fetch("rtm.connect") user_channels_response = await self.api.fetch_list( "users.conversations", "channels", { "exclude_archived": True, # "types": "public_channel,private_channel,im", "types": "public_channel", "limit": 1000, }, -1, ) user_channels = user_channels_response["channels"] for channel in user_channels: conversation = SlackConversation(self, channel["id"]) self.conversations[channel["id"]] = conversation create_task(conversation.init()) # print(rtm_connect) # print([c["name"] for c in user_channels]) async def get_user(self, id: str) -> SlackUser: if id in self.users: return self.users[id] user = SlackUser(self, id) await user.init() self.users[id] = user return user def get_conversation_from_buffer_pointer( self, buffer_pointer: str ) -> Optional[SlackConversation]: for conversation in self.conversations.values(): if conversation.buffer_pointer == buffer_pointer: return conversation class SlackUser: def __init__(self, workspace: SlackWorkspace, id: str): self.workspace = workspace = id str @property def api(self) -> SlackApi: return self.workspace.api async def init(self): info = await self.api.fetch("", {"user":}) = info["user"]["name"] class SlackConversation: def __init__(self, workspace: SlackWorkspace, id: str): self.workspace = workspace = id # TODO: buffer_pointer may be accessed by buffer_switch before it's initialized self.buffer_pointer: str str self.history_filled = False self.history_pending = False @property def api(self) -> SlackApi: return self.workspace.api async def init(self): info = await self.fetch_info() = info["channel"]["name"] self.buffer_pointer = weechat.buffer_new(, "", "", "", "") async def fetch_info(self): return await self.api.fetch("", {"channel":}) async def fill_history(self): if self.history_filled or self.history_pending: return self.history_pending = True history = await self.api.fetch("conversations.history", {"channel":}) start = time.time() messages = [SlackMessage(self, message) for message in history["messages"]] messages_rendered = await gather( *(message.render_message() for message in messages) ) for rendered in reversed(messages_rendered): weechat.prnt(self.buffer_pointer, rendered) print(f"history w/o fetch took: {time.time() - start}") self.history_filled = True self.history_pending = False class SlackMessage: def __init__(self, conversation: SlackConversation, message_json: Any): self.conversation = conversation self.ts = message_json["ts"] self.message_json = message_json @property def workspace(self) -> SlackWorkspace: return self.conversation.workspace @property def api(self) -> SlackApi: return self.workspace.api async def render_message(self): message = await self.unfurl_refs(self.message_json["text"]) if "user" in self.message_json: user = await self.workspace.get_user(self.message_json["user"]) prefix = else: prefix = "bot" return f"{prefix}\t{message}" async def unfurl_refs(self, message: str): re_user = re.compile("<@([^>]+)>") user_ids = re_user.findall(message) await gather(*(self.workspace.get_user(user_id) for user_id in user_ids)) def unfurl_user(user_id: str): return "@" + self.workspace.users[user_id].name return re_user.sub(lambda match: unfurl_user(, message)