#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import json from pathlib import Path import sqlite3 import sys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Extract Slack tokens from the browser files" ) parser.add_argument( "browser", help="Which browser to extract from", metavar="" ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.browser != "firefox": print("Currently only firefox is supported by this script", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): firefox_path = Path.home().joinpath(".mozilla/firefox") elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): firefox_path = Path.home().joinpath("Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles") else: print("Currently only Linux and macOS is supported by this script", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) try: default_profile_path = next(firefox_path.glob("*.default-release")) except StopIteration: print("Couldn't find the default profile for Firefox", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) cookies_path = default_profile_path.joinpath("cookies.sqlite") con = sqlite3.connect(f"file:{cookies_path}?immutable=1", uri=True) cookie_d_query = ( "SELECT value FROM moz_cookies WHERE host = '.slack.com' AND name = 'd'" ) cookie_d_value = con.execute(cookie_d_query).fetchone()[0] cookie_ds_query = ( "SELECT value FROM moz_cookies WHERE host = '.slack.com' AND name = 'd-s'" ) cookie_ds_values = con.execute(cookie_ds_query).fetchone() con.close() if cookie_ds_values: cookie_value = f"d={cookie_d_value};d-s={cookie_ds_values[0]}" else: cookie_value = cookie_d_value local_storage_path = default_profile_path.joinpath("webappsstore.sqlite") con = sqlite3.connect(f"file:{local_storage_path}?immutable=1", uri=True) local_storage_query = "SELECT value FROM webappsstore2 WHERE key = 'localConfig_v2'" local_config_str = con.execute(local_storage_query).fetchone()[0] con.close() local_config = json.loads(local_config_str) teams = [ team for team in local_config["teams"].values() if not team["id"].startswith("E") ] register_commands = [ f"{team['name']}:\n/slack register {team['token']}:{cookie_value}" for team in teams ] print("\n\n".join(register_commands))