import pytest import sys sys.path.append(".") #sys.path.append(str(pytest.config.rootdir)) from wee_slack import SlackServer from wee_slack import Channel from wee_slack import User from wee_slack import SearchList import wee_slack class FakeWeechat(): """ this is the thing that acts as "w." everywhere.. basically mock out all of the weechat calls here i guess """ WEECHAT_RC_OK = True def __init__(self): print "INITIALIZE FAKE WEECHAT" def prnt(*args): output = "(" for arg in args: if arg != None: output += "{}, ".format(arg) print "w.prnt {}".format(output) def hdata_get(*args): return "0x000001" def hdata_pointer(*args): return "0x000002" def hdata_time(*args): return "1355517519" def hdata_string(*args): return "testuser" def __getattr__(self, name): def method(*args): print "called {}".format(name) if args: print "\twith args: {}".format(args) return method @pytest.fixture def fake_weechat(): wee_slack.w = FakeWeechat() pass @pytest.fixture def slack_debug(): wee_slack.slack_debug = "debug_buffer_ptr" @pytest.fixture def server(fake_weechat, monkeypatch): #def server(monkeypatch, mychannels, myusers): def mock_connect_to_slack(*args): return True monkeypatch.setattr(SlackServer, 'connect_to_slack', mock_connect_to_slack) myserver = SlackServer('xoxo-12345') myserver.identifier = '' myserver.nick = 'myusername' return myserver @pytest.fixture def myservers(server): servers = SearchList() servers.append(server) return servers @pytest.fixture def channel(monkeypatch, server): def mock_buffer_prnt(*args): print "called buffer_prnt\n\twith args: {}".format(args) return def mock_do_nothing(*args): print args return True monkeypatch.setattr(Channel, 'create_buffer', mock_do_nothing) monkeypatch.setattr(Channel, 'attach_buffer', mock_do_nothing) monkeypatch.setattr(Channel, 'set_topic', mock_do_nothing) monkeypatch.setattr(Channel, 'set_topic', mock_do_nothing) monkeypatch.setattr(Channel, 'buffer_prnt', mock_buffer_prnt) mychannel = Channel(server, '#testchan', 'C2147483705', True, last_read=0, prepend_name="", members=[], topic="") return mychannel @pytest.fixture def mychannels(channel): channels = SearchList() channels.append(channel) return channels @pytest.fixture def user(monkeypatch, server): wee_slack.domain = None wee_slack.colorize_nicks = True pass myuser = User(server, "testuser", 'U2147483697', presence="away") myuser.color = '' return myuser @pytest.fixture def myusers(monkeypatch, user): users = SearchList() users.append(user) return users