from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import weechat
from slack.shared import shared
from slack.util import with_color
from slack_api.slack_bots_info import SlackBotInfo
from slack_api.slack_users_info import SlackUserInfo
from slack.slack_workspace import SlackWorkspace
def nick_color(nick: str) -> str:
return weechat.info_get("nick_color_name", nick)
# TODO: Probably need to do some mapping here based on the existing users, in case some has been changed to avoid duplicate names
def _name_from_user_info(workspace: SlackWorkspace, info: SlackUserInfo) -> str:
display_name = info["profile"].get("display_name")
if display_name and not workspace.config.use_real_names.value:
return display_name
return info["profile"].get("display_name") or info.get("real_name") or info["name"]
def name_from_user_info_without_spaces(
workspace: SlackWorkspace, info: SlackUserInfo
) -> str:
return _name_from_user_info(workspace, info).replace(" ", "")
def format_bot_nick(nick: str, colorize: bool = False) -> str:
nick = nick.replace(" ", "")
if colorize:
nick = with_color(nick_color(nick), nick)
return nick + shared.config.look.bot_user_suffix.value
class SlackUser:
def __init__(self, workspace: SlackWorkspace, info: SlackUserInfo):
self.workspace = workspace
self._info = info
async def create(cls, workspace: SlackWorkspace, id: str):
info_response = await workspace.api.fetch_user_info(id)
return cls(workspace, info_response["user"])
def nick(self, colorize: bool = False) -> str:
nick = self._name_without_spaces()
if colorize:
nick = with_color(self._nick_color(), nick)
if self._info["profile"]["team"] !=
nick += shared.config.look.external_user_suffix.value
return nick
def _name_without_spaces(self) -> str:
return name_from_user_info_without_spaces(self.workspace, self._info)
def _nick_color(self) -> str:
if self._info["id"] == self.workspace.my_user._info["id"]:
return weechat.config_string(
return nick_color(self._name_without_spaces())
class SlackBot:
def __init__(self, workspace: SlackWorkspace, info: SlackBotInfo):
self.workspace = workspace
self._info = info
async def create(cls, workspace: SlackWorkspace, id: str):
info_response = await workspace.api.fetch_bot_info(id)
return cls(workspace, info_response["bot"])
def nick(self, colorize: bool = False) -> str:
return format_bot_nick(self._info["name"], colorize)