path: root/docs/contributing.md
blob: f9dfc0ef709e83ff80e9ebe9f47fb60a64505b26 (plain) (tree)






# Contributing

Thank you for considering contributing to `wee-slack`!

## Requirements

* [`git`](https://git-scm.com)
* [`pipenv`](https://github.com/pypa/pipenv)

## Activating the development environment

The development environment contains a few useful tools. Before testing or
working on `wee-slack`, the development environment should be activated. This
will ensure you have access to the necessary development tools.

$ cd /path/to/wee-slack
$ pipenv shell

# Install the required development dependencies
$ pipenv install --dev

The rest of this document assumes that the development environment has been
activated, and that you have the latest development dependencies installed.

## Formatting

The code is formatted with [`black`](https://black.readthedocs.io/). To format
all the files, first navigate to the project root, and then execute:

$ black .

## Linting

The code is linted with [`flake8`](https://flake8.pycqa.org/). To lint all the
files, first navigate to the project root, and then execute:

$ flake8 .

## Testing

Tests are executed with [`pytest`](https://pytest.org/). To run the tests,
first navigate to the project root, and then execute:

$ pytest

## Updating dependencies

It's important to keep our dependencies up-to-date over time. Because we support
multiple versions of Python, we avoid committing the `Pipfile.lock` file (which
is added in `.gitignore`), in addition to avoiding pinning versions of packages.

To update the dependencies installed in your local virtual environment:

# Check for upstream updates
$ pipenv update --outdated

# Want to update everything?
$ pipenv update

# Want to update one package at a time?
$ pipenv update <pkg>

It's important to [run the tests](#testing) after updating dependencies to
ensure that the updated dependencies have not broken the build.