1.0-RC1 is here. It is a pretty massive refactor, and fixes many of the current issues listed on github. Because there was no good way to do this, it breaks some/many existing PRs. _(please report bugs in #wee-slack on freenode)_
A WeeChat native client for Slack.com. Provides supplemental features only available in the web/mobile clients such as: synchronizing read markers, typing notification, threads (and more)! Connects via the Slack API, and maintains a persistent websocket for notification of events.
![animated screenshot](https://github.com/wee-slack/wee-slack/raw/master/docs/slack.gif)
* **New** [Threads](#threads) support!
* **New** [Slack Status](#status) support!
* Slash commands (including custom ones!)
* Upload to slack capabilities!
* Emoji reactions!
* Edited messages work just like the official clients, where the original message changes and has (edited) appended.
* Unfurled urls dont generate a new message, but replace the original with more info as it is received.
* Regex style message editing (s/oldtext/newtext/)
* Caches message history, making startup MUCH faster
* Smarter redraw of dynamic buffer info (much lower CPU %)
* beta UTF-8 support
* Doesn't use IRC gateway. Connects directly with Slack via API/Websocket
* Multiple Teams supported! Just add multiple api tokens separated by commas
* Replays history automatically during startup. (and sets read marker to the correct position in history)
* Open channels synchronized with Slack. When you open/close a channel on another client it is reflected in wee-slack
* Colorized nicks in buffer list when used with buffers.pl
* Colorized nicks in chat
* Supports bidirectional slack read notifications for all channels. (never reread the same messages on the web client or other devices).
* Typing notification, so you can see when others are typing, and they can see when you type. Appears globally for direct messages
* Away/back status handling
* Expands/shows metadata for things like tweets/links
* Displays edited messages (slack.com irc mode currently doesn't show these)
* *Super fun* debug mode. See what the websocket is saying
In Development
* add notification of new versions of wee-slack
* WeeChat 1.3+ http://weechat.org/
* websocket-client https://pypi.python.org/pypi/websocket-client/
#### 0.
wee-slack doesn't use the Slack IRC gateway. If you currently connect via the gateway, you should probably remove the server definition.
/server list
All servers:
/server del slack
/python reload
#### 1. Install dependencies
##### OSX and Linux
pip install websocket-client
##### FreeBSD
pkg install py27-websocket-client py27-six
#### 2. copy wee_slack.py to ~/.weechat/python/autoload
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wee-slack/wee-slack/master/wee_slack.py
cp wee_slack.py ~/.weechat/python/autoload
#### 3. Start WeeChat
**NOTE:** If weechat is already running, the script can be loaded using ``/python load python/autoload/wee_slack.py``
#### 4. Add your Slack API key(s)
/set plugins.var.python.slack.slack_api_token [YOUR_SLACK_TOKEN]
^^ (find this at https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens using the "Request token" button)
If you don't want to store your API token in plaintext you can use the secure features of weechat:
/secure passphrase this is a super secret password
/secure set slack_token [YOUR_SLACK_TOKEN]
/set plugins.var.python.slack.slack_api_token ${sec.data.slack_token}
##### Optional: If you would like to connect to multiple groups, use the above command with multiple tokens separated by commas. (NO SPACES)
/set plugins.var.python.slack.slack_api_token [token1],[token2],[token3]
### 5. $PROFIT$
/python reload
Join a channel:
/join [channel]
Start a direct chat with someone or multiple users:
/query <username>[,<username2>[,<username3>...]]
/slack talk <username>[,<username2>[,<username3>...]]
List channels:
/slack channels
List users:
/slack users
Close channel/dm:
Set yourself away/back:
/slack away
/slack back
Modify previous message:
s/old text/new text/
Modify 3rd previous message:
3s/old text/new text/
Replace all instances of text in previous message:
s/old text/new text/g
Delete previous message:
Add a reaction to the nth last message. The number can be omitted and defaults to the last message. The `+` can be replaced with a `-` to remove a reaction instead.
Upload a file to the current slack buffer:
/slack upload [file_path]
Run a Slack slash command. Simply prepend `/slack slash` to what you'd type in the official clients.:
/slack slash /desiredcommand arg1 arg2 arg3
To send a command as a normal message instead of performing the action, prefix it with a slash or a space, like so:
#### Threads
Start a new thread on the most recent message The number indicates which message in the buffer to reply to, in reverse time order:
/reply 1 here is a threaded reply to the most recent message!
Open an existing thread as a channel. The argument is the thread identifier, which is printed in square brackets with every threaded message in a channel:
/thread af8
Label a thread with a memorable name. The above command will open a channel called af8, but perhaps you want to call it "meetingnotes". To do so, select that buffer and type:
/label meetingnotes
_Note: labels do not persist once a thread buffer is closed_
#### Status
Set your Slack status on a given team:
/slack status [:emoji:] [Status message]
/slack status :ghost: Boo!
#### Emoji tab completions
To enable tab completion of emojis, copy or symlink the `weemoji.json` file to your weechat config directory (e.g. `~/.weechat`). Then append `|%(emoji)` to the `weechat.completion.default_template` config option, e.g. like this:
/set weechat.completion.default_template "%(nicks)|%(irc_channels)|%(emoji)"
Optional settings
Set channel prefix to something other than my-slack-subdomain.slack.com (e.g. when using buffers.pl):
/set plugins.var.python.slack.server_aliases "my-slack-subdomain:mysub,other-domain:coolbeans"
Show who added each reaction. Makes reactions appear like `[:smile:(@nick1,@nick2)]` instead of `[:smile:2]`.
/set plugins.var.python.slack.show_reaction_nicks on
Show typing notification in main bar (slack_typing_notice):
/set weechat.bar.status.items [buffer_count],[buffer_plugin],buffer_number+:+buffer_name+{buffer_nicklist_count}+buffer_filter,[hotlist],completion,scroll,slack_typing_notice
Show channel name in hotlist after activity
/set weechat.look.hotlist_names_level 14
Enable debug mode and change debug level (default 3, decrease to increase logging and vice versa):
/set plugins.var.python.slack.debug_mode on
/set plugins.var.python.slack.debug_level 2
wee-slack is provided without any warranty whatsoever, but you are welcome to ask questions in #wee-slack on freenode.