#!/usr/bin/python # Script to test if wlp.so works. It should parse confile without errors. import sys import wlp if(len(sys.argv) == 1): wlp.setfilebyname('./pyg.wl') else: wlp.setfilebyname(sys.argv[1]) # dict is a { ownername : {variable: value}} dictionary of dictionaries dict = wlp.mkdict() try: print 'owner: option = value' for owner in dict.keys(): options = dict[owner] for option in options.keys(): print '%s: %s = %s' % (owner,option,options[option]) except (Exception), message: print message for k in dict.keys(): if(dict[k]['From:'] == 'Cosimo Alfarano'): print '%s has %s' % (k,dict[k]['From:']) sys.exit(0)