#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest import sysconfig import sys import os import os.path import subprocess import re import mail2news def distutils_dir_name(dname): """Returns the name of a distutils build directory""" f = "{dirname}.{platform}-{version[0]}.{version[1]}" return f.format(dirname=dname, platform=sysconfig.get_platform(), version=sys.version_info) wlp_lib_path = os.path.join('build', distutils_dir_name('lib')) sys.path.insert(0, wlp_lib_path) import wlp class TestWLP(unittest.TestCase): def test_wlp_parser(self): wlp.setfilebyname('examples/whitelist.example') wl_dict = wlp.mkdict() expected_dict = {'alfarano@students.cs.unibo.it': { 'From:': 'Cosimo Alfarano', 'X-Firstname:': 'Cosimo' }, 'kame@innocent.com': { 'From:': 'kame@inwind.it', 'Reply-to': 'me', 'Reply-to:': 'KA', 'Sender:': 'Kalfa'} } self.assertEqual(wl_dict, expected_dict) class TestM2N(unittest.TestCase): expected_output = """Newsgroups: pyg.test From: Pyg To: User Subject: test Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2002 16:40:40 +0200 Message-Id: <20001001164040.Aa8326@localhost> Return-Path: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i X-Multiline: this header probably broke RFC, but is frequent. X-Gateway: pyg %s %s """ % (mail2news.VERSION, mail2news.DESC) def test_m2n(self): with open('examples/mail') as in_mail: pid = subprocess.Popen(['./pygm2n', '-TV', '-n', 'pyg.test'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, _ = pid.communicate(in_mail.read()) self.assertEqual(out, self.expected_output) class TestN2M(unittest.TestCase): expected_output = """Received: from GATEWAY by mitmanek.ceplovi.cz with pyg for ; Mon Dec 15 17:13:30 2014 (CEST) From: kame@inwind.it (PYG) To: test@example.com Subject: pyg's article test Date: 10 Jun 2000 23:20:47 +0200 Organization: Debian GNU/Linux Reply-To: pyg@localhost Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Trace: pyg.server.tld 960672047 927 (10 Jun 2000 21:20:47 GMT) X-Newsgroups: local.moderated X-Gateway: pyg %s %s X-NNTP-Posting-Host: pyg.server.tld Resent-From: sender@example.com Resent-Sender: sender@example.com """ % (mail2news.VERSION, mail2news.DESC) def test_n2m(self): env = os.environ env['PYTHONPATH'] = wlp_lib_path with open('examples/articletest.accepted') as in_mail: pid = subprocess.Popen(['./pygn2m', '-TVt', 'test@example.com', '-s', 'sender@example.com', '-d', '-w', 'examples/whitelist.example'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) in_message = in_mail.read().replace('pyg@pyg.server.tld', 'kame@inwind.it') out, err = pid.communicate(in_message) out = re.sub(r'^Message-Id:.*$', '', out) # Not sure how to compare two email mesages (with different # times, etc.) so for now just to make sure the script doesn’t # blow up and gives some output # otherwise it would be # self.assertEqual(out, expected_output) self.assertEqual(pid.returncode, 0) self.assertGreater(len(out), 0) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()