#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """News to mail gateway script. Copyright 2000 Cosimo Alfarano Author: Cosimo Alfarano Date: June 11 2000 pygs - Copyright 2000 by Cosimo Alfarano You can use this software under the terms of the GPL. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Thanks to md for this useful formula. Beer is beer. Gets news article and sends it via SMTP. """ from __future__ import print_function import logging import sys import argparse import mail2news import pyginfo logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(funcName)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) sys.path.append('/usr/lib/pyg') def parse_cmdline(): i = pyginfo.pygsinfo() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='%s version %s - Copyright 2000 Cosimo Alfarano\n%s' % (i.PROGNAME, i.VERSION, i.__doc__)) parser.add_argument('-s', '--newsserver', default='') parser.add_argument('-a', '--approver', default='', help="address of moderator/approver") parser.add_argument('-n', '--newsgroup', default='', help='newsgroup[s] (specified as comma separated ' + 'without spaces list)', required=True) parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', default='') parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', default='', help='password (for auth to newsserver)') parser.add_argument('-P', '--port', default='') parser.add_argument('-M', '--reader', default='') parser.add_argument('-e', '--envellope', default='') parser.add_argument('-t', '--to', dest='rcpt') parser.add_argument('-w', '--wlfile') parser.add_argument('-l', '--logfile') parser.add_argument('-T', '--test', action='store_true', help='test mode (not send article via NNTP)') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-V', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose output ' + '(usefull with -T option for debugging)') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.newsgroup: raise argparse.ArgumentError('Error: Missing Newsgroups\n') return args """main is structured in 4 phases: 1) check and set pyg's internal variables 2) check whitelist for users' permission 3) format rfc 822 headers from input article 4) open smtp connection and send e-mail """ try: """phase 1: check and set pyg's internal variables """ m2n = mail2news.mail2news() owner = None opt = parse_cmdline() # reads stdin and parses article separating head from body m2n.readfile(opt) m2n.parseemail() """phase 2: check whitelist for user's permission """ """phase 3: format rfc 822 headers from input article """ m2n.mergeheads() # make unique dict from NNTP and SMTP dicts m2n.addheads() # add some important heads m2n.renameheads() # rename useless heads m2n.removeheads() # remove other heads m2n.sortheads() # sort remaining heads :) if opt.verbose: for line in m2n.headers: print(line[:-1]) """phase 4: open smtp connection and send e-mail """ if len(m2n.headers) > 0 and len(m2n.body) > 0: # wl.logmsg(m2n.heads_dict,wl.ACCEPT,owner) if not opt.test: resp = m2n.sendemail() if resp: print(resp) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Keyboard Interrupt') sys.exit(0)