.\" wing requests are required for all man pages. .TH pygm2n 1 "Sun Sep 12 18:10:00 CEST 2000" "" "Python Gateway mail to news" .SH NAME pygm2n - Python Gateway mail to news .SH SYNOPSIS .B pygm2n .BR -n .IR newsgroups [ .BR -s .IR newsserver ] [ .BR -h ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B IMPORTANT: this man page is to be continued. The Whole pyg gateway is in .B devel.\ state. try -h option for more detailed option. pygm2n reads from stdin an email, sending it to newsgroups, a comma separated list without spaces of newsgroup names (at least one), rfc799 compliant. If pygm2n reads from stdin a sigle line starting with /, it is considered an absolute path to a single-email mailbox, so pygm2n will open and read it. .B Note that now pyg can't read a real mailbox, with many emails. If you give it in input, pyg will post the whole mailbox as a single email. \" The following requests should be uncommented and .\" used where appropriate. This next request is .\" for sections 2 and 3 function return values only. .\" .Sh RETURN VALUES .\" This next request is for sections 1, 6, 7 & 8 only .\" .Sh ENVIRONMENT .\" .Sh FILES .SH EXAMPLES There is some documetation in /urs/share/doc/pyg I created mailgate user (moderator of local.moderated ng). Subscribe to a list with this user (or simply email one message to). Every email posted to this user will send to newsgroups, in its .procmailrc I've put something like: :0 bh * ^From *mailinglist-request@lists.debian.org | $HOME/pygm2n -n local.debian.mailinglist .\" This next request is for sections 1, 6, 7 & 8 only .\" (command return values (to shell) and .\" fprintf/stderr type diagnostics) .\" .Sh DIAGNOSTICS .\" The next request is for sections 2 and 3 error .\" and signal handling only. .\" .Sh ERRORS .\" .Sh SEE ALSO .\" .Sh STANDARDS .\" .Sh HISTORY .SH AUTHORS Cosimo Alfarano .SH BUGS Boh. send any bug, advice or opinion to the author, please.