"""News to mail gateway script. Copyright 2000 Cosimo Alfarano Author: Cosimo Alfarano Date: June 11 2000 news2mail.py - Copyright 2000 by Cosimo Alfarano You can use this software under the terms of the GPL. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Thanks to md for this useful formula. Beer is beer. Gets news article and sends it via SMTP. class news2mail is hopefully conform to rfc822. normal (what pygs does) operations flow is: 1) reads from stdin NNTP article (readfile) 2) divide headers and body (parsearticle) 3) merges NNTP and SMTP heads into a unique heads 4) adds, renames and removes some heads 5) sorts remaining headers starting at top with Received: From: To: Subject: Date:, normal headers ending with X-* and Resent-* headers. """ import sys import smtplib import string from re import compile #import getopt import time #import rfc822 from socket import gethostbyaddr, gethostname import tempfile import pyginfo class news2mail: """news to mail gateway class""" TMPFILE = tempfile.mktemp() wlfile = None logfile = None sender = '' rcpt = '' envelope = '' smtpserver = 'localhost' hostname = gethostbyaddr(gethostname())[0] heads_dict, smtpheads, nntpheads = {}, {}, {} article, headers, body = [], [], [] debug = 1 def readfile(self): for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): self.article.append(line) if (len(self.article) == 1 and self.article[0][0] == '/'): file = self.article[0][:-1] del self.article[0] for line in open(file,'r').readlines(): self.article.append(line) def parsearticle(self): """get news article from file or stdin and separate heads from body REMEBER: headers value has '\n' as last char. Use string[:-1] to ignore newline. """ try: body = 0 # are we in body or in headers? # voidline = compile('^$') # I need '\n', ^$ matches anything # spaceending = compile('\s*\n$') for line in self.article: if not body and len(line) == 1: body = 1 # starts article body section if not body: try: head, value = string.split(line, ' ', 1) self.nntpheads[head] = value except (string.index_error), message: print 'string error: %s' % message print '(probably missing couple "Header: value" in %s)' % line sys.exit(1) elif len(line) > 0 and body: self.body.append(line) return self.nntpheads, self.body # except (re.error, string.index_error), message: except (string.index_error), message: print message sys.exit(1) def puthead(self, dict, list, key): """private, x-form dict entries in list entries""" if dict.has_key(key): list.append(key + ' ' + dict.get(key)) else: return 0 return 1 def sortheads(self): """make list sorting heads, Received: From: To: Subject: first, others, X-*, Resent-* last""" set = ('Received:','From:','To:','Subject:','Date:') # put at top for k in set: self.puthead(self.heads_dict,self.headers,k) for k in self.heads_dict.keys(): if k[:2] != 'X-' and k[:7] != 'Resent-' and k not in set: self.puthead(self.heads_dict,self.headers,k) for k in self.heads_dict.keys(): if k[:2] == 'X-': self.puthead(self.heads_dict,self.headers,k) for k in self.heads_dict.keys(): if k[:7] == 'Resent-': self.puthead(self.heads_dict,self.headers,k) return self.headers def mergeheads(self): """make a unique headers dictionary from NNTP and SMTP single headers dictionaries.""" self.heads_dict = {} try: for header in self.nntpheads.keys(): # fill it w/ nntp old heads self.heads_dict[header] = self.nntpheads[header] for header in self.smtpheads.keys(): # and replace them w/ smtp new heads self.heads_dict[header] = self.smtpheads[header] except KeyError, message: print message return self.heads_dict def addheads(self): """add new header like X-Gateway: Received: """ info = pyginfo.pygsinfo() try: self.heads_dict['X-Gateway:'] = info.PROGNAME + ' ' + \ info.__doc__ + '\n' ##self.heads_dict['X-Gateway:'] = '%s %s\n' % (info.PROGNAME, info.__doc__) # to make Received: header t = time.ctime(time.time()) if time.daylight: tzone = time.tzname[1] else: tzone = time.tzname[0] # An exemple from debian-italian: # Received: from murphy.debian.org (murphy.debian.org []) # by smv04.iname.net (8.9.3/8.9.1SMV2) with SMTP id JAA26407 # for sent by # ; ' + \ t + ' (' + tzone +')\n' self.heads_dict['Received:'] = tmp except KeyError, message: print message return self.heads_dict def renameheads(self): """rename headers such as Newsgroups: to X-Newsgroups: headers renamed are useless or not rfc 822 copliant """ try: if self.heads_dict.has_key('Newsgroups:'): self.heads_dict['X-Newsgroups:'] = self.heads_dict['Newsgroups:'] del self.heads_dict['Newsgroups:'] if self.heads_dict.has_key('NNTP-Posting-Host:'): self.heads_dict['X-NNTP-Posting-Host:'] = self.heads_dict['NNTP-Posting-Host:'] del self.heads_dict['NNTP-Posting-Host:'] except KeyError, message: print message return self.heads_dict def removeheads(self): """remove headers like Xref: Path: Lines: """ try: # removing some others useless headers .... if self.heads_dict.has_key('Approved:'): del self.heads_dict['Approved:'] if self.heads_dict.has_key('From'): # neither 'From ' nor 'From:' del self.heads_dict['From'] if self.heads_dict.has_key('Xref:'): del self.heads_dict['Xref:'] if self.heads_dict.has_key('Path:'): del self.heads_dict['Path:'] if self.heads_dict.has_key('Lines:'): del self.heads_dict['Lines:'] # it is usually set by INN, if ng is moderated... if self.heads_dict.has_key('Sender:'): del self.heads_dict['Sender:'] if self.heads_dict.has_key('Message-id:'): self.heads_dict['Message-Id:'] = self.heads_dict['Message-id'] del(self.heads_dict['Message-id']) if self.heads_dict.has_key('Message-ID:'): self.heads_dict['Message-Id:'] = self.heads_dict['Message-ID'] del(self.heads_dict['Message-ID']) # If message-id is not present, I generate it if not self.heads_dict.has_key('Message-Id:'): # It should put a real user@domain msgid = 'pyg@puppapera.org' except KeyError, message: print message return self.heads_dict def sendarticle(self): """Talk to SMTP server and try to send email.""" try: msglist = [] s = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtpserver) # put real locahost domain name. s.helo(self.hostname) if s.helo_resp is None and s.ehlo_resp is None: print 'No helo resp' sys.exit(1) resp = s.mail(self.envelope) if resp[0] != 250: print 'SMTP error during MAIL cmd: %s %s' % (resp[0], resp[1]) print 'envelope %s gave problem?' % self.envelope sys.exit(1) resp = s.rcpt(self.rcpt) if resp[0] != 250: print 'SMTP error during MAIL cmd: %s %s' % (resp[0], resp[1]) sys.exit(1) msglist.append(string.join(self.headers,'')) msglist.append(string.join(self.body,'')) msg = string.join(msglist,'') s.data(msg) s.quit() return 1 except (smtplib.SMTPException), messaggio: print messaggio sys.exit(1)