// ***************************************************************************** /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Olivier Tilloy * * This file is part of the pyexiv2 distribution. * * pyexiv2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * pyexiv2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with pyexiv2; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* Author: Olivier Tilloy */ // ***************************************************************************** #include "exiv2wrapper.hpp" #include "boost/python/stl_iterator.hpp" #include // Custom error codes for Exiv2 exceptions #define METADATA_NOT_READ 101 #define NON_REPEATABLE 102 #define KEY_NOT_FOUND 103 #define INVALID_VALUE 104 // Custom macros #define CHECK_METADATA_READ \ if (!_dataRead) throw Exiv2::Error(METADATA_NOT_READ); namespace exiv2wrapper { void Image::_instantiate_image() { _exifThumbnail = 0; // If an exception is thrown, it has to be done outside of the // Py_{BEGIN,END}_ALLOW_THREADS block. Exiv2::Error error(0); // Release the GIL to allow other python threads to run // while opening the file. Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS try { if (_data != 0) { _image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(_data, _size); } else { _image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(_filename); } } catch (Exiv2::Error& err) { error = err; } // Re-acquire the GIL Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (error.code() == 0) { assert(_image.get() != 0); _dataRead = false; } else { throw error; } } // Base constructor Image::Image(const std::string& filename) { _filename = filename; _data = 0; _instantiate_image(); } // From buffer constructor Image::Image(const std::string& buffer, unsigned long size) { // Deep copy of the data buffer _data = new Exiv2::byte[size]; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i) { _data[i] = buffer[i]; } _size = size; _instantiate_image(); } // Copy constructor Image::Image(const Image& image) { _filename = image._filename; _instantiate_image(); } Image::~Image() { if (_data != 0) { delete[] _data; } if (_exifThumbnail != 0) { delete _exifThumbnail; } } void Image::readMetadata() { // If an exception is thrown, it has to be done outside of the // Py_{BEGIN,END}_ALLOW_THREADS block. Exiv2::Error error(0); // Release the GIL to allow other python threads to run // while reading metadata. Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS try { _image->readMetadata(); _exifData = &_image->exifData(); _iptcData = &_image->iptcData(); _xmpData = &_image->xmpData(); _dataRead = true; } catch (Exiv2::Error& err) { error = err; } // Re-acquire the GIL Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (error.code() != 0) { throw error; } } void Image::writeMetadata() { CHECK_METADATA_READ // If an exception is thrown, it has to be done outside of the // Py_{BEGIN,END}_ALLOW_THREADS block. Exiv2::Error error(0); // Release the GIL to allow other python threads to run // while writing metadata. Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS try { _image->writeMetadata(); } catch (Exiv2::Error& err) { error = err; } // Re-acquire the GIL Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (error.code() != 0) { throw error; } } unsigned int Image::pixelWidth() const { CHECK_METADATA_READ return _image->pixelWidth(); } unsigned int Image::pixelHeight() const { CHECK_METADATA_READ return _image->pixelHeight(); } std::string Image::mimeType() const { CHECK_METADATA_READ return _image->mimeType(); } boost::python::list Image::exifKeys() { CHECK_METADATA_READ boost::python::list keys; for(Exiv2::ExifMetadata::iterator i = _exifData->begin(); i != _exifData->end(); ++i) { keys.append(i->key()); } return keys; } const ExifTag Image::getExifTag(std::string key) { CHECK_METADATA_READ Exiv2::ExifKey exifKey = Exiv2::ExifKey(key); if(_exifData->findKey(exifKey) == _exifData->end()) { throw Exiv2::Error(KEY_NOT_FOUND, key); } return ExifTag(key, &(*_exifData)[key], _exifData); } void Image::deleteExifTag(std::string key) { CHECK_METADATA_READ Exiv2::ExifKey exifKey = Exiv2::ExifKey(key); Exiv2::ExifMetadata::iterator datum = _exifData->findKey(exifKey); if(datum == _exifData->end()) { throw Exiv2::Error(KEY_NOT_FOUND, key); } _exifData->erase(datum); } boost::python::list Image::iptcKeys() { CHECK_METADATA_READ boost::python::list keys; for(Exiv2::IptcMetadata::iterator i = _iptcData->begin(); i != _iptcData->end(); ++i) { // The key is appended to the list if and only if it is not already // present. if (keys.count(i->key()) == 0) { keys.append(i->key()); } } return keys; } const IptcTag Image::getIptcTag(std::string key) { CHECK_METADATA_READ Exiv2::IptcKey iptcKey = Exiv2::IptcKey(key); if(_iptcData->findKey(iptcKey) == _iptcData->end()) { throw Exiv2::Error(KEY_NOT_FOUND, key); } return IptcTag(key, _iptcData); } void Image::deleteIptcTag(std::string key) { CHECK_METADATA_READ Exiv2::IptcKey iptcKey = Exiv2::IptcKey(key); Exiv2::IptcMetadata::iterator dataIterator = _iptcData->findKey(iptcKey); if (dataIterator == _iptcData->end()) { throw Exiv2::Error(KEY_NOT_FOUND, key); } while (dataIterator != _iptcData->end()) { if (dataIterator->key() == key) { dataIterator = _iptcData->erase(dataIterator); } else { ++dataIterator; } } } boost::python::list Image::xmpKeys() { CHECK_METADATA_READ boost::python::list keys; for(Exiv2::XmpMetadata::iterator i = _xmpData->begin(); i != _xmpData->end(); ++i) { keys.append(i->key()); } return keys; } const XmpTag Image::getXmpTag(std::string key) { CHECK_METADATA_READ Exiv2::XmpKey xmpKey = Exiv2::XmpKey(key); if(_xmpData->findKey(xmpKey) == _xmpData->end()) { throw Exiv2::Error(KEY_NOT_FOUND, key); } return XmpTag(key, &(*_xmpData)[key]); } void Image::deleteXmpTag(std::string key) { CHECK_METADATA_READ Exiv2::XmpKey xmpKey = Exiv2::XmpKey(key); Exiv2::XmpMetadata::iterator i = _xmpData->findKey(xmpKey); if(i != _xmpData->end()) { _xmpData->erase(i); } else throw Exiv2::Error(KEY_NOT_FOUND, key); } const std::string Image::getComment() const { CHECK_METADATA_READ return _image->comment(); } void Image::setComment(const std::string& comment) { CHECK_METADATA_READ _image->setComment(comment); } void Image::clearComment() { CHECK_METADATA_READ _image->clearComment(); } boost::python::list Image::previews() { CHECK_METADATA_READ boost::python::list previews; Exiv2::PreviewManager pm(*_image); Exiv2::PreviewPropertiesList props = pm.getPreviewProperties(); for (Exiv2::PreviewPropertiesList::const_iterator i = props.begin(); i != props.end(); ++i) { previews.append(Preview(pm.getPreviewImage(*i))); } return previews; } void Image::copyMetadata(Image& other, bool exif, bool iptc, bool xmp) const { CHECK_METADATA_READ if (!other._dataRead) throw Exiv2::Error(METADATA_NOT_READ); if (exif) other._image->setExifData(*_exifData); if (iptc) other._image->setIptcData(*_iptcData); if (xmp) other._image->setXmpData(*_xmpData); } std::string Image::getDataBuffer() const { std::string buffer; // Release the GIL to allow other python threads to run // while reading the image data. Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS Exiv2::BasicIo& io = _image->io(); unsigned long size = io.size(); long pos = -1; if (io.isopen()) { // Remember the current position in the stream pos = io.tell(); // Go to the beginning of the stream io.seek(0, Exiv2::BasicIo::beg); } else { io.open(); } // Copy the data buffer in a string. Since the data buffer can contain null // characters ('\x00'), the string cannot be simply constructed like that: // _data = std::string((char*) previewImage.pData()); // because it would be truncated after the first occurence of a null // character. Therefore, it has to be copied character by character. // First allocate the memory for the whole string... buffer.resize(size, ' '); // ... then fill it with the raw data. for (unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i) { io.read((Exiv2::byte*) &buffer[i], 1); } if (pos == -1) { // The stream was initially closed io.close(); } else { // Reset to the initial position in the stream io.seek(pos, Exiv2::BasicIo::beg); } // Re-acquire the GIL Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS return buffer; } Exiv2::ExifThumb* Image::_getExifThumbnail() { CHECK_METADATA_READ if (_exifThumbnail == 0) { _exifThumbnail = new Exiv2::ExifThumb(*_exifData); } return _exifThumbnail; } const std::string Image::getExifThumbnailMimeType() { return std::string(_getExifThumbnail()->mimeType()); } const std::string Image::getExifThumbnailExtension() { return std::string(_getExifThumbnail()->extension()); } void Image::writeExifThumbnailToFile(const std::string& path) { _getExifThumbnail()->writeFile(path); } const std::string Image::getExifThumbnailData() { Exiv2::DataBuf buffer = _getExifThumbnail()->copy(); // Copy the data buffer in a string. Since the data buffer can contain null // characters ('\x00'), the string cannot be simply constructed like that: // data = std::string((char*) buffer.pData_); // because it would be truncated after the first occurence of a null // character. Therefore, it has to be copied character by character. // First allocate the memory for the whole string... std::string data = std::string(buffer.size_, ' '); // ... then fill it with the raw data. for(unsigned int i = 0; i < buffer.size_; ++i) { data[i] = buffer.pData_[i]; } return data; } ExifTag::ExifTag(const std::string& key, Exiv2::Exifdatum* datum, Exiv2::ExifData* data): _key(key) { if (datum != 0 && data != 0) { _datum = datum; _data = data; } else { _datum = new Exiv2::Exifdatum(_key); _data = 0; } const uint16_t tag = _datum->tag(); const Exiv2::IfdId ifd = _datum->ifdId(); _type = Exiv2::TypeInfo::typeName(Exiv2::ExifTags::tagType(tag, ifd)); _name = Exiv2::ExifTags::tagName(tag, ifd); _label = Exiv2::ExifTags::tagLabel(tag, ifd); _description = Exiv2::ExifTags::tagDesc(tag, ifd); _sectionName = Exiv2::ExifTags::sectionName(tag, ifd); _sectionDescription = Exiv2::ExifTags::sectionDesc(tag, ifd); } ExifTag::~ExifTag() { if (_data == 0) { delete _datum; } } void ExifTag::setRawValue(const std::string& value) { int result = _datum->setValue(value); if (result != 0) { throw Exiv2::Error(INVALID_VALUE); } } void ExifTag::setParentImage(Image& image) { Exiv2::ExifData* data = image.getExifData(); if (data == _data) { // The parent image is already the one passed as a parameter. // This happens when replacing a tag by itself. In this case, don’t do // anything (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyexiv2/+bug/622739). return; } _data = data; std::string value = _datum->toString(); delete _datum; _datum = &(*_data)[_key.key()]; _datum->setValue(value); } const std::string ExifTag::getKey() { return _key.key(); } const std::string ExifTag::getType() { return _type; } const std::string ExifTag::getName() { return _name; } const std::string ExifTag::getLabel() { return _label; } const std::string ExifTag::getDescription() { return _description; } const std::string ExifTag::getSectionName() { return _sectionName; } const std::string ExifTag::getSectionDescription() { return _sectionDescription; } const std::string ExifTag::getRawValue() { return _datum->toString(); } const std::string ExifTag::getHumanValue() { return _datum->print(_data); } IptcTag::IptcTag(const std::string& key, Exiv2::IptcData* data): _key(key) { _from_data = (data != 0); if (_from_data) { _data = data; } else { _data = new Exiv2::IptcData(); _data->add(Exiv2::Iptcdatum(_key)); } Exiv2::IptcMetadata::iterator iterator = _data->findKey(_key); const uint16_t tag = iterator->tag(); const uint16_t record = iterator->record(); _type = Exiv2::TypeInfo::typeName(Exiv2::IptcDataSets::dataSetType(tag, record)); _name = Exiv2::IptcDataSets::dataSetName(tag, record); _title = Exiv2::IptcDataSets::dataSetTitle(tag, record); _description = Exiv2::IptcDataSets::dataSetDesc(tag, record); // What is the photoshop name anyway? Where is it used? _photoshopName = Exiv2::IptcDataSets::dataSetPsName(tag, record); _repeatable = Exiv2::IptcDataSets::dataSetRepeatable(tag, record); _recordName = Exiv2::IptcDataSets::recordName(record); _recordDescription = Exiv2::IptcDataSets::recordDesc(record); if (_from_data) { // Check that we are not trying to assign multiple values to a tag that // is not repeatable. unsigned int nb_values = 0; for(Exiv2::IptcMetadata::iterator iterator = _data->begin(); iterator != _data->end(); ++iterator) { if (iterator->key() == key) { ++nb_values; if (!_repeatable && (nb_values > 1)) { throw Exiv2::Error(NON_REPEATABLE); } } } } } IptcTag::~IptcTag() { if (!_from_data) { delete _data; } } void IptcTag::setRawValues(const boost::python::list& values) { if (!_repeatable && (boost::python::len(values) > 1)) { // The tag is not repeatable but we are trying to assign it more than // one value. throw Exiv2::Error(NON_REPEATABLE); } unsigned int index = 0; unsigned int max = boost::python::len(values); Exiv2::IptcMetadata::iterator iterator = _data->findKey(_key); while (index < max) { std::string value = boost::python::extract(values[index++]); if (iterator != _data->end()) { // Override an existing value int result = iterator->setValue(value); if (result != 0) { throw Exiv2::Error(INVALID_VALUE); } // Jump to the next datum matching the key ++iterator; while ((iterator != _data->end()) && (iterator->key() != _key.key())) { ++iterator; } } else { // Append a new value Exiv2::Iptcdatum datum(_key); int result = datum.setValue(value); if (result != 0) { throw Exiv2::Error(INVALID_VALUE); } int state = _data->add(datum); if (state == 6) { throw Exiv2::Error(NON_REPEATABLE); } // Reset iterator that has been invalidated by appending a datum iterator = _data->end(); } } // Erase the remaining values if any while (iterator != _data->end()) { if (iterator->key() == _key.key()) { iterator = _data->erase(iterator); } else { ++iterator; } } } void IptcTag::setParentImage(Image& image) { Exiv2::IptcData* data = image.getIptcData(); if (data == _data) { // The parent image is already the one passed as a parameter. // This happens when replacing a tag by itself. In this case, don’t do // anything (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyexiv2/+bug/622739). return; } const boost::python::list values = getRawValues(); delete _data; _from_data = true; _data = data; setRawValues(values); } const std::string IptcTag::getKey() { return _key.key(); } const std::string IptcTag::getType() { return _type; } const std::string IptcTag::getName() { return _name; } const std::string IptcTag::getTitle() { return _title; } const std::string IptcTag::getDescription() { return _description; } const std::string IptcTag::getPhotoshopName() { return _photoshopName; } const bool IptcTag::isRepeatable() { return _repeatable; } const std::string IptcTag::getRecordName() { return _recordName; } const std::string IptcTag::getRecordDescription() { return _recordDescription; } const boost::python::list IptcTag::getRawValues() { boost::python::list values; for(Exiv2::IptcMetadata::iterator iterator = _data->begin(); iterator != _data->end(); ++iterator) { if (iterator->key() == _key.key()) { values.append(iterator->toString()); } } return values; } XmpTag::XmpTag(const std::string& key, Exiv2::Xmpdatum* datum): _key(key) { _from_datum = (datum != 0); if (_from_datum) { _datum = datum; _exiv2_type = datum->typeName(); } else { _datum = new Exiv2::Xmpdatum(_key); _exiv2_type = Exiv2::TypeInfo::typeName(Exiv2::XmpProperties::propertyType(_key)); } const char* title = Exiv2::XmpProperties::propertyTitle(_key); if (title != 0) { _title = title; } const char* description = Exiv2::XmpProperties::propertyDesc(_key); if (description != 0) { _description = description; } const Exiv2::XmpPropertyInfo* info = Exiv2::XmpProperties::propertyInfo(_key); if (info != 0) { _name = info->name_; _type = info->xmpValueType_; } } XmpTag::~XmpTag() { if (!_from_datum) { delete _datum; } } void XmpTag::setTextValue(const std::string& value) { _datum->setValue(value); } void XmpTag::setArrayValue(const boost::python::list& values) { // Reset the value _datum->setValue(0); for(boost::python::stl_input_iterator iterator(values); iterator != boost::python::stl_input_iterator(); ++iterator) { _datum->setValue(*iterator); } } void XmpTag::setLangAltValue(const boost::python::dict& values) { // Reset the value _datum->setValue(0); for(boost::python::stl_input_iterator iterator(values); iterator != boost::python::stl_input_iterator(); ++iterator) { std::string key = *iterator; std::string value = boost::python::extract(values.get(key)); _datum->setValue("lang=\"" + key + "\" " + value); } } void XmpTag::setParentImage(Image& image) { Exiv2::Xmpdatum* datum = &(*image.getXmpData())[_key.key()]; if (datum == _datum) { // The parent image is already the one passed as a parameter. // This happens when replacing a tag by itself. In this case, don’t do // anything (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyexiv2/+bug/622739). return; } switch (Exiv2::XmpProperties::propertyType(_key)) { case Exiv2::xmpText: { const std::string value = getTextValue(); delete _datum; _from_datum = true; _datum = &(*image.getXmpData())[_key.key()]; setTextValue(value); break; } case Exiv2::xmpAlt: case Exiv2::xmpBag: case Exiv2::xmpSeq: { const boost::python::list value = getArrayValue(); delete _datum; _from_datum = true; _datum = &(*image.getXmpData())[_key.key()]; setArrayValue(value); break; } case Exiv2::langAlt: { const boost::python::dict value = getLangAltValue(); delete _datum; _from_datum = true; _datum = &(*image.getXmpData())[_key.key()]; setLangAltValue(value); break; } default: // Should not happen, this case is here for the sake // of completeness and to avoid compiler warnings. assert(0); } } const std::string XmpTag::getKey() { return _key.key(); } const std::string XmpTag::getExiv2Type() { return _exiv2_type; } const std::string XmpTag::getType() { return _type; } const std::string XmpTag::getName() { return _name; } const std::string XmpTag::getTitle() { return _title; } const std::string XmpTag::getDescription() { return _description; } const std::string XmpTag::getTextValue() { return dynamic_cast(&_datum->value())->value_; } const boost::python::list XmpTag::getArrayValue() { std::vector value = dynamic_cast(&_datum->value())->value_; boost::python::list rvalue; for(std::vector::const_iterator i = value.begin(); i != value.end(); ++i) { rvalue.append(*i); } return rvalue; } const boost::python::dict XmpTag::getLangAltValue() { Exiv2::LangAltValue::ValueType value = dynamic_cast(&_datum->value())->value_; boost::python::dict rvalue; for (Exiv2::LangAltValue::ValueType::const_iterator i = value.begin(); i != value.end(); ++i) { rvalue[i->first] = i->second; } return rvalue; } Preview::Preview(const Exiv2::PreviewImage& previewImage) { _mimeType = previewImage.mimeType(); _extension = previewImage.extension(); _size = previewImage.size(); _dimensions = boost::python::make_tuple(previewImage.width(), previewImage.height()); // Copy the data buffer in a string. Since the data buffer can contain null // characters ('\x00'), the string cannot be simply constructed like that: // _data = std::string((char*) previewImage.pData()); // because it would be truncated after the first occurence of a null // character. Therefore, it has to be copied character by character. const Exiv2::byte* pData = previewImage.pData(); // First allocate the memory for the whole string... _data = std::string(_size, ' '); // ... then fill it with the raw data. for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { _data[i] = pData[i]; } } void Preview::writeToFile(const std::string& path) const { std::string filename = path + _extension; std::ofstream fd(filename.c_str(), std::ios::out); fd << _data; fd.close(); } void translateExiv2Error(Exiv2::Error const& error) { // Use the Python 'C' API to set up an exception object const char* message = error.what(); // The type of the Python exception depends on the error code // Warning: this piece of code should be updated in case the error codes // defined by Exiv2 (file 'src/error.cpp') are changed switch (error.code()) { // Exiv2 error codes case 2: // {path}: Call to `{function}' failed: {strerror} // May be raised when reading a file PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, message); break; case 3: // This does not look like a {image type} image // May be raised by readMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 4: // Invalid dataset name `{dataset name}' // May be raised when instantiating an IptcKey from a string PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, message); break; case 5: // Invalid record name `{record name}' // May be raised when instantiating an IptcKey from a string PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, message); break; case 6: // Invalid key `{key}' // May be raised when instantiating an ExifKey, an IptcKey or an // XmpKey from a string PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, message); break; case 7: // Invalid tag name or ifdId `{tag name}', ifdId {ifdId} // May be raised when instantiating an ExifKey from a string PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, message); break; case 8: // Value not set // May be raised when calling value() on a datum PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); break; case 9: // {path}: Failed to open the data source: {strerror} // May be raised by readMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 10: // {path}: Failed to open file ({mode}): {strerror} // May be raised by writeMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 11: // {path}: The file contains data of an unknown image type // May be raised when opening an image PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 12: // The memory contains data of an unknown image type // May be raised when instantiating an image from a data buffer PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 13: // Image type {image type} is not supported // May be raised when creating a new image PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 14: // Failed to read image data // May be raised by readMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 15: // This does not look like a JPEG image // May be raised by readMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 17: // {old path}: Failed to rename file to {new path}: {strerror} // May be raised by writeMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 18: // {path}: Transfer failed: {strerror} // May be raised by writeMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 19: // Memory transfer failed: {strerror} // May be raised by writeMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 20: // Failed to read input data // May be raised by writeMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 21: // Failed to write image // May be raised by writeMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 22: // Input data does not contain a valid image // May be raised by writeMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 23: // Invalid ifdId {ifdId} // May be raised when instantiating an ExifKey from a tag and // IFD item string PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, message); break; case 26: // Offset out of range // May be raised by writeMetadata() (TIFF) PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 27: // Unsupported data area offset type // May be raised by writeMetadata() (TIFF) PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 28: // Invalid charset: `{charset name}' // May be raised when instantiating a CommentValue from a string PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); break; case 29: // Unsupported date format // May be raised when instantiating a DateValue from a string PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); break; case 30: // Unsupported time format // May be raised when instantiating a TimeValue from a string PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); break; case 31: // Writing to {image format} images is not supported // May be raised by writeMetadata() for certain image types PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 32: // Setting {metadata type} in {image format} images is not supported // May be raised when setting certain types of metadata for certain // image types that don't support them PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); break; case 33: // This does not look like a CRW image // May be raised by readMetadata() (CRW) PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; case 35: // No namespace info available for XMP prefix `{prefix}' // May be raised when retrieving property info for an XmpKey PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, message); break; case 36: // No prefix registered for namespace `{namespace}', needed for // property path `{property path}' // May be raised by readMetadata() when reading the XMP data PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, message); break; case 37: // Size of {type of metadata} JPEG segment is larger than // 65535 bytes // May be raised by writeMetadata() (JPEG) PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); break; case 38: // Unhandled Xmpdatum {key} of type {value type} // May be raised by readMetadata() when reading the XMP data PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, message); break; case 39: // Unhandled XMP node {key} with opt={XMP Toolkit option flags} // May be raised by readMetadata() when reading the XMP data PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, message); break; case 40: // XMP Toolkit error {error id}: {error message} // May be raised by readMetadata() when reading the XMP data PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, message); break; case 41: // Failed to decode Lang Alt property {property path} // with opt={XMP Toolkit option flags} // May be raised by readMetadata() when reading the XMP data PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); break; case 42: // Failed to decode Lang Alt qualifier {qualifier path} // with opt={XMP Toolkit option flags} // May be raised by readMetadata() when reading the XMP data PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); break; case 43: // Failed to encode Lang Alt property {key} // May be raised by writeMetadata() PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); break; case 44: // Failed to determine property name from path {property path}, // namespace {namespace} // May be raised by readMetadata() when reading the XMP data PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, message); break; case 45: // Schema namespace {namespace} is not registered with // the XMP Toolkit // May be raised by readMetadata() when reading the XMP data PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); break; case 46: // No namespace registered for prefix `{prefix}' // May be raised when instantiating an XmpKey from a string PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, message); break; case 47: // Aliases are not supported. Please send this XMP packet // to ahuggel@gmx.net `{namespace}', `{property path}', `{value}' // May be raised by readMetadata() when reading the XMP data PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); break; case 48: // Invalid XmpText type `{type}' // May be raised when instantiating an XmpTextValue from a string PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, message); break; case 49: // TIFF directory {TIFF directory name} has too many entries // May be raised by writeMetadata() (TIFF) PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, message); break; // Custom error codes case METADATA_NOT_READ: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "Image metadata has not been read yet"); break; case NON_REPEATABLE: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "Tag is not repeatable"); break; case KEY_NOT_FOUND: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "Tag not set"); break; case INVALID_VALUE: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid value"); break; // Default handler default: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, message); } } } // End of namespace exiv2wrapper