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2 files changed, 51 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index cfcef28..7a509fe 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -13,23 +13,24 @@ Dependencies
pyexiv2 depends on the following libraries:
- * boost.python (http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/index.html)
- * exiv2 (http://www.exiv2.org/)
+ * boost.python (http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/index.html)
+ * exiv2 (http://www.exiv2.org/)
Of course it needs a Python interpreter to run.
Optionally, you can use pygtk or pyqt to easily take advantage of the thumbnail
manipulation methods proposed by pyexiv2 to display those thumbnails.
Building and installing
You will need scons (http://www.scons.org/) to build and install the library.
-To do so, while in the top-level directory (e.g. '/home/johndoe/pyexiv2', which
-should contain a file named 'SConstruct'), run the following commands:
+To do so, while in the top-level directory (e.g. '/home/johndoe/dev/pyexiv2',
+which should contain a file named 'SConstruct'), run the following commands:
- $ scons
- $ scons install # as administrator, e.g. `sudo scons install`
+ $ scons
+ $ scons install # as administrator, e.g. `sudo scons install`
The result of the build is a dynamic library, libpyexiv2.so, that is a Python
module called libpyexiv2. This module is a low-level binding. It is in turn used
@@ -39,12 +40,32 @@ Python modules (e.g. '/usr/lib/python2.4/' under Linux).
To use pyexiv2 in your scripts, simply include the following line:
- import pyexiv2
+ import pyexiv2
It provides a single class, pyexiv2.Image, with all convenient methods for the
manipulation of EXIF and IPTC metadata.
+Please refer to the internal documentation for a guide on how to use pyexiv2.
+In a python interpreter, type:
+ >>> import pyexiv2
+ >>> help(pyexiv2)
+Alternatively, you can generate HTML documentation using python's built-in
+module, pydoc:
+ $ cd doc/
+ $ pydoc -w ../src/pyexiv2.py
+Or using the more complete tool epydoc (http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/):
+ $ epydoc --html -o doc src/pyexiv2.py
@@ -63,3 +84,24 @@ for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with pyexiv2; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+pyexiv2 is free software, meaning that you are encouraged to play with it,
+modify it to suit your needs and contribute.
+The bug tracking system and the main bazaar branch mirror are hosted at
+ https://launchpad.net/pyexiv2
+To checkout the latest version of the code, you need to have bazaar installed
+ $ mkdir dev && cd dev/
+ $ bzr branch http://tilloy.net/branches/pyexiv2
+Feedback, bug reports and patches are welcome!
diff --git a/todo b/todo
index daeccf4..4a791a9 100644
--- a/todo
+++ b/todo
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
todo list
+- When setting a datetime tag value, truncate the useless information (microseconds)
+- Add a 'doc' builder to the SConstruct to build the module's documentation
- Rewrite the exiv2 command-line tool and the test binaries in Python and (Python) scripts to run the same tests that are run to test exiv2
- Write a complete documentation for the binding and it uses
- Write unit tests (http://docs.python.org/lib/module-unittest.html)