.\" $OpenBSD: before-Dd.in,v 1.2 2017/07/04 14:53:26 schwarze Exp $ .if n \{.ds mystring mytext .\} .Dd $Mdocdate$ .Dt IF-BEFORE-DD 1 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm if-before-Dd .Nd end of if block on its own line before Dd .Sh DESCRIPTION In an old version of .Xr mandoc 1 , .Xr mdoc 7 file format autodetection failed when the end of an .Ic if block stood on its own line before the initial .Xr mdoc 7 .Ic Dd macro. The file was mishandled as .Xr man 7 and parsing failed with unknown macro errors. .Pp If the present document looks like a proper .Xr mdoc 7 document and the following display reads .Dq mytext , then the problem did not come back: .Bd -ragged -offset indent \*[mystring] .Ed