.\" $Id$ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2014, 2017, 2018 Ingo Schwarze .\" .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any .\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above .\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. .\" .\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES .\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF .\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR .\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES .\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN .\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF .\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .\" .Dd $Mdocdate$ .Dt MANDOC_HTML 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm mandoc_html .Nd internals of the mandoc HTML formatter .Sh SYNOPSIS .In "html.h" .Ft void .Fn print_gen_decls "struct html *h" .Ft void .Fn print_gen_comment "struct html *h" "struct roff_node *n" .Ft void .Fn print_gen_head "struct html *h" .Ft struct tag * .Fo print_otag .Fa "struct html *h" .Fa "enum htmltag tag" .Fa "const char *fmt" .Fa ... .Fc .Ft void .Fo print_tagq .Fa "struct html *h" .Fa "const struct tag *until" .Fc .Ft void .Fo print_stagq .Fa "struct html *h" .Fa "const struct tag *suntil" .Fc .Ft void .Fo print_text .Fa "struct html *h" .Fa "const char *word" .Fc .Ft char * .Fo html_make_id .Fa "const struct roff_node *n" .Fc .Ft int .Fo html_strlen .Fa "const char *cp" .Fc .Sh DESCRIPTION The mandoc HTML formatter is not a formal library. However, as it is compiled into more than one program, in particular .Xr mandoc 1 and .Xr man.cgi 8 , and because it may be security-critical in some contexts, some documentation is useful to help to use it correctly and to prevent XSS vulnerabilities. .Pp The formatter produces HTML output on the standard output. Since proper escaping is usually required and best taken care of at one central place, the language-specific formatters .Po .Pa *_html.c , see .Sx FILES .Pc are not supposed to print directly to .Dv stdout using functions like .Xr printf 3 , .Xr putc 3 , .Xr puts 3 , or .Xr write 2 . Instead, they are expected to use the output functions declared in .Pa html.h and implemented as part of the main HTML formatting engine in .Pa html.c . .Ss Data structures These structures are declared in .Pa html.h . .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Vt struct html Internal state of the HTML formatter. .It Vt struct tag One entry for the LIFO stack of HTML elements. Members are .Fa "enum htmltag tag" and .Fa "struct tag *next" . .El .Ss Private interface functions The function .Fn print_gen_decls prints the opening .Ao Pf \&? Ic xml ? Ac and .Aq Pf \&! Ic DOCTYPE declarations required for the current document type. .Pp The function .Fn print_gen_comment prints the leading comments, usually containing a Copyright notice and license, as an HTML comment. It is intended to be called right after opening the .Aq Ic HTML element. Pass the first .Dv ROFFT_COMMENT node in .Fa n . .Pp The function .Fn print_gen_head prints the opening .Aq Ic META and .Aq Ic LINK elements for the document .Aq Ic HEAD , using the .Fa style member of .Fa h unless that is .Dv NULL . It uses .Fn print_otag which takes care of properly encoding attributes, which is relevant for the .Fa style link in particular. .Pp The function .Fn print_otag prints the start tag of an HTML element with the name .Fa tag , optionally including the attributes specified by .Fa fmt . If .Fa fmt is the empty string, no attributes are written. Each letter of .Fa fmt specifies one attribute to write. Most attributes require one .Va char * argument which becomes the value of the attribute. The arguments have to be given in the same order as the attribute letters. If an argument is .Dv NULL , the respective attribute is not written. .Bl -tag -width 1n -offset indent .It Cm c Print a .Cm class attribute. This attribute letter can optionally be followed by the modifier letter .Cm T . In that case, a .Cm title attribute with the same value is also printed. .It Cm h Print a .Cm href attribute. This attribute letter can optionally be followed by a modifier letter. If followed by .Cm R , it formats the link as a local one by prefixing a .Sq # character. If followed by .Cm I , it interpretes the argument as a header file name and generates a link using the .Xr mandoc 1 .Fl O Cm includes option. If followed by .Cm M , it takes two arguments instead of one, a manual page name and section, and formats them as a link to a manual page using the .Xr mandoc 1 .Fl O Cm man option. .It Cm i Print an .Cm id attribute. .It Cm \&? Print an arbitrary attribute. This format letter requires two .Vt char * arguments, the attribute name and the value. The name must not be .Dv NULL . .It Cm s Print a .Cm style attribute. If present, it must be the last format letter. In contrast to the other format letters, this one does not yet print the value and does not take an argument. Instead, the rest of the format string consists of pairs of argument type letters and style name letters. .El .Pp Argument type letters each require one argument as follows: .Bl -tag -width 1n -offset indent .It Cm h Requires one .Vt int argument, interpreted as a horizontal length in units of .Dv SCALE_EN . .It Cm s Requires one .Vt char * argument, used as a style value. .It Cm u Requires one .Vt struct roffsu * argument, used as a length. .It Cm w Requires one .Vt char * argument, interpreted as an .Xr mdoc 7 Ns -style width specifier. If the argument is .Dv NULL , nothing is printed for this pair. .Pp The .Cm w argument type letter can optionally be followed by the modifier .Cm + which increases the width by 20% to make even bold text fit and adds three units for padding between columns. .El .Pp Style name letters decide what to do with the preceding argument: .Bl -tag -width 1n -offset indent .It Cm l Set .Cm margin-left to the given length. .It Cm w Set .Cm width to the given length. .It Cm W Set .Cm min-width to the given length. .It Cm \&? The special pair .Cm s? requires two .Vt char * arguments. The first is the style name, the second its value. The style name must not be .Dv NULL . .El .Pp .Fn print_otag uses the private function .Fn print_encode to take care of HTML encoding. If required by the element type, it remembers in .Fa h that the element is open. The function .Fn print_tagq is used to close out all open elements up to and including .Fa until ; .Fn print_stagq is a variant to close out all open elements up to but excluding .Fa suntil . .Pp The function .Fn print_text prints HTML element content. It uses the private function .Fn print_encode to take care of HTML encoding. If the document has requested a non-standard font, for example using a .Xr roff 7 .Ic \ef font escape sequence, .Fn print_text wraps .Fa word in an HTML font selection element using the .Fn print_otag and .Fn print_tagq functions. .Pp The function .Fn html_make_id takes a node containing one or more text children and returns a newly allocated string containing the concatenation of the child strings, with blanks replaced by underscores. If the node .Fa n contains any non-text child node, .Fn html_make_id returns .Dv NULL instead. The caller is responsible for freeing the returned string. .Pp The function .Fn html_strlen counts the number of characters in .Fa cp . It is used as a crude estimate of the width needed to display a string. .Pp The functions .Fn print_eqn , .Fn print_tbl , and .Fn print_tblclose are not yet documented. .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -width mandoc_aux.c -compact .It Pa main.h declarations of public functions for use by the main program, not yet documented .It Pa html.h declarations of data types and private functions for use by language-specific HTML formatters .It Pa html.c main HTML formatting engine and utility functions .It Pa mdoc_html.c .Xr mdoc 7 HTML formatter .It Pa man_html.c .Xr man 7 HTML formatter .It Pa tbl_html.c .Xr tbl 7 HTML formatter .It Pa eqn_html.c .Xr eqn 7 HTML formatter .It Pa out.h declarations of data types and private functions for shared use by all mandoc formatters, not yet documented .It Pa out.c private functions for shared use by all mandoc formatters .It Pa mandoc_aux.h declarations of common mandoc utility functions, see .Xr mandoc 3 .It Pa mandoc_aux.c implementation of common mandoc utility functions .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr mandoc 1 , .Xr mandoc 3 , .Xr man.cgi 8 .Sh AUTHORS .An -nosplit The mandoc HTML formatter was written by .An Kristaps Dzonsons Aq Mt kristaps@bsd.lv . It is maintained by .An Ingo Schwarze Aq Mt schwarze@openbsd.org , who also wrote this manual.