diff options
4 files changed, 11 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/eqn_term.c b/eqn_term.c
index e41ab32e..69c77409 100644
--- a/eqn_term.c
+++ b/eqn_term.c
@@ -90,8 +90,14 @@ eqn_box(struct termp *p, const struct eqn_box *bp)
if (bp->font != EQNFONT_NONE)
term_fontpush(p, fontmap[(int)bp->font]);
- if (bp->text != NULL)
+ if (bp->text != NULL) {
+ if (strchr("!\"'),.:;?]}", *bp->text) != NULL)
+ p->flags |= TERMP_NOSPACE;
term_word(p, bp->text);
+ if (*bp->text != '\0' && strchr("\"'([{",
+ bp->text[strlen(bp->text) - 1]) != NULL)
+ p->flags |= TERMP_NOSPACE;
+ }
/* Special box types. */
diff --git a/regress/eqn/fromto/precedence.out_ascii b/regress/eqn/fromto/precedence.out_ascii
index b7da7180..15a80120 100644
--- a/regress/eqn/fromto/precedence.out_ascii
+++ b/regress/eqn/fromto/precedence.out_ascii
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ NNAAMMEE
ssuubbssuupp--pprreecceeddeennccee - precedence of subscripts and superscripts
- initial text _X_(_a_)^_c^ ; X_aa^_c ; (_X_1^2)_(_a__c^_e)^(_o__r^_s) final text
+ initial text _X_(_a_)^_c^; X_aa^_c; (_X_1^2)_(_a__c^_e)^(_o__r^_s) final text
OpenBSD July 6, 2017 OpenBSD
diff --git a/regress/eqn/over/precedence.out_ascii b/regress/eqn/over/precedence.out_ascii
index 1059b742..0dc9e747 100644
--- a/regress/eqn/over/precedence.out_ascii
+++ b/regress/eqn/over/precedence.out_ascii
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ NNAAMMEE
oovveerr--pprreecceeddeennccee - precedence of the fraction operator
- initial text 1 + _x + (_x^2)/2 + (_x^3)/(2 * 3) ; _a^/_c~ ; aa/cc ;
- sqrt(_a)/sqrt(_c) final text
+ initial text 1 + _x + (_x^2)/2 + (_x^3)/(2 * 3); _a^/_c~; aa/cc; sqrt(_a)/sqrt(_c)
+ final text
OpenBSD July 6, 2017 OpenBSD
diff --git a/regress/eqn/subsup/precedence.out_ascii b/regress/eqn/subsup/precedence.out_ascii
index 65f85d6c..bd4b62c7 100644
--- a/regress/eqn/subsup/precedence.out_ascii
+++ b/regress/eqn/subsup/precedence.out_ascii
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ NNAAMMEE
ssuubbssuupp--pprreecceeddeennccee - precedence of subscripts and superscripts
- initial text (_x^)_(1_)^2- + (_e~)^((_x^)__s<->) ; I_II^_I + I^(II__I) final text
+ initial text (_x^)_(1_)^2- + (_e~)^((_x^)__s<->); I_II^_I + I^(II__I) final text
OpenBSD July 6, 2017 OpenBSD