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<TITLE>mdocml | mdoc macro compiler</TITLE>
<P CLASS="head">
<B>mdocml</B> – mdoc macro compiler
<A NAME="description">Description</A>
<SPAN CLASS="nm">mdocml</SPAN> is a suite of tools compiling <I><A HREF="mdoc.7.html">mdoc</A></I>, the roff macro
package of choice for BSD manual pages, and <I><A HREF="man.7.html">man</A></I>, the predominant historical package for
UNIX manuals. The mission of <SPAN CLASS="nm">mdocml</SPAN> is to deprecate <A
HREF="http://www.gnu.org/software/groff/" CLASS="external">groff</A>, the GNU troff implementation, for displaying <I>mdoc</I>
pages whilst providing token support for <I>man</I>.
Why? groff amounts to over 5 MB of source code, most of which is C++ and all of which is GPL. It runs slowly, produces
uncertain output, and varies in operation from system to system. mdocml strives to fix this (respectively small, C, <A
CLASS="external" HREF="http://www.isc.org/software/license">ISC</A>-licensed, fast and regular).
<SPAN CLASS="nm">mdocml</SPAN> consists of the <A HREF="mandoc.3.html">libmandoc</A> validating compiler and <A
HREF="mandoc.1.html">mandoc</A>, which interfaces with the compiler library to format output for UNIX terminals (with
support for wide-character locales), XHTML, HTML, PostScript, and PDF.
It also includes <A HREF="preconv.1.html">preconv</A>, for recoding multibyte manuals; and <A
HREF="mandocdb.8.html">mandocdb</A>, for indexing manuals.
It is a <A CLASS="external" HREF="http://bsd.lv/">BSD.lv</A> project.
<I>Disambiguation</I>: <SPAN CLASS="nm">mdocml</SPAN> is often referred to by its installed binary, <Q>mandoc</Q>.
<A NAME="sources">Sources</A>
<SPAN CLASS="nm">mdocml</SPAN> is in plain-old ANSI C and should build and run on any UNIX system, although <A
HREF="mandocdb.8.html">mandocdb</A> requires <A CLASS="external"
HREF="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/berkeleydb/overview/index.html">Berkeley Database</A> (this is
installed by default on all BSD operating systems).
To compile <SPAN CLASS="nm">mdocml</SPAN>, run <CODE>make</CODE>, then <CODE>make install</CODE> to install into
Be aware: if you have an existing <A HREF="http://www.gnu.org/software/groff/" CLASS="external">groff</A> installation,
this may overwrite its <B>preconv</B> binary.
The <A HREF="mandocdb.8.html">mandocdb</A> utility is not yet linked to the build. You must run <CODE>make
mandocdb</CODE> to build it (it does not install).
The most current version of <SPAN CLASS="nm">mdocml</SPAN> is <SPAN CLASS="attn">@VERSION@</SPAN>, dated <SPAN
<TABLE WIDTH="100%" SUMMARY="Current Sources">
<COL WIDTH="175">
<TD>Source archive</TD>
<A HREF="/snapshots/mdocml.tar.gz">/snapshots/mdocml.tar.gz</A>
<SMALL>(<A HREF="/snapshots/mdocml.md5">md5</A>)</SMALL>
<TD>Online source</TD>
<A HREF="http://mdocml.bsd.lv/cgi-bin/cvsweb/?cvsroot=mdocml">cvsweb</A>
<TABLE WIDTH="100%" SUMMARY="Downstream Sources">
<COL WIDTH="175">
<TD>DragonFly BSD</TD>
<A HREF="http://gitweb.dragonflybsd.org/dragonfly.git/tree/HEAD:/usr.bin/mandoc"
<A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/textproc/mdocml/"
<A HREF="http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/src/external/bsd/mdocml/"
<A HREF="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/usr.bin/mandoc/"
<TABLE WIDTH="100%" SUMMARY="Archived Sources">
<COL WIDTH="175">
<TD>Source archive</TD>
<A HREF="/snapshots/">/snapshots/</A>
<A NAME="documentation">Documentation</A>
These manuals are generated automatically and refer to the current snapshot.
<TABLE WIDTH="100%" SUMMARY="Documentation">
<COL WIDTH="175">
<TD VALIGN="top"><A HREF="mandoc.1.html">mandoc(1)</A></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top">
format and display UNIX manuals
(<A HREF="mandoc.1.txt">text</A> |
<A HREF="mandoc.1.xhtml">xhtml</A> |
<A HREF="mandoc.1.pdf">pdf</A> |
<A HREF="mandoc.1.ps">postscript</A>)
<TD VALIGN="top"><A HREF="mandocdb.8.html">mandocdb(8)</A></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top">
index UNIX manuals
(<A HREF="mandocdb.8.txt">text</A> |
<A HREF="mandocdb.8.xhtml">xhtml</A> |
<A HREF="mandocdb.8.pdf">pdf</A> |
<A HREF="mandocdb.8.ps">postscript</A>)
<TD VALIGN="top"><A HREF="preconv.1.html">preconv(1)</A></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top">
recode multibyte UNIX manuals
(<A HREF="preconv.1.txt">text</A> |
<A HREF="preconv.1.xhtml">xhtml</A> |
<A HREF="preconv.1.pdf">pdf</A> |
<A HREF="preconv.1.ps">postscript</A>)
<TD VALIGN="top"><A HREF="mandoc.3.html">mandoc(3)</A></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top">
mandoc macro compiler library
(<A HREF="mandoc.3.txt">text</A> |
<A HREF="mandoc.3.xhtml">xhtml</A> |
<A HREF="mandoc.3.pdf">pdf</A> |
<A HREF="mandoc.3.ps">postscript</A>)
<TD VALIGN="top"><A HREF="man.7.html">man(7)</A></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top">
man language reference
(<A HREF="man.7.txt">text</A> |
<A HREF="man.7.xhtml">xhtml</A> |
<A HREF="man.7.pdf">pdf</A> |
<A HREF="man.7.ps">postscript</A>)
<TD VALIGN="top"><A HREF="eqn.7.html">eqn(7)</A></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top">
eqn-mandoc language reference
(<A HREF="eqn.7.txt">text</A> |
<A HREF="eqn.7.xhtml">xhtml</A> |
<A HREF="eqn.7.pdf">pdf</A> |
<A HREF="eqn.7.ps">postscript</A>)
<TD VALIGN="top"><A HREF="mandoc_char.7.html">mandoc_char(7)</A></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top">
mandoc special characters
(<A HREF="mandoc_char.7.txt">text</A> |
<A HREF="mandoc_char.7.xhtml">xhtml</A> |
<A HREF="mandoc_char.7.pdf">pdf</A> |
<A HREF="mandoc_char.7.ps">postscript</A>)
<TD VALIGN="top"><A HREF="mdoc.7.html">mdoc(7)</A></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top">
mdoc language reference
(<A HREF="mdoc.7.txt">text</A> |
<A HREF="mdoc.7.xhtml">xhtml</A> |
<A HREF="mdoc.7.pdf">pdf</A> |
<A HREF="mdoc.7.ps">postscript</A>)
<TD VALIGN="top"><A HREF="roff.7.html">roff(7)</A></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top">
roff-mandoc language reference
(<A HREF="roff.7.txt">text</A> |
<A HREF="roff.7.xhtml">xhtml</A> |
<A HREF="roff.7.pdf">pdf</A> |
<A HREF="roff.7.ps">postscript</A>)
<TD VALIGN="top"><A HREF="tbl.7.html">tbl(7)</A></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top">
tbl-mandoc language reference
(<A HREF="tbl.7.txt">text</A> |
<A HREF="tbl.7.xhtml">xhtml</A> |
<A HREF="tbl.7.pdf">pdf</A> |
<A HREF="tbl.7.ps">postscript</A>)
<A NAME="contact">Contact</A>
Use the mailing lists for bug-reports, patches, questions, etc. (these require subscription). Please check the
<A HREF="http://mdocml.bsd.lv/cgi-bin/cvsweb/TODO?cvsroot=mdocml">TODO</A> for known issues
before posting. Beyond that, contact Kristaps at <A
HREF="http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01M6h_w7twDp58ZgH57eWC_w==&c=Q2DBUt401ePlSeupJFrq_Q==" TITLE="Reveal
this e-mail address">kris...</A>@bsd.lv.
<TABLE WIDTH="100%" SUMMARY="Mailing Lists">
<COL WIDTH="175">
disc<A CLASS="external" TITLE="Reveal this e-mail address"
bug-reports, general questions, and announcements
<SMALL>(<A HREF="/archives/discuss/summary.html">archive</A>)</SMALL>
tec<A CLASS="external" TITLE="Reveal this e-mail address"
patches and system discussions
<SMALL>(<A HREF="/archives/tech/summary.html">archive</A>)</SMALL>
sou<A CLASS="external" TITLE="Reveal this e-mail address"
source commit messages
<SMALL>(<A HREF="/archives/source/summary.html">archive</A>)</SMALL>
<A NAME="news">News</A>
<P CLASS="news">
12-07-2011: version 1.11.4
Bug-fixes and clean-ups across all systems, especially in <INS><A HREF="mandocdb.8.html">mandocdb</A></INS> <DEL>makewhatis</DEL> (note: still not
connected to the general build and must be compiled with <INS><CODE>make mandocdb</CODE></INS> <DEL><CODE>make makewhatis</CODE></DEL>) and the <A
HREF="man.7.html">man</A> parser. This release was significantly assisted by participants in <A CLASS="external"
HREF="http://www.openbsd.org">OpenBSD</A>'s c2k11. Thanks!
<P CLASS="news">
26-05-2011: version 1.11.3
Introduce locale-encoding of output with the <B>-Tlocale</B> output option and Unicode escaped-character input.
See <A HREF="mandoc.1.html">mandoc</A> and <A HREF="mandoc_char.7.html">mandoc_char</A>, respectively, for details.
This allows for non-ASCII characters (e.g., <I>\[u5000]</I>) to be rendered in the locale's encoding, if said
environment supports wide-character encoding (if it does not, <B>-Tascii</B> is used instead).
Locale support can be turned off at compile time by removing <I>-DUSE_WCHAR</I> in the <I>Makefile</I>, in which case
<B>-Tlocale</B> is always a synonym for <B>-Tascii</B>.
Furthermore, multibyte-encoded documents, such as those in UTF-8, may be on-the-fly recoded into <A
HREF="mandoc.1.html">mandoc</A> input by using the newly-added <A HREF="preconv.1.html">preconv</A> utility.
Note: in the future, this feature may be integrated into <A HREF="mandoc.1.html">mandoc</A>.
<P CLASS="news">
12-05-2011: version 1.11.2
Corrected some installation issues in version 1.11.1.
Further migration to <A HREF="mandoc.3.html">libmandoc</A>.
Initial public release (this utility is very much under development) of <INS><A HREF="mandocdb.8.html">mandocdb</A></INS><DEL>makewhatis</DEL>,
initially named mandoc-db.
This utility produces keyword databases of manual content
<A HREF="http://mdocml.bsd.lv/mandoc-tools/index.html">mandoc-tools</A>,
which features semantic querying of manual content.
See <A HREF="http://mdocml.bsd.lv/cgi-bin/cvsweb/index.sgml?cvsroot=mdocml">cvsweb</A> for
historical notes.
<P CLASS="foot">
Copyright © 2008–2011
<A CLASS="external" HREF="http://kristaps.bsd.lv">Kristaps Dzonsons</A>,