path: root/index.sgml
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						<b>mdocml</b> &#8211; mdoc macro compiler
				<td valign="top">

					<span class="nm">mdocml</span> is a suite of tools compiling &#8220;-mdoc&#8221;, the roff macro
					package of choice for BSD manual pages.  The mission of <span class="nm">mdocml</span> is to deprecate
					<a href="" class="external">groff</a>, the GNU roff implementation,
					for displaying -mdoc pages.

					Why?  groff amounts to over 5 MB of source code, most of which is C++ and all of which is GPL.  It runs
					slowly, produces uncertain output, and varies in operation from system to system.  mdocml strives to fix
					this (respectively small, C, ISC-licensed, fast and regular).

					The core of <span class="nm">mdocml</span> is the libmdoc library, a validating scanner-parser producing
					intermediate-form output from -mdoc input.  libmdoc is a simple, fast library operating on memory
					buffers, so it can be used for a variety of front-ends (terminal-based, CGI and so on).  
					The primary front-end is <span class="man">mandoc(1)</span>, which formats -mdoc manuals for display on
					the terminal.  The <span class="man">mandoc(1)</span> utility is intended to deprecate usage of <a
					href="" class="external">groff</a> for displaying mdoc manuals on the

					<span class="attn">Please submit patches, bug reports and suggestions!</span> Although a significant
					implementation exists, work remains for the backend library and especially the front-end utilities.  See
					the <a href="#contact">contact</a> information below for submissions.

					Sources correctly build and install on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and Linux operating systems, tested
					variously on i386, AMD64, alpha and others. 

					The most current version is <span class="attn">@VERSION@</span>, dated 
					<span class="attn">@VDATE@</span>.

					Snapshot source

					CVS sources are checkedout and snapshotted with version updates.  These may be found in the <a
					href="/snapshots/">/snapshots/</a> directory.

					<p class="boxed">
					% cd /tmp<br>
					% ftp -V -o- | tar -zvxf -<br>
					% cd mdocml<br>
					% make all<br>
					% make regress<br>
					# make install

					Snapshot port/pkgsrc

					The source snapshot is automatically converted into OpenBSD, NetBSD and FreeBSD ports at <a
					href="/ports-openbsd/">/ports-openbsd/</a>, <a href="/ports-netbsd/">/ports-netbsd/</a> and <a
					href="/ports-freebsd/">/ports-freebsd/</a>, respectively.  Please read the <a class="external"
					href="">OpenBSD Ports FAQ</a>, the <a class="external"
					href="">NetBSD pkgsrc guide</a> or the <a
					href="">FreeBSD ports
					guide</a>, first.

					OpenBSD port

					<p class="boxed">
					# pkg_delete mdocml<br>
					# cd /usr/ports/textproc/<br>
					# rm -rf mdocml<br>
					# ftp -V -o- | tar -zvxf -<br>
					# cd mdocml<br>
					# make build<br>
					# make install

					NetBSD pkgsrc

					<p class="boxed">
					# pkg_delete mdocml<br>
					# cd /usr/pkgsrc/textproc/<br>
					# rm -rf mdocml<br>
					# ftp -V -o- | tar -zvxf -<br>
					# cd mdocml<br>
					# make build<br>
					# make install

					FreeBSD port

					<p class="boxed">
					# pkg_delete -x mdocml<br>
					# cd /tmp<br>
					# ftp -V -o- | tar -zvxf -<br>
					# cd mdocml<br>
					# make<br>
					# make install

					Please contact Kristaps, kris<a class="external"
					'', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=500,height=300'); return
					false;" title="Reveal this e-mail address">...</a>, with questions, bug reports, patches, and so
					If you'd like to submit patches, please contact us beforehand in case larger changes are pending but not
					checked in.  If making a bug report, please make sure it's repeatable on the most current snapshot.
					<div class="foot">
						Copyright &#169; 2008, 2009 Kristaps D&#382;onsons, $Date$