/*@z25.c:Object Echo:aprint(), cprint(), printnum()@**************************/ /* */ /* THE LOUT DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM (VERSION 3.24) */ /* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2000 Jeffrey H. Kingston */ /* */ /* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */ /* Basser Department of Computer Science */ /* The University of Sydney 2006 */ /* AUSTRALIA */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */ /* any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* */ /* FILE: z25.c */ /* MODULE: Object Echo */ /* EXTERNS: EchoObject(), DebugObject() */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "externs.h" #if DEBUG_ON static int limit; /* column where newline is needed */ static int indent; /* current indent */ static int col; /* current output column */ static FILE *fp; /* current output file */ #define moveright() (indent += 3) #define moveleft() (indent -= 3) /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* static aprint(x) */ /* static cprint(x) */ /* */ /* Print the ASCII or FULL_CHAR string x onto the appropriate output. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static void cprint(FULL_CHAR *x) { col += StringLength(x); if( fp == null ) AppendString(x); else StringFPuts(x, fp); } /* end print */ static void aprint(char *x) { cprint(AsciiToFull(x)); } /* end aprint */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* static printnum(x) */ /* */ /* Print the number x onto the appropriate output. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static void printnum(int x) { cprint(StringInt(x)); } /* end printnum */ /*@::tab(), newline(), space()@***********************************************/ /* */ /* static tab(x) */ /* */ /* Tab to column x, or anyway insert at least one space. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static void tab(int x) { do aprint(" "); while( col < x ); } /* end tab */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* static newline() */ /* */ /* Echo a newline to the appropriate output (unless output is a string). */ /* Correct indenting and right limits are maintained, if possible. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static void newline(void) { if( fp == null ) AppendString(STR_SPACE); else { fputs("\n", fp); fflush(fp); for( col = 0; col < indent; col++ ) fputs(" ", fp); } } /* end newline */ /*@::echo()@******************************************************************/ /* */ /* static echo(x, outer_prec, count) */ /* */ /* Echo x. The result will be enclosed in braces only if its precedence */ /* is less than or equal to outer_prec (words and parameterless closures */ /* are taken to have infinite precedence, i.e. never enclosed in braces). */ /* */ /* x is child number count of its parent. Used by COL_THR and ROW_THR */ /* only. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static void echo(OBJECT x, unsigned outer_prec, int count) { OBJECT link, y, tmp, sym, z; char *op; int prec, i, childcount, ycount; BOOLEAN npar_seen, name_printed, lbr_printed, braces_needed; switch( type(x) ) { case DEAD: aprint("#dead"); break; case UNDER_REC: aprint("#under_rec"); break; case UNATTACHED: aprint( "#unattached " ); moveright(); if( Down(x) != x ) { CountChild(y, Down(x), count); if( y != x ) echo(y, NO_PREC, count); else aprint(""); } else aprint(""); moveleft(); break; case SCALE_IND: case COVER_IND: case EXPAND_IND: case GALL_PREC: case GALL_FOLL: case GALL_FOLL_OR_PREC: case GALL_TARG: case CROSS_PREC: case CROSS_FOLL: case CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC: case CROSS_TARG: case RECURSIVE: case PAGE_LABEL_IND: /* aprint("#"); cprint(Image(type(x))); aprint(" "); */ echo(actual(x), NO_PREC, 1); break; case RECEPTIVE: case RECEIVING: aprint(type(x) == RECEIVING ? "#receiving " : "#receptive "); if( external_ver(actual(x)) ) aprint("(external_ver) "); if( external_hor(actual(x)) ) aprint("(external_hor) "); if( threaded(actual(x)) ) aprint("(threaded) "); if( blocked(x) ) aprint("(blocked) " ); if( trigger_externs(x) ) aprint("(trigger_externs) " ); if( non_blocking(x) ) aprint("(non_blocking) " ); cprint( type(actual(x)) == CLOSURE ? SymName(actual(actual(x))) : Image(type(actual(x))) ); aprint(" "); for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { CountChild(y, link, count); moveright(); echo(y, NO_PREC, count); moveleft(); } break; case PRECEDES: aprint("#precedes"); break; case FOLLOWS: aprint("#follows"); if( blocked(x) ) aprint(" (blocked)"); CountChild(y, Down(x), count); if( Up(y) == LastUp(y) ) aprint(" (no precedes!)"); break; case HEAD: aprint("Galley "); cprint(SymName(actual(x))); aprint(" into "); cprint(SymName(whereto(x))); for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { CountChild(y, link, count); newline(); echo(y, type(y) == GAP_OBJ ? VCAT : VCAT_PREC, count); } break; case ROW_THR: aprint("{R "); for( i=0, link = Down(x); link != x && i < count ; link = NextDown(link), i++ ); if( link != x ) { CountChild(y, link, count); echo(y, VCAT_PREC, count); /* newline(); */ } aprint(" R}"); break; /* *** case COL_THR: aprint("{C "); for( i=0, link = Down(x); link != x && i < count ; link = NextDown(link), i++ ); if( link != x ) { CountChild(y, link, count); echo(y, HCAT_PREC, count); } aprint(" C}"); break; *** */ case COL_THR: aprint("{C "); newline(); for( i=1, link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link), i++ ) { if( i == count ) aprint("C@ "); else aprint("C: "); CountChild(y, link, ycount); echo(y, HCAT_PREC, ycount); newline(); } aprint(" C}"); break; case HSPANNER: aprint("{HS "); CountChild(y, Down(x), count); echo(y, NO_PREC, count); aprint(" HS}"); break; case VSPANNER: aprint("{VS "); CountChild(y, Down(x), count); echo(y, NO_PREC, count); aprint(" VS}"); break; case THREAD: aprint(""); break; case VCAT: op = "/", prec = VCAT_PREC; goto ETC; case HCAT: op = "|", prec = HCAT_PREC; goto ETC; ETC: if( Down(x) == x ) { aprint(op); aprint(""); break; } if( prec <= outer_prec ) aprint("{ "); /* *** if( Down(x) == LastDown(x) ) aprint(op); must be manifested */ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { CountChild(y, link, count); if( is_index(type(y)) ) newline(); else if( (type(y) == GAP_OBJ && type(x) != ACAT) ) newline(); if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ ) echo(y, type(x), count); else echo(y, prec, count); } if( prec <= outer_prec ) aprint(" }"); break; case ACAT: op = "&", prec = ACAT_PREC; childcount = 0; aprint("[[ "); for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { CountChild(y, link, count); if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ ) { echo(y, ACAT, count); continue; } childcount++; aprint("["); echo(y, prec, count); aprint("]"); /* *** if( link == Down(x) || link == LastDown(x) ) echo(y, prec, count); else if( NextDown(NextDown(link)) == LastDown(x) ) { sprintf(buff, " ++%d++ ", childcount+1); aprint(buff); } *** */ } aprint(" ]]"); break; case GAP_OBJ: /* in this case the outer_prec argument is VCAT, HCAT or ACAT */ if( Down(x) != x ) { if( outer_prec == ACAT ) aprint(" "); cprint( EchoCatOp(outer_prec, mark(gap(x)), join(gap(x))) ); CountChild(y, Down(x), count); echo(y, FORCE_PREC, count); aprint(" "); } /* *** else if( outer_prec == ACAT ) { for( i = 1; i <= vspace(x); i++ ) newline(); for( i = 1; i <= hspace(x); i++ ) aprint(" "); } *** */ else { cprint( EchoCatOp(outer_prec, mark(gap(x)), join(gap(x))) ); cprint( EchoGap(&gap(x)) ); aprint(" "); } break; case WORD: if( StringLength(string(x)) == 0 ) aprint("{}"); else { aprint("\""); cprint( string(x) ); aprint("\""); } break; case QWORD: cprint( StringQuotedWord(x) ); break; case ENV: /* debug only */ aprint("<"); for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { CountChild(y, link, count); if( type(y) == CLOSURE ) { cprint( SymName(actual(y)) ); if( LastDown(y) != y ) echo(GetEnv(y), NO_PREC, count); } else if( type(y) == ENV ) echo(y, NO_PREC, count); else cprint(Image(type(y))); if( NextDown(link) != x ) aprint(" "); } aprint(">"); break; case CROSS: case FORCE_CROSS: assert( Down(x) != x, "echo: CROSS Down(x)!" ); CountChild(y, Down(x), count); if( type(y) == CLOSURE ) cprint(SymName(actual(y))); else { cprint(KW_LBR); echo(y, NO_PREC, count); cprint(KW_RBR); } cprint(Image(type(x))); /* *** cprint(KW_CROSS); aprint("<"); cprint(Image(cross_type(x))); aprint(">"); *** */ aprint(" "); if( NextDown(Down(x)) != x ) { CountChild(y, NextDown(Down(x)), count); echo(y, NO_PREC, count); } else aprint("??"); break; case CLOSURE: sym = actual(x); braces_needed = precedence(sym) <= outer_prec && (has_lpar(sym) || has_rpar(sym)); /* print brace if needed */ if( braces_needed ) aprint("{ "); npar_seen = FALSE; name_printed = FALSE; for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { CountChild(y, link, count); if( type(y) == PAR ) { assert( Down(y) != y, "EchoObject: Down(PAR)!" ); switch( type(actual(y)) ) { case LPAR: Child(tmp, Down(y)); echo(tmp, (unsigned) precedence(sym), 1); aprint(" "); break; case NPAR: if( !name_printed ) { cprint(SymName(sym)); aprint("%"); cprint(SymName(enclosing(sym))); if( external_ver(x) || external_hor(x) || threaded(x) ) { aprint(" #"); if( external_ver(x) ) aprint(" external_ver"); if( external_hor(x) ) aprint(" external_hor"); if( threaded(x) ) aprint(" threaded"); newline(); } name_printed = TRUE; } newline(); aprint(" "); cprint( SymName(actual(y)) ); aprint(" { "); Child(tmp, Down(y)); echo(tmp, NO_PREC, 1); aprint(" }"); npar_seen = TRUE; break; case RPAR: if( !name_printed ) { cprint(SymName(sym)); aprint("%"); cprint(SymName(enclosing(sym))); if( external_ver(x) || external_hor(x) || threaded(x) ) { aprint(" #"); if( external_ver(x) ) aprint(" external_ver"); if( external_hor(x) ) aprint(" external_hor"); if( threaded(x) ) aprint(" threaded"); newline(); } name_printed = TRUE; } if( npar_seen ) newline(); else aprint(" "); Child(tmp, Down(y)); if( has_body(sym) ) { aprint("{ "); echo(tmp, NO_PREC, 1); aprint(" }"); } else echo(tmp, (unsigned) precedence(sym), 1); break; default: assert1(FALSE, "echo:", Image(type(actual(y)))); break; } } } if( !name_printed ) { cprint( SymName(sym) ); aprint("%"); cprint(SymName(enclosing(sym))); if( external_ver(x) || external_hor(x) || threaded(x) ) { aprint(" #"); if( external_ver(x) ) aprint(" external_ver"); if( external_hor(x) ) aprint(" external_hor"); if( threaded(x) ) aprint(" threaded"); newline(); } } /* print closing brace if needed */ if( braces_needed ) aprint(" }"); break; case SPLIT: /* this should occur only in debug output case */ cprint(KW_SPLIT); moveright(); CountChild(y, DownDim(x, COLM), count); aprint(" COLM:"); echo(y, FORCE_PREC, count); newline(); /* *** Child(y, DownDim(x, ROWM)); aprint(" ROWM:"); echo(y, FORCE_PREC); *** */ moveleft(); break; case PAR: /* this should occur only in debug output case */ aprint("par "); cprint(SymName(actual(x))); break; case CR_LIST: aprint("("); for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { CountChild(y, link, count); echo(y, NO_PREC, count); if( NextDown(link) != x ) aprint(", "); } aprint(")"); break; case MACRO: newline(); cprint(KW_MACRO); aprint(" "); cprint(SymName(x)); if( sym_body(x) != nilobj ) { newline(); cprint(KW_LBR); y = sym_body(x); do { for( i = 1; i <= vspace(y); i++ ) newline(); for( i = 1; i <= hspace(y); i++ ) aprint(" "); cprint(EchoToken(y)); y = succ(y, PARENT); } while( y != sym_body(x) ); newline(); cprint(KW_RBR); } else aprint(" {}"); if( visible(x) ) aprint(" # (visible)"); break; case NPAR: case LOCAL: /* print predefined operators in abbreviated form */ if( sym_body(x) == nilobj && enclosing(x) != nilobj ) { tab(3); aprint("# sys "); cprint(SymName(x)); break; } /* print def line and miscellaneous debug info */ if( type(x) == LOCAL ) newline(); cprint(type(x) == NPAR ? KW_NAMED : KW_DEF); aprint(" "); cprint( SymName(x) ); if( recursive(x) || indefinite(x) || visible(x) || is_extern_target(x) || uses_extern_target(x) || uses_galley(x) ) { tab(25); aprint("#"); if( visible(x) ) aprint(" visible"); if( recursive(x) ) aprint(" recursive"); if( indefinite(x) ) aprint(" indefinite"); if( is_extern_target(x) ) aprint(" is_extern_target"); if( uses_extern_target(x) ) aprint(" uses_extern_target"); if( uses_galley(x) ) aprint(" uses_galley"); } /* print uses list, if necessary */ if( uses(x) != nilobj || dirty(x) ) { newline(); aprint(" # "); if( dirty(x) ) aprint("dirty, "); aprint("uses"); if( uses(x) != nilobj ) { tmp = next(uses(x)); do { aprint(" "), cprint( SymName(item(tmp)) ); tmp = next(tmp); } while( tmp != next(uses(x)) ); } /* *** for( tmp = uses(x); tmp != nilobj; tmp = next(tmp) ) { aprint(" "), cprint( SymName(item(tmp)) ); } *** */ } /* print precedence, if necessary */ if( precedence(x) != DEFAULT_PREC ) { newline(); aprint(" "); cprint(KW_PRECEDENCE); aprint(" "); printnum(precedence(x)); } /* print associativity, if necessary */ if( !right_assoc(x) ) { newline(); aprint(" "); cprint(KW_ASSOC); aprint(" "); cprint(KW_LEFT); } /* print named parameters and local objects */ lbr_printed = FALSE; for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { CountChild(y, link, count); assert( enclosing(y) == x, "echo: enclosing(y) != x!" ); switch( type(y) ) { case LPAR: case RPAR: newline(); aprint(" "); cprint( type(y) == LPAR ? KW_LEFT : has_body(x) ? KW_BODY : KW_RIGHT); aprint(" "); cprint( SymName(y) ); aprint(" # uses_count = "); printnum(uses_count(y)); if( visible(y) ) aprint(" (visible)"); break; case NPAR: moveright(); newline(); echo(y, NO_PREC, count); aprint(" # uses_count = "); printnum(uses_count(y)); moveleft(); break; case MACRO: case LOCAL: if( !lbr_printed ) { newline(); cprint(KW_LBR); lbr_printed = TRUE; } moveright(); echo(y, NO_PREC, count); moveleft(); newline(); break; default: assert1(FALSE, "echo:", Image(type(y))); break; } } if( type(x) == NPAR && Down(x) == x ) aprint(" "); else newline(); if( !lbr_printed ) { cprint(KW_LBR); aprint(" "); lbr_printed = TRUE; } else aprint(" "); /* print body */ moveright(); if( sym_body(x) != nilobj ) echo(sym_body(x), NO_PREC, 1); moveleft(); if( type(x) == LOCAL ) newline(); cprint(KW_RBR); break; case BEGIN_HEADER: case SET_HEADER: case ONE_COL: case ONE_ROW: case HCONTRACT: case VCONTRACT: case HLIMITED: case VLIMITED: case HEXPAND: case VEXPAND: case START_HVSPAN: case START_HSPAN: case START_VSPAN: case PADJUST: case HADJUST: case VADJUST: case HSCALE: case VSCALE: case HCOVER: case VCOVER: case COMMON: case RUMP: case MELD: case INSERT: case ONE_OF: case NEXT: case PLUS: case MINUS: case WIDE: case HIGH: case HSHIFT: case VSHIFT: case INCGRAPHIC: case SINCGRAPHIC: case PLAIN_GRAPHIC: case GRAPHIC: case LINK_SOURCE: case LINK_DEST: case ROTATE: case BACKGROUND: case SCALE: case KERN_SHRINK: case CASE: case YIELD: case XCHAR: case FONT: case SPACE: case YUNIT: case ZUNIT: case BREAK: case UNDERLINE: case COLOUR: case OUTLINE: case LANGUAGE: case OPEN: case TAGGED: case ENV_OBJ: /* print enclosing left brace if needed */ braces_needed = (DEFAULT_PREC <= outer_prec); if( braces_needed ) cprint(KW_LBR), aprint(" "); /* print left parameter */ if( Down(x) != LastDown(x) ) { CountChild(y, Down(x), count); echo(y, find_max(outer_prec, DEFAULT_PREC), count); aprint(" "); } cprint(Image(type(x))); /* print right parameter */ assert( LastDown(x) != x, "echo: right parameter of predefined!" ); aprint(" "); CountChild(y, LastDown(x), count); echo(y, type(x)==OPEN ? FORCE_PREC : find_max(outer_prec,DEFAULT_PREC), count); if( braces_needed ) aprint(" "), cprint(KW_RBR); break; case RAW_VERBATIM: case VERBATIM: cprint(type(x) == VERBATIM ? KW_VERBATIM : KW_RAWVERBATIM); aprint(" "); cprint(KW_LBR); CountChild(y, Down(x), count); if( type(y) == WORD ) { cprint(string(y)); } else { newline(); for( link = Down(y); link != y; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(z, link) cprint(string(z)); newline(); } } cprint(KW_RBR); break; case CURR_LANG: case CURR_FAMILY: case CURR_FACE: case CURR_YUNIT: case CURR_ZUNIT: case BACKEND: case PAGE_LABEL: case HSPAN: case VSPAN: case END_HEADER: case CLEAR_HEADER: /* predefined symbols that have (or may have) no parameters */ cprint(Image(type(x))); break; case FILTERED: aprint("[filtered "); if( Down(x) != x ) { Child(y, Down(x)); if( type(y) != WORD ) cprint(Image(type(y))); else cprint(string(y)); } else aprint("?"); aprint("]"); break; case NULL_CLOS: cprint(Image(type(x))); break; case CR_ROOT: for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { CountChild(y, link, count); echo(y, NO_PREC, count); newline(); } break; case CROSS_SYM: aprint("Cross-references for "); cprint(SymName(symb(x))); newline(); switch( target_state(x) ) { case 0: aprint("NO_TARGET"); break; case 1: aprint("SEEN_TARGET "); printnum(target_seq(x)); aprint(": "); echo(target_val(x), NO_PREC, 1); break; case 2: aprint("WRITTEN_TARGET "); printnum(target_seq(x)); aprint(": to file "); cprint(FileName(target_file(x))); aprint(" at "); printnum(target_pos(x)); break; default: aprint("ILLEGAL!"); break; } newline(); for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); aprint(" "); cprint(Image(cs_type(y))); aprint(": "); cprint(string(y)); newline(); } break; default: assert1(FALSE, "echo:", Image(type(x))); break; } /* end switch */ } /* end echo */ /*@::EchoObject(), DebugObject()@*********************************************/ /* */ /* FULL_CHAR *EchoObject(x) */ /* */ /* Return an image of unsized object x in result. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ FULL_CHAR *EchoObject(OBJECT x) { debug0(DOE, D, "EchoObject()"); fp = null; col = 0; indent = 0; limit = 60; if( fp == null ) BeginString(); if( x == nilobj ) AppendString(AsciiToFull("")); else echo(x, type(x) == GAP_OBJ ? VCAT : 0, 1); debug0(DOE, D, "EchoObject returning"); return EndString(); } /* end EchoObject */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* DebugObject(x) */ /* */ /* Send an image of unsized object x to result. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ void DebugObject(OBJECT x) { debug0(DOE, D, "DebugObject()"); fp = stderr; col = 0; indent = 0; limit = 60; if( x == nilobj ) fprintf(stderr, ""); else echo(x, type(x) == GAP_OBJ ? VCAT : 0, 1); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); debug0(DOE, D, "DebugObject returning"); } /* end DebugObject */ /*@::EchoIndex()@*************************************************************/ /* */ /* FULL_CHAR *EchoIndex() */ /* */ /* Echo a component of a galley, briefly. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ FULL_CHAR *EchoIndex(OBJECT index) { static char buff[MAX_BUFF]; OBJECT z; if( index == nilobj ) { sprintf(buff, ""); } else switch( type(index) ) { case RECEIVING: sprintf(buff, "receiving %s%s", type(actual(index)) == CLOSURE ? SymName(actual(actual(index))) : Image(type(actual(index))), non_blocking(index) ? " (non_blocking)" : ""); break; case RECEPTIVE: sprintf(buff, "receptive %s%s", type(actual(index)) == CLOSURE ? SymName(actual(actual(index))) : Image(type(actual(index))), non_blocking(index) ? " (non_blocking)" : ""); break; case UNATTACHED: if( Down(index) != index ) { Child(z, Down(index)); } else z = nilobj; sprintf(buff, "unattached %s", z == nilobj ? AsciiToFull("") : SymName(actual(z))); break; case WORD: case QWORD: sprintf(buff, "\"%s\"", string(index)); break; default: sprintf(buff, "%s", Image(type(index))); break; } return AsciiToFull(buff); } /* end EchoIndex */ /*@::DebugGalley()@***********************************************************/ /* */ /* DebugGalley(hd, pinpt, indent) */ /* */ /* Print overview of galley hd on stderr; mark pinpoint if found */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define eprint(x, a, b, c) fprintf(stderr, "| %d %-7s %20s %s\n", x, a, b, c) void DebugGalley(OBJECT hd, OBJECT pinpt, int indent) { OBJECT link, y; char istr[30]; int i; for( i = 0; i < indent; i++ ) istr[i] = ' '; istr[i] = '\0'; if( type(hd) != HEAD ) { fprintf(stderr, "%shd is %s\n", istr, Image(type(hd))); return; } fprintf(stderr, "%sgalley %s into %s\n", istr, SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd))); for( link = Down(hd); link != hd; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( y == pinpt || link == pinpt ) { fprintf(stderr, "++ %d %s ", (int) y, Image(type(y))); DebugObject(y); } else if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ ) eprint((int) y, "gap_obj", Image(type(y)), EchoGap(&gap(y))); else if( is_index(type(y)) ) eprint((int) y, "index", Image(type(y)), ""); else if( is_definite(type(y)) ) eprint((int) y, "def_obj", Image(type(y)), is_word(type(y)) ? string(y):STR_EMPTY); else if( is_indefinite(type(y)) ) eprint((int) y, "indefin", Image(type(y)), type(y) == CLOSURE ? SymName(actual(y)) : STR_EMPTY); else eprint((int) y, "unknown", Image(type(y)), ""); } } /* end DebugGalley */ #endif