/*@z16.c:Size Adjustment:SetNeighbours(), CatAdjustSize()@********************/ /* */ /* THE LOUT DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM (VERSION 3.41) */ /* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2023 Jeffrey H. Kingston */ /* */ /* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */ /* School of Information Technologies */ /* The University of Sydney 2006 */ /* AUSTRALIA */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 3, or (at your option) */ /* any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* */ /* FILE: z16.c */ /* MODULE: Size Adjustment */ /* EXTERNS: FindShift(), SetNeighbours(), AdjustSize() */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "externs.h" #include "child.h" #include "parent.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* FULL_LENGTH FindShift(x, y, dim) */ /* */ /* x = @HShift y or @VShift y depending on dim. FindShift returns the */ /* length of the shift measured from the mark of y to the mark of x. */ /* This is negative if the mark of y is to the right of the mark of x. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ FULL_LENGTH FindShift(OBJECT x, OBJECT y, int dim) { FULL_LENGTH len = 0, res = 0; /* initial values unused */ debug4(DSF, DD, "FindShift(%s, %s %s, %s)", Image(type(x)), Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y), dimen(dim)); /* first determine the magnitude of the shift */ switch( units(shift_gap(x)) ) { case FIXED_UNIT: len = width(shift_gap(x)); break; case NEXT_UNIT: len = (size(y, dim) * width(shift_gap(x))) / FR; break; default: assert(FALSE, "FindShift: units"); break; } /* then calculate the shift depending on the shift type */ switch( shift_type(x) ) { case GAP_ABS: res = len - back(y, dim); break; case GAP_INC: res = len; break; case GAP_DEC: res = - len; break; default: assert(FALSE, "FindShift: type"); break; } debug1(DSF, DD, "FindShift returning %s", EchoLength(res)); return res; } /* end FindShift */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* SetNeighbours(link, ratm, pg, pdef, sg, sdef, side) */ /* */ /* This is a utility routine used by CatConstrained(), AdjustSize(), */ /* BreakTable() and FlushGalley() for calculating size updates in objects. */ /* Assuming that link is the link of a component of a VCAT etc., and that */ /* ratm is TRUE if there is a marked component to the right of link, set */ /* */ /* pg to the gap separating link from the first definite object */ /* to the left, or nilobj if none. If pg != nilobj, set pdef to */ /* the preceding definite object; else pdef is undefined. */ /* */ /* sg to the gap separating link from the first definite object */ /* to the right, or nilobj if none. if sg != nilobj, set sdef to */ /* the succeeding definite object; else sdef is undefined. */ /* */ /* side to the side of the mark link is on; either BACK, ON or FWD. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ void SetNeighbours(OBJECT link, BOOLEAN ratm, OBJECT *pg, OBJECT *pdef, OBJECT *sg, OBJECT *sdef, int *side) { OBJECT plink, slink; /* find preceding definite; if it exists, set *pg */ *pg = nilobj; for( plink = PrevDown(link); type(plink) == LINK; plink = PrevDown(plink) ) { Child(*pdef, plink); if( type(*pdef) == SPLIT ? SplitIsDefinite(*pdef) : is_definite(type(*pdef)) ) { Child(*pg, PrevDown(link)); while( is_index(type(*pg)) ) { link = PrevDown(link); Child(*pg, PrevDown(link)); } assert( type(*pg) == GAP_OBJ, "SetNeighbours: type(*pg)!" ); break; } } /* find succeeding definite; if it exists, set *sg */ *sg = nilobj; for( slink = NextDown(link); type(slink) == LINK; slink = NextDown(slink) ) { Child(*sdef, slink); if( type(*sdef) == SPLIT ? SplitIsDefinite(*sdef) : is_definite(type(*sdef)) ) { Child(*sg, PrevDown(slink)); while( is_index(type(*sg)) ) { slink = PrevDown(slink); Child(*sg, PrevDown(slink)); } assert( type(*sg) == GAP_OBJ, "SetNeighbours: type(*sg)!" ); break; } } *side = ratm ? BACK : *pg == nilobj || mark(gap(*pg)) ? ON : FWD; debug4(DSA, DD, "SetNeighbours: ratm == %s, pg %s nilobj, sg %s nilobj, side == %s", bool(ratm), *pg == nilobj ? "==" : "!=", *sg == nilobj ? "==" : "!=", *side == BACK ? "BACK" : *side == ON ? "ON" : "FWD"); } /* end SetNeighbours */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* static CatAdjustSize(x, b, f, ratm, y, dim) */ /* */ /* Adjust the size of x to be *b, *f. Object x is known to lie in add-set */ /* y; ratm is TRUE iff there is a mark to the right of x. Return the */ /* new size of y in *b, *f. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static void CatAdjustSize(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH *b, FULL_LENGTH *f, BOOLEAN ratm, OBJECT y, int dim) { OBJECT link; OBJECT pg, prec_def, sg, sd; FULL_LENGTH beffect, feffect, seffect; int side; int bb = 0, ff = 0; /* initial values unused */ debug6(DSA, DD, "CatAdjustSize(%s x, %s, %s, %s, %s y, %s)", Image(type(x)), EchoLength(*b), EchoLength(*f), bool(ratm), Image(type(y)), dimen(dim)); debug2(DSA,DD, "x(%s,%s) =", EchoLength(back(x,dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x,dim))); ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(x)); debug2(DSA,DD, "y(%s,%s) =", EchoLength(back(y,dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y,dim))); ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(y)); /* DO_ADJUST ACAT is a special case because adjustment affects its size */ if( dim==COLM && type(y)==ACAT && display_style(save_style(y)) == DO_ADJUST ) { back(x, dim) = *b; fwd(x, dim) = *f; *b = back(y, dim); *f = fwd(y, dim); debug2(DSA, DD, "CatAdjustSize ACAT %s,%s", EchoLength(*b), EchoLength(*f)); return; } link = UpDim(x, dim); SetNeighbours(link, ratm, &pg, &prec_def, &sg, &sd, &side); { ifdebug(DSA, DD, if( pg != nilobj && mode(gap(pg)) == NO_MODE ) { debug1(DSA, DD, "NO_MODE gap pg, is_indefinite(x) == %s, y =", bool(is_indefinite(type(x))) ); ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(y)); } if( sg != nilobj && mode(gap(sg)) == NO_MODE ) { debug1(DSA, DD, "NO_MODE gap sg, is_indefinite(x) == %s, y =", bool(is_indefinite(type(x))) ); ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(y)); } ); } if( is_indefinite(type(x)) ) { beffect = pg == nilobj ? *b : MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), *b, *f, &gap(pg)); feffect = sg == nilobj ? *f : MinGap(*f, back(sd, dim), fwd(sd, dim), &gap(sg)); seffect = pg == nilobj ? sg == nilobj ? 0 : back(sd, dim) : sg == nilobj ? fwd(prec_def, dim) : MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(sd,dim), fwd(sd,dim), &gap(sg)); } else /* !is_indefinite(type(x)) */ { beffect = pg == nilobj ? *b - back(x, dim) : MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), *b, *f, &gap(pg)) - MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(x, dim), fwd(x, dim), &gap(pg)); feffect = sg == nilobj ? *f - fwd(x, dim) : MinGap(*f, back(sd, dim), fwd(sd, dim), &gap(sg)) - MinGap(fwd(x, dim), back(sd, dim), fwd(sd, dim), &gap(sg)); seffect = 0; } debug3(DSA, D, " pg = %s, sg = %s, side = %s", pg == nilobj ? AsciiToFull("") : EchoGap(&gap(pg)), sg == nilobj ? AsciiToFull("") : EchoGap(&gap(sg)), Image(side)); debug3(DSA, D, " beffect = %s, feffect = %s, seffect = %s", EchoLength(beffect), EchoLength(feffect), EchoLength(seffect)); back(x, dim) = *b; fwd(x, dim) = *f; switch( side ) { case BACK: bb = back(y, dim) + beffect + feffect - seffect; ff = fwd(y, dim); break; case ON: bb = back(y, dim) + beffect - seffect; ff = fwd(y, dim) + feffect; break; case FWD: bb = back(y, dim); ff = fwd(y, dim) + beffect + feffect - seffect; break; } *b = bb; *f = ff; debug2(DSA, DD, "CatAdjustSize returning %s,%s", EchoLength(*b), EchoLength(*f)); } /* end CatAdjustSize */ /*@::AdjustSize()@************************************************************/ /* */ /* AdjustSize(x, b, f, dim) */ /* */ /* Adjust the size of object x, in dimension dim, to be b, f. If x is a */ /* CLOSURE, the adjustment is from a CLOSURE to a definite object of size */ /* b, f. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ void AdjustSize(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH b, FULL_LENGTH f, int dim) { OBJECT y, link, tlink, lp, rp, z, index; BOOLEAN ratm; FULL_LENGTH tb, tf, cby, cfy, rby, rfy; SetLengthDim(dim); debug6(DSA, D, "[ AdjustSize( %s(%s,%s), %s, %s, %s ), x =", type(x) == CLOSURE ? SymName(actual(x)) : Image(type(x)), EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f), dimen(dim)); ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(x) ); while( b != back(x, dim) || f != fwd(x, dim) || is_indefinite(type(x)) ) { assert( Up(x) != x, "AdjustSize: Up(x) == x!" ); if( b < 0 || f < 0 ) Error(16, 5, "cannot recover from earlier errors", FATAL, &fpos(x)); /* these cases are unique because they have multiple parents */ if( type(x) == COL_THR || type(x) == ROW_THR ) { assert( (type(x)==COL_THR) == (dim==COLM), "AdjustSize: COL_THR!" ); back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; for( link = Up(x); link != x; link = NextUp(link) ) { Parent(y, link); assert( type(y) == SPLIT, "AdjustSize: type(y) != SPLIT!") ; AdjustSize(y, b, f, dim); } debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize (thread case) returning."); return; } link = UpDim(x, dim); ratm = FALSE; for( tlink=NextDown(link); type(tlink) == LINK; tlink=NextDown(tlink) ) { Child(y, tlink); if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ && mark(gap(y)) ) ratm = TRUE; } y = tlink; debug5(DSA, D, " b = %s, f = %s, y = %s(%s,%s), x =", EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f), Image(type(y)), EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim))); ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(x) ); switch( type(y) ) { case HEAD: if( gall_dir(y) == COLM ) { back(x, dim) = b, fwd(x, dim) = f; debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning at horiz HEAD"); return; } else if( dim == ROWM ) { back(x, dim) = b, fwd(x, dim) = f; debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize ROWM returning at HEAD"); return; } else { /* let lp and rp be the gaps delimiting the */ /* components joined to x */ for( lp = PrevDown(link); lp != y; lp = PrevDown(lp) ) { Child(z, lp); if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && !join(gap(z)) ) break; } for( rp = NextDown(link); rp != y; rp = NextDown(rp) ) { Child(z, rp); if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && !join(gap(z)) ) break; } back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; if( lp == y && rp == y && !seen_nojoin(y) ) { /* if whole object is joined, do this */ b = find_max(b, back(y, dim)); f = find_max(f, fwd(y, dim)); debug3(DSA, D, " under head %s, whole object joined, b = %s, f = %s)", SymName(actual(y)), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f)); } else { /* if // or || is present, do this */ debug1(DSA, D, " [ under head %s with //, working out tb and tf:", SymName(actual(y))); tb = tf = 0; for( link = NextDown(lp); link != rp; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(z, link); debugcond1(DSA, D, type(z) == GAP_OBJ, " gap %s", EchoCatOp(VCAT, mark(gap(z)), join(gap(z)))); if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ || is_index(type(z)) ) continue; debug6(DSA, D, " component %s %s(%s, %s) so tb = %s, tf = %s", Image(type(z)), type(z) == CLOSURE ? SymName(actual(z)) : STR_EMPTY, EchoLength(back(z, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(z, dim)), EchoLength(tb), EchoLength(tf)); ifdebugcond(DSA, DD, dim == COLM && fwd(z, dim) > 20*CM, DebugObject(z)); tb = find_max(tb, back(z, dim)); tf = find_max(tf, fwd(z, dim)); } b = 0; f = find_max(tb + tf, fwd(y, dim)); debug5(DSA, D, " ] under head %s with //, tb = %s, tf = %s, b = %s, f = %s", SymName(actual(y)), EchoLength(tb), EchoLength(tf), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f)); } if( back(y, dim) == b && fwd(y, dim) == f ) { debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize (COLM) returning at HEAD (no wider)"); return; } debug3(DSA, DD, "AdjustSize widening HEAD %s to b = %s, f = %s", SymName(actual(y)), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f)); ifdebugcond(DSA, DD, dim == COLM && f > 20*CM, DebugObject(y)); back(y, dim) = b; fwd(y, dim) = f; if( Up(y) == y ) { debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize ret. at HEAD (no parent)" ); return; } Parent(index, Up(y)); if( type(index) != RECEIVING ) { debug1(DSA,D, "] AdjustSize ret. at HEAD (%s)", Image(type(index))); return; } assert(actual(index)!=nilobj, "AdjustSize: actual(index)==nilobj!" ); assert( type(actual(index)) == CLOSURE, "AdjustSize: index non-C!" ); if( actual(actual(index)) != GalleySym && actual(actual(index)) != ForceGalleySym ) { debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize ret. at HEAD (not @Galley, so root)" ); return; } y = actual(index); debug3(DSA, DD, "AdjustSize jumping to y = %s of size %s,%s", Image(type(y)), EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim))); } break; case SPLIT: case HCONTRACT: case VCONTRACT: case HEXPAND: case VEXPAND: case BEGIN_HEADER: case END_HEADER: case SET_HEADER: case CLEAR_HEADER: case ONE_COL: case ONE_ROW: case PLAIN_GRAPHIC: case GRAPHIC: case LINK_SOURCE: case LINK_DEST: case LINK_DEST_NULL: case LINK_URL: case KERN_SHRINK: case BACKGROUND: back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; break; case HMIRROR: case VMIRROR: back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; if( (dim == COLM) == (type(y) == HMIRROR) ) { tb = b; b = f; f = tb; } break; case HSCALE: case VSCALE: back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; if( (dim==COLM) == (type(y)==HSCALE) ) { debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning at HSCALE or VSCALE"); return; } break; case HCOVER: case VCOVER: /* dubious, but not likely to arise in practice */ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; if( (dim==COLM) == (type(y)==HCOVER) ) { debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning at HCOVER or VCOVER"); return; } break; case SCALE: back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; if( dim == COLM ) { b *= bc(constraint(y)) / SF; f *= bc(constraint(y)) / SF; } else { b *= fc(constraint(y)) / SF; f *= fc(constraint(y)) / SF; } break; case ROTATE: back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; RotateSize(&cby, &cfy, &rby, &rfy, x, sparec(constraint(y))); if( cby != back(y, COLM) || cfy != fwd(y, COLM) ) AdjustSize(y, cby, cfy, COLM); if( rby != back(y, ROWM) || rfy != fwd(y, ROWM) ) AdjustSize(y, rby, rfy, ROWM); debug1(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning at %s.", Image(type(y))); return; case WIDE: case HIGH: if( (type(y) == WIDE) == (dim == COLM) ) { if( !FitsConstraint(b, f, constraint(y)) ) { Error(16, 2, "size constraint %s,%s,%s broken by %s,%s", WARN, &fpos(y), EchoLength(bc(constraint(y))), EchoLength(bfc(constraint(y))), EchoLength(fc(constraint(y))), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f)); SetConstraint(constraint(y), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, b+f, MAX_FULL_LENGTH); } back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; EnlargeToConstraint(&b, &f, &constraint(y)); } else { back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; } break; case HLIMITED: case VLIMITED: if( (type(y) == HLIMITED) == (dim == COLM) ) { /* *** Parent(z, UpDim(y, dim)); if( type(z) == ROW_THR || type(z) == COL_THR ) { SetConstraint(constraint(y), back(z,dim), size(z,dim), fwd(z,dim)); } else { SetConstraint(constraint(y), back(y,dim), size(y,dim), fwd(y,dim)); } if( !FitsConstraint(b, f, constraint(y)) ) { Error(16, 3, "%s of size %s,%s broken by %s,%s", WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(y)), EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f)); } *** */ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; } else { back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; } break; case HSHIFT: case VSHIFT: back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; if( (type(y) == HSHIFT) == (dim == COLM) ) { tf = FindShift(y, x, dim); b = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, b + tf)); f = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, f - tf)); } break; case COL_THR: case ROW_THR: assert( (type(y)==COL_THR) == (dim==COLM), "AdjustSize: COL_THR!" ); back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; b = find_max(b, back(y, dim)); f = find_max(f, fwd(y, dim)); break; case VCAT: case HCAT: case ACAT: if( (type(y) == VCAT) == (dim == ROWM) ) CatAdjustSize(x, &b, &f, ratm, y, dim); else { /* let lp and rp be the gaps bracketing the components joined to x */ for( lp = PrevDown(link); lp != y; lp = PrevDown(lp) ) { Child(z, lp); if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && !join(gap(z)) ) break; } for( rp = NextDown(link); rp != y; rp = NextDown(rp) ) { Child(z, rp); if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && !join(gap(z)) ) break; } back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; if( lp == y && rp == y ) { /* if whole object is joined, do this */ b = find_max(b, back(y, dim)); f = find_max(f, fwd(y, dim)); } else { /* if // or || is present, do this */ tb = tf = 0; for( link = NextDown(lp); link != rp; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(z, link); if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ || is_index(type(z)) ) continue; tb = find_max(tb, back(z, dim)); tf = find_max(tf, fwd(z, dim)); } b = 0; f = find_max(tb + tf, fwd(y, dim)); } } break; case START_HVSPAN: Error(16, 4, "size adjustment of %s not implemented", WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(y))); break; case START_VSPAN: case VSPAN: if( dim == COLM ) { back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; } else Error(16, 4, "size adjustment of %s not implemented", WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(y))); break; case START_HSPAN: case HSPAN: if( dim == ROWM ) { back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; } else Error(16, 4, "size adjustment of %s not implemented", WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(y))); break; case HSPANNER: case VSPANNER: assert( (dim == COLM) == (type(y) == HSPANNER), "AdjustSize: span"); back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f; debug5(DSC, D, " adjusting %s from (%s,%s) to (%s,%s)", Image(type(y)), EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f)); back(y, dim) = b; fwd(y, dim) = f; debug1(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning at %s", Image(type(y))); return; break; case WORD: case QWORD: case CLOSURE: case NULL_CLOS: case PAGE_LABEL: case CROSS: case FORCE_CROSS: default: assert1(FALSE, "AdjustSize:", Image(type(y))); break; } /* end switch */ x = y; } /* end while */ debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning."); } /* end AdjustSize */