/*@z13.c:Object Breaking:BreakJoinedGroup()@**********************************/ /* */ /* THE LOUT DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM (VERSION 3.22) */ /* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2000 Jeffrey H. Kingston */ /* */ /* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */ /* Basser Department of Computer Science */ /* The University of Sydney 2006 */ /* AUSTRALIA */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */ /* any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* */ /* FILE: z13.c */ /* MODULE: Object Breaking */ /* EXTERNS: BreakObject() */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "externs.h" #define broken(x) back(x, ROWM) /* OK since no vertical sizes yet */ #if DEBUG_ON static int debug_depth = 1; static int debug_depth_max = 5; #endif /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* static BreakJoinedGroup(start, stop, m, c, res_back, res_fwd) */ /* */ /* Break joined group of components of a VCAT, beginning from Child(start) */ /* inclusive and ending at Child(stop) inclusive. Break component m first */ /* because it is the widest. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static void BreakJoinedGroup(OBJECT start, OBJECT stop, OBJECT m, CONSTRAINT *c, FULL_LENGTH *res_back, FULL_LENGTH *res_fwd) { OBJECT y, link; FULL_LENGTH b, f, sb, sf; CONSTRAINT yc; debug1(DOB, DD, "[ BreakJoinedGroup(start, stop, m, %s, -, -)", EchoConstraint(c)); /* work out a suitable constraint to apply to each component */ sb = sf = 0; for( link = start; link != NextDown(stop); link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( !is_definite(type(y)) ) continue; sb = find_max(sb, back(y, COLM)); sf = find_max(sf, fwd(y, COLM)); } if( sb <= bc(*c) ) { /* make sure the constraint will accept objects with size (sb, 0) */ b = sb; f = 0; } else { /* sb is too wide anyway, so don't worry about it */ b = 0; f = 0; } SetConstraint(yc, find_min(bc(*c), bfc(*c)-f), bfc(*c), find_min(fc(*c), bfc(*c)-b)); /* apply this constraint to each component in turn, m first */ if( m != nilobj ) { debug1(DOB, DD, " +++BreakJoinedGroup calling first child, yc = %s", EchoConstraint(&yc)); m = BreakObject(m, &yc); b = back(m, COLM); f = fwd(m, COLM); SetConstraint(yc, find_min(bc(yc), bfc(yc)-f), bfc(yc), find_min(fc(yc), bfc(yc)-b)); } else b = f = 0; for( link = start; link != NextDown(stop); link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( !is_definite(type(y)) || y == m ) continue; debug1(DOB, DD, " +++BreakJoinedGroup calling child, yc = %s", EchoConstraint(&yc)); y = BreakObject(y, &yc); b = find_max(b, back(y, COLM)); f = find_max(f, fwd(y, COLM)); SetConstraint(yc, find_min(bc(yc), bfc(yc)-f), bfc(yc), find_min(fc(yc), bfc(yc)-b)); } if( !FitsConstraint(b, f, *c) ) { debug3(DOB, DD, " in BreakJoinedGroup: !FitsConstraint(%s, %s, %s)", EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f), EchoConstraint(c)); Error(13, 1, "failed to break column to fit into its available space", WARN, m != nilobj ? &fpos(m) : (y != nilobj ? &fpos(y) : no_fpos)); } *res_back = b; *res_fwd = f; debug2(DOB, DD,"] BreakJoinedGroup returning (%s, %s)", EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f)); } /* end BreakJoinedGroup */ /*@::BreakVcat()@*************************************************************/ /* */ /* static OBJECT BreakVcat(x, c) */ /* */ /* Break a VCAT to satisfy constraint c. This is tedious because every */ /* group of components between // ... // must be broken separately. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static OBJECT BreakVcat(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c) { OBJECT y, link, start_group, m; FULL_LENGTH b, f, dble_fwd; CONSTRAINT tc; BOOLEAN dble_found; debug1(DOB, DD, "[ BreakVcat(x, %s)", EchoConstraint(c)); assert(Down(x) != x, "BreakVcat: Down(x) == x!" ); SetConstraint(tc, MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_min(bfc(*c), fc(*c)), MAX_FULL_LENGTH); dble_found = FALSE; dble_fwd = 0; start_group = nilobj; for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( is_index(type(y)) ) continue; if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ ) { assert( start_group != nilobj, "BreakVcat: start_group == nilobj!" ); if( !join(gap(y)) ) { /* finish off and break this group */ if( !FitsConstraint(b, f, tc) ) BreakJoinedGroup(start_group, link, m, &tc, &b, &f); dble_found = TRUE; dble_fwd = find_max(dble_fwd, b + f); start_group = nilobj; debug1(DOB, DD, " end group, dble_fwd: %s", EchoLength(dble_fwd)); } } else if( start_group == nilobj ) { /* start new group */ b = back(y, COLM); f = fwd(y, COLM); start_group = link; m = y; debug2(DOB, DD, " starting group (b = %s, f = %s):", EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f)); ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(y)); } else { /* continue with current group */ b = find_max(b, back(y, COLM)); f = find_max(f, fwd(y, COLM)); if( fwd(y, COLM) > fwd(m, COLM) ) m = y; debug3(DOB, DD, " in group%s (b = %s, f = %s):", m == y ? " (new max)" : "", EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f)); ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(y)); } } assert( start_group != nilobj, "BreakVcat: start_group == nilobj (2)!" ); if( dble_found ) { /* finish off and break this last group, and set sizes of x */ if( !FitsConstraint(b, f, tc) ) BreakJoinedGroup(start_group, LastDown(x), m, &tc, &b, &f); dble_fwd = find_max(dble_fwd, b + f); debug1(DOB, DD, " ending last group, dble_fwd: %s",EchoLength(dble_fwd)); back(x, COLM) = 0; fwd(x, COLM) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, dble_fwd); } else { /* finish off and break this last and only group, and set sizes of x */ debug2(DOB, DD, " BreakVcat ending last and only group (%s, %s)", EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f)); BreakJoinedGroup(start_group, LastDown(x), m, c, &b, &f); back(x, COLM) = b; fwd(x, COLM) = f; } debug0(DOB, DD, "] BreakVcat returning x:"); ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(x)); debug2(DOB, DD, " (size is %s, %s)", EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM))); return x; } /* end BreakVcat */ /*@::BreakTable()@************************************************************/ /* */ /* static OBJECT BreakTable(x, c) */ /* */ /* Break table (HCAT) x to satisfy constraint c. */ /* */ /* Outline of algorithm: */ /* */ /* bcount = number of components to left of mark; */ /* fcount = no. of components on and right of mark; */ /* bwidth = what back(x) would be if all components had size (0, 0); */ /* fwidth = what fwd(x) would be if all components had size (0, 0); */ /* Set all components of x to Unbroken (broken(y) holds this flag); */ /* while( an Unbroken component of x exists ) */ /* { my = the Unbroken component of x of minimum width; */ /* mc = desirable constraint for my (see below); */ /* BreakObject(my, &mc); */ /* Set my to Broken and update bcount, fcount, bwidth, fwidth */ /* to reflect the actual size of my, now broken; */ /* } */ /* */ /* The constraint mc is chosen in an attempt to ensure that: */ /* */ /* a) Any sufficiently narrow components will not break; */ /* b) All broken components will have the same bfc(mc), if possible; */ /* c) All available space is used. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static OBJECT BreakTable(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c) { FULL_LENGTH bwidth, fwidth; /* running back(x) and fwd(x) */ int bcount, fcount; /* running no. of components */ OBJECT mlink, my; /* minimum-width unbroken component */ BOOLEAN ratm; /* TRUE when my has a mark to its right */ int mside; /* side of the mark my is on: BACK, ON, FWD */ FULL_LENGTH msize; /* size of my (minimal among unbroken) */ CONSTRAINT mc; /* desirable constraint for my */ OBJECT pg, prec_def; /* preceding definite object of my */ OBJECT sg, succ_def; /* succeeding definite object of my */ FULL_LENGTH pd_extra,sd_extra;/* space availiable for free each side of my */ FULL_LENGTH av_colsize; /* the size of each unbroken component */ /* if they are all assigned equal width */ FULL_LENGTH fwd_max, back_max;/* maximum space available forward of or */ /* back of the mark, when columns are even */ FULL_LENGTH col_size; /* the column size actually used in breaking */ FULL_LENGTH prev_col_size; /* previous column size (try to keep equal) */ FULL_LENGTH beffect, feffect; /* the amount bwidth, fwidth must increase */ /* when my is broken */ OBJECT link, y, prev, g; FULL_LENGTH tmp, tmp2; debug1(DOB, DD, "[ BreakTable( x, %s )", EchoConstraint(c)); /* Initialise csize, bcount, fcount, bwidth, fwidth and broken(y) */ bcount = fcount = 0; bwidth = fwidth = 0; prev = nilobj; prev_col_size = 0; Child(y, Down(x)); assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "BreakTable: GAP_OBJ!" ); assert( !is_index(type(y)), "BreakTable: index!" ); broken(y) = is_indefinite(type(y)); if( !broken(y) ) prev = y, fcount = 1; for( link = NextDown(Down(x)); link != x; link = NextDown(NextDown(link)) ) { /* find the next gap g and following child y */ Child(g, link); assert( type(g) == GAP_OBJ, "BreakTable: GAP_OBJ!" ); assert( NextDown(link) != x, "BreakTable: GAP_OBJ is last!" ); Child(y, NextDown(link)); assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "BreakTable: GAP_OBJ!" ); assert( !is_index(type(y)), "BreakTable: index!" ); broken(y) = is_indefinite(type(y)); if( !broken(y) ) { if( prev == nilobj ) fcount = 1; else if( mark(gap(g)) ) { bcount += fcount; bwidth += fwidth + MinGap(0, 0, 0, &gap(g)); fcount = 1; fwidth = 0; } else { fwidth += MinGap(0, 0, 0, &gap(g)); fcount += 1; } prev = y; } } /* if column gaps alone are too wide, kill them all */ if( !FitsConstraint(bwidth, fwidth, *c) ) { debug2(DOB, DD, "column gaps alone too wide: bwidth: %s; fwidth: %s", EchoLength(bwidth), EchoLength(fwidth)); Error(13, 2, "reducing column gaps to 0i (object is too wide)", WARN, &fpos(x)); for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(g, link); if( type(g) == GAP_OBJ ) { SetGap(gap(g), nobreak(gap(g)), mark(gap(g)), join(gap(g)), FIXED_UNIT, EDGE_MODE, 0); } } bwidth = fwidth = 0; } /* break each column, from smallest to largest */ while( bcount + fcount > 0 && FitsConstraint(bwidth, fwidth, *c) ) { debug2(DOB, DD, "bcount: %d; bwidth: %s", bcount, EchoLength(bwidth)); debug2(DOB, DD, "fcount: %d; fwidth: %s", fcount, EchoLength(fwidth)); /* find a minimal-width unbroken component my */ my = nilobj; msize = size(x, COLM); /* an upper bound for size(y) */ for( link = Down(x); ; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "BreakTable: type(y) == GAP_OBJ!" ); if( !broken(y) && (size(y, COLM) < msize || my == nilobj) ) { msize = size(y, COLM); my = y; mlink = link; ratm = FALSE; } /* next gap */ link = NextDown(link); if( link == x ) break; Child(g, link); assert( type(g) == GAP_OBJ, "BreakTable: type(g) != GAP_OBJ!" ); if( mark(gap(g)) ) ratm = TRUE; } /* find neighbouring definite objects and resulting pd_extra and sd_extra */ SetNeighbours(mlink, ratm, &pg, &prec_def, &sg, &succ_def, &mside); debug2(DOB, DD, "my (%s): %s", Image(mside), EchoObject(my)); pd_extra = pg == nilobj ? 0 : ExtraGap(broken(prec_def) ? fwd(prec_def,COLM) : 0, 0, &gap(pg), BACK); sd_extra = sg == nilobj ? 0 : ExtraGap(0, broken(succ_def) ? back(succ_def,COLM) : 0, &gap(sg), FWD); debug2(DOB, DD, "pd_extra: %s; sd_extra: %s", EchoLength(pd_extra), EchoLength(sd_extra) ); /* calculate desirable constraints for my */ av_colsize = (bfc(*c) - bwidth - fwidth) / (bcount + fcount); debug1(DOB, DD, "av_colsize = %s", EchoLength(av_colsize)); debug1(DOB, DD, "prev_col_size = %s", EchoLength(prev_col_size)); switch( mside ) { case BACK: back_max = find_min(bc(*c), bwidth + av_colsize * bcount); col_size = (back_max - bwidth) / bcount; if( col_size > prev_col_size && col_size - prev_col_size < PT ) col_size = prev_col_size; SetConstraint(mc, find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + pd_extra), find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + pd_extra + sd_extra), find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + sd_extra)); break; case ON: fwd_max = find_min(fc(*c), fwidth + av_colsize * fcount); col_size = (fwd_max - fwidth) / fcount; if( col_size > prev_col_size && col_size - prev_col_size < PT ) col_size = prev_col_size; SetConstraint(mc, find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, pd_extra + back(my, COLM)), find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, pd_extra + back(my, COLM) + col_size + sd_extra), find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + sd_extra)); break; case FWD: fwd_max = find_min(fc(*c), fwidth + av_colsize * fcount); col_size = (fwd_max - fwidth) / fcount; if( col_size > prev_col_size && col_size - prev_col_size < PT ) col_size = prev_col_size; SetConstraint(mc, find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + pd_extra), find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + pd_extra + sd_extra), find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + sd_extra)); break; default: assert(FALSE, "BreakTable: mside"); break; } debug1(DOB, DD, "col_size = %s", EchoLength(col_size)); prev_col_size = col_size; /* now break my according to these constraints, and accept it */ debug2(DOB, DD, " calling BreakObject(%s, %s)", EchoObject(my), EchoConstraint(&mc)); my = BreakObject(my, &mc); broken(my) = TRUE; /* calculate the effect of accepting my on bwidth and fwidth */ if( pg != nilobj ) { tmp = broken(prec_def) ? fwd(prec_def, COLM) : 0; beffect = MinGap(tmp, back(my, COLM), fwd(my, COLM), &gap(pg)) - MinGap(tmp, 0, 0, &gap(pg)); } else beffect = back(my, COLM); if( sg != nilobj ) { tmp = broken(succ_def) ? back(succ_def, COLM) : 0; tmp2 = broken(succ_def) ? fwd(succ_def, COLM) : 0; feffect = MinGap(fwd(my, COLM), tmp, tmp2, &gap(sg)) - MinGap(0, tmp, tmp2, &gap(sg)); } else feffect = fwd(my, COLM); switch( mside ) { case BACK: bwidth += beffect + feffect; bcount--; break; case ON: bwidth += beffect; fwidth += feffect; fcount--; break; case FWD: fwidth += beffect + feffect; fcount--; break; default: assert(FALSE, "BreakTable: mside"); break; } } /* end while */ back(x, COLM) = bwidth; fwd(x, COLM) = fwidth; debug2(DOB, DD, "] BreakTable returning %s,%s; x =", EchoLength(bwidth), EchoLength(fwidth)); ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(x)); return x; } /* end BreakTable */ /*@::BreakObject()@***********************************************************/ /* */ /* OBJECT BreakObject(x, c) */ /* */ /* Break lines of object x so that it satisfies constraint c. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ OBJECT BreakObject(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c) { OBJECT link, y; CONSTRAINT yc; FULL_LENGTH f; BOOLEAN junk; debugcond4(DOB, D, debug_depth++ < debug_depth_max, "%*s[ BreakObject(%s %d)", (debug_depth-1)*2, " ", Image(type(x)), (int) x); debug4(DOB, DD, "[ BreakObject(%s (%s,%s), %s), x =", Image(type(x)), EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM)), EchoConstraint(c)); ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(x)); /* if constraint is negative (should really be never), replace with empty */ if( !(bc(*c)>=0 && bfc(*c)>=0 && fc(*c)>=0) ) { Error(13, 11, "replacing with empty object: negative size constraint %s,%s,%s", WARN, &fpos(x), EchoLength(bc(*c)), EchoLength(bfc(*c)), EchoLength(fc(*c))); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); back(y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM) = 0; ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = y; debugcond6(DOB, D, --debug_depth < debug_depth_max, "%*s] BreakObject(%s %d) (neg!) = (%s, %s)", debug_depth*2, " ", Image(type(x)), (int) x, EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM))); debug0(DOB, DD, "] BreakObject returning (negative constraint)."); return x; } /* if no breaking required, return immediately */ if( FitsConstraint(back(x, COLM), fwd(x, COLM), *c) ) { debug0(DOB, DD, "] BreakObject returning (fits)."); debugcond6(DOB, D, --debug_depth < debug_depth_max, "%*s] BreakObject(%s %d) (fits) = (%s, %s)", debug_depth*2, " ", Image(type(x)), (int) x, EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM))); return x; } switch( type(x) ) { case ROTATE: if( BackEnd->scale_avail && InsertScale(x, c) ) { Parent(x, Up(x)); Error(13, 3, "%s object scaled horizontally by factor %.2f (too wide)", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_ROTATE, (float) bc(constraint(x)) / SF ); } else { Error(13, 4, "%s deleted (too wide; cannot break %s)", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_ROTATE, KW_ROTATE); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); back(y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM) = 0; ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = y; } break; case SCALE: InvScaleConstraint(&yc, bc(constraint(x)), c); Child(y, Down(x)); y = BreakObject(y, &yc); back(x, COLM) = (back(y, COLM) * bc(constraint(x))) / SF; fwd(x, COLM) = (fwd(y, COLM) * bc(constraint(x))) / SF; break; case KERN_SHRINK: /* not really accurate, but there you go */ Child(y, LastDown(x)); y = BreakObject(y, c); back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM); fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM); break; case WORD: case QWORD: if( word_hyph(x) ) { /* create an ACAT with the same size as x */ New(y, ACAT); FposCopy(fpos(y), fpos(x)); back(y, COLM) = back(x, COLM); fwd(y, COLM) = fwd(x, COLM); back(y, ROWM) = back(x, ROWM); fwd(y, ROWM) = fwd(x, ROWM); /* set ACAT's save_style; have to invent a line_gap, unfortunately */ SetGap(line_gap(save_style(y)), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FIXED_UNIT, MARK_MODE, 1.1 * FontSize(word_font(x), x)); SetGap(space_gap(save_style(y)), FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FIXED_UNIT, EDGE_MODE, 0); hyph_style(save_style(y)) = HYPH_ON; fill_style(save_style(y)) = FILL_ON; display_style(save_style(y)) = DISPLAY_LEFT; small_caps(save_style(y)) = FALSE; font(save_style(y)) = word_font(x); colour(save_style(y)) = word_colour(x); outline(save_style(y)) = word_outline(x); language(save_style(y)) = word_language(x); debug3(DOF, DD, " in BreakObject y %s %s %s", EchoStyle(&save_style(y)), Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y)); /* enclose x in the ACAT and try breaking (i.e. filling) it */ ReplaceNode(y, x); Link(y, x); x = y; debug3(DOF, DD, " in BreakObject x %s %s %s", EchoStyle(&save_style(x)), Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x)); x = BreakObject(x, c); } else if( BackEnd->scale_avail && InsertScale(x, c) ) { OBJECT tmp; tmp = x; Parent(x, Up(x)); Error(13, 5, "word %s scaled horizontally by factor %.2f (too wide)", WARN, &fpos(x), string(tmp), (float) bc(constraint(x)) / SF); } else { Error(13, 6, "word %s deleted (too wide)", WARN, &fpos(x), string(x)); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); back(y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM) = 0; ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = y; } break; case WIDE: MinConstraint(&constraint(x), c); Child(y, Down(x)); y = BreakObject(y, &constraint(x)); back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM); fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM); EnlargeToConstraint(&back(x, COLM), &fwd(x, COLM), &constraint(x)); break; case INCGRAPHIC: case SINCGRAPHIC: if( BackEnd->scale_avail && InsertScale(x, c) ) { Parent(x, Up(x)); Error(13, 7, "%s scaled horizontally by factor %.2f (too wide)", WARN, &fpos(x), type(x) == INCGRAPHIC ? KW_INCGRAPHIC : KW_SINCGRAPHIC, (float) bc(constraint(x)) / SF); } else { Error(13, 8, "%s deleted (too wide)", WARN, &fpos(x), type(x) == INCGRAPHIC ? KW_INCGRAPHIC : KW_SINCGRAPHIC); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); back(y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM) = 0; ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = y; } break; case HIGH: case VSCALE: case VCOVER: case VSHIFT: case HCONTRACT: case VCONTRACT: case HLIMITED: case VLIMITED: case HEXPAND: case VEXPAND: case ONE_COL: case ONE_ROW: case HSPANNER: assert( Down(x) == LastDown(x), "BreakObject: downs!" ); Child(y, Down(x)); y = BreakObject(y, c); back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM); fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM); break; case BACKGROUND: Child(y, Down(x)); y = BreakObject(y, c); Child(y, LastDown(x)); y = BreakObject(y, c); back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM); fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM); break; case START_HVSPAN: case START_HSPAN: case START_VSPAN: case HSPAN: case VSPAN: /* these all have size zero except the last one, so if we get to */ /* this point we must be at the last column and need to break it. */ /* this is done just by setting its size to zero, unless it is */ /* the last column in which case it claims everything that is */ /* going; the real break is deferred to the first ROWM touch, */ /* when we know that all contributing columns have been broken */ /* unless the child is not a spanner, in which case it's @OneCol */ Child(y, Down(x)); if( type(y) != HSPANNER ) { y = BreakObject(y, c); back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM); fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM); } else { back(x, COLM) = 0; fwd(x, COLM) = find_min(bfc(*c), fc(*c)); } break; case HSHIFT: Child(y, Down(x)); f = FindShift(x, y, COLM); SetConstraint(yc, find_min(bc(*c), bfc(*c)) - f, bfc(*c), find_min(fc(*c), bfc(*c)) + f); BreakObject(y, &yc); f = FindShift(x, y, COLM); back(x, COLM) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, back(y, COLM) + f)); fwd(x, COLM) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, fwd(y, COLM) - f)); break; case END_HEADER: case CLEAR_HEADER: /* these have size zero anyway, so not likely to reach this point */ break; case BEGIN_HEADER: case SET_HEADER: Child(y, LastDown(x)); y = BreakObject(y, c); back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM); fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM); debug3(DOB, D, "BreakObject(%s, COLM) = (%s, %s)", Image(type(x)), EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM))); break; case PLAIN_GRAPHIC: case GRAPHIC: Child(y, LastDown(x)); y = BreakObject(y, c); back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM); fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM); break; case SPLIT: Child(y, DownDim(x, COLM)); y = BreakObject(y, c); back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM); fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM); break; case ACAT: if( back(x, COLM) > 0 ) { int sz; OBJECT rpos; /* shift the column mark of x to the left edge */ sz = size(x, COLM); fwd(x, COLM) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, sz); back(x, COLM) = 0; rpos = x; for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ && mark(gap(y)) ) { mark(gap(y)) = FALSE; rpos = y; } } if( FitsConstraint(back(x, COLM), fwd(x, COLM), *c) ) { Error(13, 9, "column mark of unbroken paragraph moved left", WARN, &fpos(rpos)); break; } Error(13, 10, "column mark of paragraph moved left before breaking", WARN, &fpos(rpos)); ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(x)); } x = FillObject(x, c, nilobj, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, &junk); break; case HCAT: x = BreakTable(x, c); break; case COL_THR: BreakJoinedGroup(Down(x), LastDown(x), nilobj, c, &back(x,COLM), &fwd(x,COLM)); break; case VCAT: x = BreakVcat(x, c); break; default: assert1(FALSE, "BreakObject:", Image(type(x))); break; } assert( back(x, COLM) >= 0, "BreakObject: back(x, COLM) < 0!" ); assert( fwd(x, COLM) >= 0, "BreakObject: fwd(x, COLM) < 0!" ); debugcond6(DOB, D, --debug_depth < debug_depth_max, "%*s] BreakObject(%s %d) = (%s, %s)", debug_depth*2, " ", Image(type(x)), (int) x, EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM))); debug2(DOB, DD, "] BreakObject returning %s,%s, x =", EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM))); ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(x)); return x; } /* end BreakObject */