/*@z08.c:Object Manifest:ReplaceWithSplit()@**********************************/ /* */ /* THE LOUT DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM (VERSION 3.41) */ /* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2023 Jeffrey H. Kingston */ /* */ /* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */ /* School of Information Technologies */ /* The University of Sydney 2006 */ /* AUSTRALIA */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 3, or (at your option) */ /* any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* */ /* FILE: z08.c */ /* MODULE: Object Manifest */ /* EXTERNS: Manifest() */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "externs.h" #include "parent.h" #include "child.h" #define line_breaker(g) \ (vspace(g) > 0 || (units(gap(g)) == FRAME_UNIT && width(gap(g)) > FR)) /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* static SetUnderline(x) */ /* */ /* Set underline() flags in object x to UNDER_ON as appropriate. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static void SetUnderline(OBJECT x) { OBJECT y, link; debug2(DOM, DD, " Manifest underlining %s %s", Image(type(x)),EchoObject(x)); if( type(x) == ACAT ) { for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); SetUnderline(y); } } debug3(DOM, DDD, " SetUnderline underline() := %s for %s %s", "UNDER_ON", Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x)); underline(x) = UNDER_ON; } /* end SetUnderline */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* static ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr) */ /* */ /* Replace object x with a SPLIT object, if threads for this object are */ /* requested by bthr and/or fthr. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr) \ if( bthr[ROWM] || bthr[COLM] || fthr[ROWM] || fthr[COLM] ) \ x = insert_split(x, bthr, fthr) static OBJECT insert_split(OBJECT x, OBJECT bthr[2], OBJECT fthr[2]) { OBJECT res, new_op; int dim; debug1(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithSplit(%s, -)", EchoObject(x)); assert( type(x) != SPLIT, "ReplaceWithSplit: type(x) already SPLIT!" ); New(res, SPLIT); FposCopy(fpos(res), fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(res, x); for( dim = COLM; dim <= ROWM; dim++ ) { if( bthr[dim] || fthr[dim] ) { debug0(DGP, DD, " calling New(thread) from Manifest now"); New(new_op, dim == COLM ? COL_THR : ROW_THR); thr_state(new_op) = NOTSIZED; fwd(new_op, 1-dim) = 0; /* will hold max frame_size */ back(new_op, 1-dim) = 0; /* will hold max frame_origin */ FposCopy(fpos(new_op), fpos(x)); Link(res, new_op); Link(new_op, x); if( bthr[dim] ) Link(bthr[dim], new_op); if( fthr[dim] ) Link(fthr[dim], new_op); } else Link(res, x); } debug1(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithSplit returning %s", EchoObject(res)); return res; } /* end insert_split */ /*@::ReplaceWithTidy()@*******************************************************/ /* */ /* OBJECT ReplaceWithTidy(x, spacing) */ /* */ /* Replace object x with a tidier version in which juxtapositions are */ /* folded. If this is not possible, return the original object. */ /* */ /* Spacing can have value 0, 1, or 2, with the following meaning: */ /* */ /* ACAT_TIDY An ACAT is the preferred result */ /* */ /* WORD_TIDY The result is to be a single QWORD with interword spaces */ /* converted to as many space characters as there were. */ /* */ /* PARA_TIDY The result is to be a single QWORD with interword spaces */ /* replaced by single spaces, and line ends marked by */ /* newline characters. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ OBJECT ReplaceWithTidy(OBJECT x, int spacing) { static FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_WORD]; /* the growing current word */ static int buff_len; /* length of current word */ static FILE_POS buff_pos; /* filepos of current word */ static unsigned buff_typ; /* WORD or QWORD of current */ OBJECT link, y, tmp, res; /* temporaries */ int i; debug2(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithTidy(%s, %s)", EchoObject(x), spacing == ACAT_TIDY ? "ACAT_TIDY" : spacing == WORD_TIDY ? "WORD_TIDY" : "PARA_TIDY"); switch( type(x) ) { case ACAT: for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( type(y) == ACAT ) { tmp = Down(y); TransferLinks(tmp, y, link); DisposeChild(link); link = PrevDown(tmp); } } res = nilobj; buff_len = 0; buff_typ = WORD; FposCopy(buff_pos, fpos(x)); for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( is_word(type(y)) ) { if( buff_len + StringLength(string(y)) >= MAX_WORD ) Error(8, 1, "word is too long (%d characters)", WARN, &fpos(y), buff_len + StringLength(string(y))); else { if( buff_len == 0 ) FposCopy(buff_pos, fpos(y)); StringCopy(&buff[buff_len], string(y)); buff_len += StringLength(string(y)); if( type(y) == QWORD ) buff_typ = QWORD; } } else if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ ) { if( Down(y) != y || hspace(y) + vspace(y) > 0 ) { switch( spacing ) { case WORD_TIDY: if( buff_len + hspace(y) + vspace(y) >= MAX_WORD ) Error(8, 2, "word is too long (%d characters)", WARN, &fpos(y), buff_len + hspace(y) + vspace(y) ); else { for( i = 0; i < hspace(y) + vspace(y); i++ ) { StringCopy(&buff[buff_len], AsciiToFull(" ")); buff_len++; } buff_typ = QWORD; } break; case ACAT_TIDY: tmp = MakeWord(buff_typ, buff, &buff_pos); buff_len = 0; buff_typ = WORD; if( res == nilobj ) { New(res, ACAT); FposCopy(fpos(res), fpos(x)); } Link(res, tmp); Link(res, y); break; case PARA_TIDY: if( buff_len + hspace(y) + vspace(y) >= MAX_WORD ) Error(8, 2, "word is too long (%d characters)", WARN, &fpos(y), buff_len + hspace(y) + vspace(y)); else { for( i = 0; i < vspace(y); i++ ) { StringCopy(&buff[buff_len], STR_NEWLINE); buff_len++; } for( i = 0; i < hspace(y); i++ ) { StringCopy(&buff[buff_len], STR_SPACE); buff_len++; } buff_typ = QWORD; } break; default: assert(FALSE, "bad spacing type in ReplaceWithTidy"); break; } } } else /* error */ { if( res != nilobj ) DisposeObject(res); debug0(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithTidy returning unchanged"); return x; } } tmp = MakeWord(buff_typ, buff, &buff_pos); if( res == nilobj ) res = tmp; else Link(res, tmp); ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x); debug1(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithTidy returning %s", EchoObject(res)); return res; case WORD: case QWORD: debug1(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithTidy returning %s", EchoObject(x)); return x; default: debug0(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithTidy returning unchanged"); return x; } } /* end ReplaceWithTidy */ /*@::GetScaleFactor()@********************************************************/ /* */ /* static float GetScaleFactor(x) */ /* */ /* Find a scale factor in object x and return it as a float, after checks. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ float GetScaleFactor(OBJECT x) { float scale_factor; if( !is_word(type(x)) ) { Error(8, 3, "replacing invalid scale factor by 1.0", WARN, &fpos(x)); scale_factor = 1.0; } else if( sscanf( (char *) string(x), "%f", &scale_factor) != 1 ) { Error(8, 4, "replacing invalid scale factor %s by 1.0", WARN, &fpos(x), string(x)); scale_factor = 1.0; } else if( scale_factor < 0.01 ) { Error(8, 5, "replacing undersized scale factor %s by 1.0", WARN, &fpos(x), string(x)); scale_factor = 1.0; } else if( scale_factor > 100 ) { Error(8, 6, "replacing oversized scale factor %s by 1.0", WARN, &fpos(x), string(x)); scale_factor = 1.0; } return scale_factor; } /* GetScaleFactor */ static OBJECT nbt[2] = { nilobj, nilobj }; /* constant nilobj threads */ static OBJECT nft[2] = { nilobj, nilobj }; /* constant nilobj threads */ static OBJECT ntarget = nilobj; /* constant nilobj target */ static OBJECT nenclose = nilobj; /* constant nilobj enclose */ /*@::ManifestCat@*************************************************************/ /* */ /* OBJECT ManifestCat(x,env,style,bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, */ /* enclose, fcr) */ /* */ /* This procedure implements Manifest (see below) when x is HCAT or VCAT. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static OBJECT ManifestCat(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style, OBJECT bthr[2], OBJECT fthr[2], OBJECT *target, OBJECT *crs, BOOLEAN ok, BOOLEAN need_expand, OBJECT *enclose, BOOLEAN fcr) { OBJECT bt[2], ft[2], y, link, gaplink, g, first_bt, last_ft, z; int par, perp; unsigned res_inc; BOOLEAN still_backing; STYLE new_style, gap_style; debug1(DOM, DD, "[ ManifestCat(%s)", EchoObject(x)); StyleCopy(new_style, *style); if( type(x) == HCAT ) { par = ROWM; adjust_cat(x) = hadjust(*style); hadjust(new_style) = FALSE; } else { par = COLM; adjust_cat(x) = vadjust(*style); vadjust(new_style) = FALSE; } perp = 1 - par; link = Down(x); gaplink = NextDown(link); assert( link!=x && gaplink!=x, "Manifest/VCAT: less than two children!" ); Child(y, link); Child(g, gaplink); /* set bt and ft threads for y */ bt[perp] = bthr[perp]; ft[perp] = fthr[perp]; if( bthr[par] ) { New(first_bt, THREAD); } else first_bt = nilobj; bt[par] = first_bt; if( join(gap(g)) ) { New(ft[par], THREAD); } else ft[par] = nilobj; still_backing = first_bt != nilobj; /* manifest y and insinuate any cross-references */ y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, bt, ft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); if( type(x) == VCAT && ok && *crs != nilobj ) { debug1(DCR, DD, " insinuating %s", EchoObject(*crs)); TransferLinks(Down(*crs), *crs, link); DisposeObject(*crs); *crs = nilobj; } /* manifest the remaining children */ while( g != nilobj ) { /* manifest the gap object, store it in gap(g), add perp threads */ assert( type(g) == GAP_OBJ, "Manifest/VCAT: type(g) != GAP_OBJECT!" ); assert( Down(g) != g, "Manifest/VCAT: GAP_OBJ has no child!" ); Child(z, Down(g)); debug2(DOM, DD, "manifesting gap, z = %s, style = %s", EchoObject(z), EchoStyle(style)); z = Manifest(z, env, &new_style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, enclose, fcr); debug1(DOM, DD, "after manifesting gap, z = %s", EchoObject(z)); if( type(z) == ACAT ) StyleCopy(gap_style, save_style(z)); else StyleCopy(gap_style, *style); z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, ACAT_TIDY); debug1(DOM, DD, "calling GetGap, style = %s", EchoStyle(&gap_style)); GetGap(z, &gap_style, &gap(g), &res_inc); if( bt[perp] ) Link(bt[perp], g); if( ft[perp] ) Link(ft[perp], g); /* find the next child y, and following gap if any */ link = NextDown(gaplink); assert( link != x, "Manifest/VCAT: GAP_OBJ is last child!" ); Child(y, link); gaplink = NextDown(link); if( gaplink == x ) g = nilobj; else Child(g, gaplink); /* set bt and ft threads for y */ last_ft = ft[par]; if( ft[par] ) { New(bt[par], THREAD); } else bt[par] = nilobj; if( g != nilobj ) { if( join(gap(g)) ) { New(ft[par], THREAD); } else ft[par] = nilobj; } else { if( fthr[par] ) { New(ft[par], THREAD); } else ft[par] = nilobj; } /* manifest y and insinuate any cross references */ y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, bt, ft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); if( type(x) == VCAT && ok && *crs != nilobj ) { debug1(DCR, DD, " insinuating %s", EchoObject(*crs)); TransferLinks(Down(*crs), *crs, link); DisposeObject(*crs); *crs = nilobj; } if( bt[par] ) /* then thread lists last_ft and bt[par] must merge */ { OBJECT llink, rlink, lthread, rthread; BOOLEAN goes_through; assert( Down(bt[par]) != bt[par], "Manifest: bt[par] no children!" ); assert( last_ft!=nilobj && Down(last_ft)!=last_ft, "Manifest:last_ft!" ); /* check whether marks run right through y in par direction */ goes_through = FALSE; if( ft[par] ) { assert( Down(ft[par]) != ft[par], "Manifest: ft[par] child!" ); Child(lthread, LastDown(bt[par])); Child(rthread, LastDown(ft[par])); goes_through = lthread == rthread; } /* merge the thread lists */ llink = Down(last_ft); rlink = Down(bt[par]); while( llink != last_ft && rlink != bt[par] ) { Child(lthread, llink); Child(rthread, rlink); assert( lthread != rthread, "Manifest: lthread == rthread!" ); MergeNode(lthread, rthread); llink = NextDown(llink); rlink = NextDown(rlink); } /* attach leftover back threads to first_bt if required */ if( rlink != bt[par] ) { if( still_backing ) TransferLinks(rlink, bt[par], first_bt); } DisposeObject(bt[par]); /* attach leftover forward threads to ft[par] if required */ if( llink != last_ft ) { if( goes_through ) TransferLinks(llink, last_ft, ft[par]); } DisposeObject(last_ft); if( !goes_through ) still_backing = FALSE; } else still_backing = FALSE; } /* end while */ /* export par threads */ if( fthr[par] ) MergeNode(fthr[par], ft[par]); if( bthr[par] ) MergeNode(bthr[par], first_bt); debug0(DOM, DD, "] ManifestCat returning"); return x; } /* end ManifestCat */ /*@::ManifestCase@************************************************************/ /* */ /* OBJECT ManifestCase(x,env,style,bthr,fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, */ /* enclose, fcr) */ /* */ /* This procedure implements Manifest (see below) when x is CASE. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static OBJECT ManifestCase(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style, OBJECT bthr[2], OBJECT fthr[2], OBJECT *target, OBJECT *crs, BOOLEAN ok, BOOLEAN need_expand, OBJECT *enclose, BOOLEAN fcr) { OBJECT y, tag, ylink, yield, ytag, zlink; OBJECT res, z, firsttag, firstres = nilobj; /* make sure left parameter (the tag) is in order */ debug0(DOM, DD, " manifesting CASE now"); Child(tag, Down(x)); debug1(DOM, DD, " manifesting CASE tag %s now", EchoObject(tag)); tag = Manifest(tag, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); tag = ReplaceWithTidy(tag, ACAT_TIDY); /* make sure the right parameter is an ACAT */ Child(y, LastDown(x)); if( type(y) == YIELD ) { New(z, ACAT); MoveLink(Up(y), z, PARENT); Link(x, z); y = z; } if( type(y) != ACAT ) { Error(8, 7, "%s deleted (right parameter is malformed)", WARN, &fpos(y), KW_CASE); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); return x; } /* hunt through right parameter for res, the selected case */ res = nilobj; firsttag = nilobj; for( ylink = Down(y); ylink != y && res == nilobj; ylink = NextDown(ylink) ) { Child(yield, ylink); if( type(yield) == GAP_OBJ ) continue; if( type(yield) != YIELD ) { Error(8, 8, "%s expected here", WARN, &fpos(yield), KW_YIELD); break; } Child(ytag, Down(yield)); ytag = Manifest(ytag, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); ytag = ReplaceWithTidy(ytag, ACAT_TIDY); if( is_word(type(ytag)) ) { if( firsttag == nilobj ) { firsttag = ytag; Child(firstres, LastDown(yield)); } if( (is_word(type(tag)) && StringEqual(string(ytag), string(tag))) || StringEqual(string(ytag), STR_ELSE) ) { Child(res, LastDown(yield)); break; } } else if( type(ytag) == ACAT ) { z = ytag; for( zlink = Down(z); zlink != z; zlink = NextDown(zlink) ) { Child(ytag, zlink); if( type(ytag) == GAP_OBJ ) continue; if( !is_word(type(ytag)) ) { Error(8, 9, "error in left parameter of %s", WARN, &fpos(ytag), KW_YIELD); break; } if( firsttag == nilobj ) { firsttag = ytag; Child(firstres, LastDown(yield)); } if( (is_word(type(tag)) && StringEqual(string(ytag), string(tag))) || StringEqual(string(ytag), STR_ELSE) ) { Child(res, LastDown(yield)); break; } } } else Error(8, 10, "error in left parameter of %s", WARN, &fpos(ytag), KW_YIELD); } if( res == nilobj ) { if( firsttag != nilobj ) { Error(8, 11, "replacing unknown %s option %s by %s", WARN, &fpos(tag), KW_CASE, string(tag), string(firsttag)); res = firstres; debug1(DGP, D, " res = %s", EchoObject(res)); } else { Error(8, 12, "%s deleted (choice %s unknown)", WARN, &fpos(tag), KW_CASE, string(tag)); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); return x; } } /* now manifest the result and replace x with it */ DeleteLink(Up(res)); ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); return x; } /* ManifestCase */ /*@::ManifestTg@**************************************************************/ /* */ /* OBJECT ManifestTg(x,env,style,bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, */ /* enclose, fcr) */ /* */ /* This procedure implements Manifest (see below) when x is TAGGED. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static OBJECT ManifestTg(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style, OBJECT bthr[2], OBJECT fthr[2], OBJECT *target, OBJECT *crs, BOOLEAN ok, BOOLEAN need_expand, OBJECT *enclose, BOOLEAN fcr) { OBJECT y, tag, z; /* make sure first argument is a cross-reference */ assert( Down(x) != x && NextDown(Down(x)) != x && NextDown(NextDown(Down(x))) == x, "Manifest TAGGED: children!" ); Child(y, Down(x)); if( !is_cross(type(y)) ) { y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, TRUE); if( !is_cross(type(y)) ) { Error(8, 13, "left parameter of %s is not a cross reference", WARN, &fpos(y), KW_TAGGED); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); return x; } } /* make sure the arguments of the cross-reference are OK */ Child(z, Down(y)); if( type(z) != CLOSURE ) { Error(8, 14, "left parameter of %s must be a symbol", WARN, &fpos(y), KW_TAGGED); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); return x; } if( !has_tag(actual(z)) ) { Error(8, 15, "symbol %s not allowed here (it has no %s)", WARN, &fpos(z), SymName(actual(z)), KW_TAG); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); return x; } Child(z, NextDown(Down(y))); z = Manifest(z, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, ACAT_TIDY); if( is_word(type(z)) && StringEqual(string(z), KW_PRECEDING) ) cross_type(y) = CROSS_PREC; else if( is_word(type(z)) && StringEqual(string(z), KW_FOLLOWING) ) cross_type(y) = CROSS_FOLL; else if( is_word(type(z)) && StringEqual(string(z), KW_FOLL_OR_PREC) ) cross_type(y) = CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC; else { Error(8, 16, "%s, %s or %s expected in left parameter of %s", WARN, &fpos(z), KW_PRECEDING, KW_FOLLOWING, KW_FOLL_OR_PREC, KW_TAGGED); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); return x; } /* make sure second argument (the new key) is ok */ Child(tag, LastDown(x)); tag = Manifest(tag, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); tag = ReplaceWithTidy(tag, WORD_TIDY); /* && */ if( !is_word(type(tag)) ) { Error(8, 17, "right parameter of %s must be a simple word", WARN, &fpos(tag), KW_TAGGED); ifdebug(DOM, DD, DebugObject(tag)); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); return x; } /* assemble insinuated cross reference which replaces x */ ReplaceNode(tag, z); DisposeObject(z); ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = y; ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); debug1(DCR, DD, " tagged manifesting %s", EchoObject(x)); return x; } /* end ManifestTg */ /*@::ManifestCl@**************************************************************/ /* */ /* OBJECT ManifestCl(x,env,style,bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, */ /* enclose, fcr) */ /* */ /* This procedure implements Manifest (see below) when x is CLOSURE. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ static OBJECT ManifestCl(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style, OBJECT bthr[2], OBJECT fthr[2], OBJECT *target, OBJECT *crs, BOOLEAN ok, BOOLEAN need_expand, OBJECT *enclose, BOOLEAN fcr) { OBJECT y, link, sym, res_env, hold_env, hold_env2, z, newz, command; BOOLEAN symbol_free; sym = actual(x); StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style); debugcond2(DOM, DD, StringEqual(SymName(sym), "@Section"), "manifesting %s at %s", SymName(sym), EchoFilePos(&fpos(x))); debug1(DOM, DD, " [ manifesting closure %s", SymName(sym)); /* enclose, if required */ if( *enclose != nilobj && (actual(x)==GalleySym || actual(x)==ForceGalleySym) ) { OBJECT sym, par; ReplaceNode(*enclose, x); Child(sym, Down(*enclose)); Child(par, Down(sym)); DisposeChild(Down(par)); Link(par, x); x = *enclose; *enclose = nilobj; debug1(DHY, DD, " Manifest/enclose: %s", EchoObject(x)); debug1(DOM, DD, " Manifest/enclose: %s", EchoObject(x)); x = Manifest(x, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); debug0(DOM, DD, " ] returning from manifesting closure (enclose)"); return x; } /* expand parameters where possible, and find if they are all free */ symbol_free = TRUE; debugcond1(DOM, DD, indefinite(sym), " freeing %s", EchoObject(x)); for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); assert( type(y) == PAR, "Manifest/CLOSURE: type(y) != PAR!" ); Child(z, Down(y)); /* try to evaluate the actual parameter z */ if( !is_word(type(z)) && !has_par(actual(y)) ) { if( is_tag(actual(y)) || is_key(actual(y)) ) { z = Manifest(z, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, WORD_TIDY); if( !is_word(type(z)) ) { debug2(ANY, D, "z = %s %s", Image(type(z)), EchoObject(z)); Error(8, 41, "this %s is not a sequence of one or more words", FATAL, &fpos(y), SymName(actual(y))); } } else if( type(z) == NEXT ) { z = Manifest(z, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, ACAT_TIDY); } else if( type(z) == CLOSURE && is_par(type(actual(z))) ) { /* see whether z would come to something simple if expanded */ newz = ParameterCheck(z, env); debugcond2(DOM, DD, indefinite(sym), " ParameterCheck(%s, env) = %s", EchoObject(z), EchoObject(newz)); if( newz != nilobj ) { ReplaceNode(newz, z); DisposeObject(z); z = newz; } } } if( !is_word(type(z)) ) { symbol_free = FALSE; } } debugcond2(DOM, DD, indefinite(sym)," s_f = %s, x = %s", bool(symbol_free), EchoObject(x)); /* if all parameters are free of symbols, optimize environment */ if( symbol_free && imports(sym) == nilobj && enclosing(sym) != StartSym ) { y = SearchEnv(env, enclosing(sym)); if( y != nilobj && type(y) == CLOSURE ) { OBJECT prntenv; Parent(prntenv, Up(y)); assert(type(prntenv) == ENV, "Manifest: prntenv!"); if( Down(prntenv) == LastDown(prntenv) ) { env = prntenv; } else { debug0(DCR, DDD, "calling SetEnv from Manifest (a)"); env = SetEnv(y, nilobj); } New(hold_env2, ACAT); Link(hold_env2, env); } else { /* *** letting this through now if( has_par(enclosing(sym)) ) Error(8, 18, "symbol %s used outside %s", WARN, &fpos(x), SymName(sym), SymName(enclosing(sym))); *** */ hold_env2 = nilobj; } } else hold_env2 = nilobj; debug3(DOM, DD, " expansion: has_target %s, indefinite %s, recursive %s", bool(has_target(sym)), bool(indefinite(sym)), bool(recursive(sym))); if( has_target(sym) && !need_expand ) { /* convert symbols with targets to unsized galleys */ OBJECT hd; New(hd, HEAD); FposCopy(fpos(hd), fpos(x)); actual(hd) = sym; limiter(hd) = opt_components(hd) = opt_constraints(hd) = nilobj; gall_dir(hd) = horiz_galley(sym); ready_galls(hd) = nilobj; must_expand(hd) = TRUE; sized(hd) = FALSE; seen_nojoin(hd) = FALSE; ReplaceNode(hd, x); Link(hd, x); AttachEnv(env, x); SetTarget(hd); enclose_obj(hd) = (has_enclose(sym) ? BuildEnclose(hd) : nilobj); ClearHeaders(hd); x = hd; threaded(x) = bthr[COLM] != nilobj || fthr[COLM] != nilobj; ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); debug3(DGA, D, " manifesting %sgalley %s at %s", force_gall(hd) ? "force " : "", SymName(actual(hd)), EchoFilePos(&fpos(hd))); } else if( *target == sym ? (*target = nilobj, TRUE) : need_expand ? TRUE : uses_galley(sym) && !recursive(sym) ? TRUE : !indefinite(sym) && !recursive(sym) ? TRUE : indefinite(sym) && *target != nilobj ? SearchUses(sym, *target) : FALSE ) { /* expand the closure and manifest the result */ debug1(DOM, DD, "expanding; style: %s", EchoStyle(style)); debug0(DCE, DD, " calling ClosureExpand from Manifest/CLOSURE"); /* *** now requesting cross refs always, not only if ok x = ClosureExpand(x, env, ok, crs, &res_env); *** */ x = ClosureExpand(x, env, TRUE, crs, &res_env); New(hold_env, ACAT); Link(hold_env, res_env); debug1(DOM, DD, "recursive call; style: %s", EchoStyle(style)); if( type(x) == FILTERED ) { assert( type(sym) == RPAR, "ManifestCl/filtered: type(sym)!" ); assert( filter(enclosing(sym)) != nilobj, "ManifestCl filter-encl!" ); New(command, CLOSURE); FposCopy(fpos(command), fpos(x)); actual(command) = filter(enclosing(sym)); FilterSetFileNames(x); command = Manifest(command,env,style,nbt,nft,&ntarget,crs,FALSE,FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); command = ReplaceWithTidy(command, WORD_TIDY); if( !is_word(type(command)) ) Error(8, 19, "filter parameter of %s symbol is not simple", FATAL, &fpos(command), SymName(enclosing(sym))); y = FilterExecute(x, string(command), res_env); debug2(DFH, D, "after \"%s\", will manifest result with style %s", string(command), EchoStyle(style)); DisposeObject(command); ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = y; } x = Manifest(x, res_env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); DisposeObject(hold_env); } else { AttachEnv(env, x); threaded(x) = bthr[COLM] != nilobj || fthr[COLM] != nilobj; debug0(DOM, DD, " closure; calling ReplaceWithSplit"); ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); } if( hold_env2 != nilobj ) DisposeObject(hold_env2); debug0(DOM, DD, " ] returning from manifesting closure"); return x; } /* end ManifestCl */ /*@::Manifest()@**************************************************************/ /* */ /* OBJECT Manifest(x, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, */ /* enclose, fcr) */ /* */ /* Manifest object x, interpreted in environment env and style style. */ /* The result replaces x, and is returned also. */ /* The manifesting operation converts x from a pure parse tree object */ /* containing closures and no threads, to an object ready for sizing, */ /* with fonts propagated to the words, fill styles propagated to the */ /* ACATs, and line spacings propagated to all interested parties. */ /* All non-recursive, non-indefinite closures are expanded. */ /* Threads joining objects on a mark are constructed, and SPLIT objects */ /* inserted, so that sizing becomes a trivial operation. */ /* */ /* Manifest will construct threads and pass them up as children of bthr[] */ /* and fthr[] whenever non-nilobj values of these variables are passed in: */ /* */ /* bthr[COLM] protrudes upwards from x */ /* fthr[COLM] protrudes downwards from x */ /* bthr[ROWM] protrudes leftwards from x */ /* fthr[ROWM] protrudes rightwards from x */ /* */ /* If *target != nilobj, Manifest will expand indefinite closures leading */ /* to the first @Galley lying within an object of type *target. */ /* */ /* If *target != nilobj and *enclose != nilobj, Manifest will enclose */ /* any @Galley or @ForceGalley it comes across in *enclose. */ /* */ /* The env parameter contains the environment in which x is to be */ /* evaluated. Environments are shared, so their correct disposal is not */ /* simple. The rule is this: the code which creates an environment, or */ /* detaches it, is responsible for holding it with a dummy parent until */ /* it is no longer required. */ /* */ /* Some objects x are not "real" in the sense that they do not give rise */ /* to rectangles in the final printed document. The left parameter of */ /* @Wide and similar operators, and the gap following a concatenation */ /* operator, are examples of such non-real objects. The ok flag is true */ /* when x is part of a real object. This is needed because some things, */ /* such as the insinuation of cross references, the breaking of */ /* lines @Break ACAT objects, and conversion to small capitals, only apply */ /* to real objects. */ /* */ /* If *crs != nilobj, it points to a list of indexes to cross-references */ /* which are to be insinuated into the manifested form of x if x is real. */ /* */ /* If need_expand is TRUE it forces closure x to expand. */ /* */ /* If fcr is TRUE, the objective is to expand until a cross-reference is */ /* the result; so expansion will stop at a CROSS or FORCE_CROSS object. */ /* */ /* A postcondition of Manifest() is that the underline() flag is set to */ /* either UNDER_ON or UNDER_OFF in every WORD, every QWORD, and every child */ /* of every ACAT, including the gaps. This can be verified by checking */ /* that the WORD and QWORD cases set underline() to UNDER_OFF, and the ACAT */ /* case sets every child of the ACAT to UNDER_OFF. To see that the correct */ /* subset of these flags gets changed to UNDER_ON, consult SetUnderline(). */ /* The underline() flag is undefined otherwise, and should have value */ /* UNDER_UNDEF. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define MAX_DEPTH 2000 OBJECT Manifest(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style, OBJECT bthr[2], OBJECT fthr[2], OBJECT *target, OBJECT *crs, BOOLEAN ok, BOOLEAN need_expand, OBJECT *enclose, BOOLEAN fcr) { OBJECT bt[2], ft[2], y, link, nextlink, gaplink, g, gword; register FULL_CHAR *p; OBJECT res = nilobj, res_env, res_env2, hold_env, hold_env2, z, prev; OBJECT link1, link2, x1, x2, y1, y2, vc, value_env, key, value; int i, par, num1, num2; GAP res_gap; unsigned res_inc; STYLE new_style; BOOLEAN done /* , multiline */; FULL_CHAR ch; float scale_factor; static int depth = 0; #if DEBUG_ON static unsigned int debug_type[MAX_DEPTH]; static OBJECT debug_actual[MAX_DEPTH]; static int debug_lnum[MAX_DEPTH]; BOOLEAN eee = (*enclose != nilobj); debug_type[depth] = type(x); debug_lnum[depth] = line_num(fpos(x)); if( type(x) == CLOSURE ) debug_actual[depth] = actual(x); depth++; if( depth == MAX_DEPTH ) { Error(8, 20, "maximum depth of symbol expansion (%d) reached", WARN, &fpos(x), MAX_DEPTH); Error(8, 21, "the symbols currently being expanded are:", WARN, &fpos(x)); while( --depth >= 0 ) { Error(8, 22, "at %d: %d %s %s", WARN, &fpos(x), depth, debug_lnum[depth], Image(debug_type[depth]), debug_type[depth] == CLOSURE ? FullSymName(debug_actual[depth], AsciiToFull(".")) : STR_EMPTY); } Error(8, 23, "exiting now", FATAL, &fpos(x)); } #else depth++; if( depth == MAX_DEPTH ) { Error(8, 40, "maximum depth of symbol expansion (%d) reached", FATAL, &fpos(x), MAX_DEPTH); } #endif debug1(DOM, DD, "[Manifest(%s)", Image(type(x))); debug0(DOM, DD, " object: "); ifdebug(DOM, DD, DebugObject(x)); debug1(DOM, DD, " environment: %s", EchoObject(env)); debug6(DOM, DD, " style: %s; target: %s; threads: %s%s%s%s", EchoStyle(style), SymName(*target), bthr[COLM] ? " up" : "", fthr[COLM] ? " down" : "", bthr[ROWM] ? " left" : "", fthr[ROWM] ? " right" : ""); debugcond2(DHY, DD, eee, "[ Manifest(%s, *enclose = %s)", EchoObject(x), EchoObject(*enclose)); switch( type(x) ) { case ENV_OBJ: debug0(DHY, DD, "[Manifest env_obj:"); ifdebug(DHY, DD, DebugObject(x)); Child(y, Down(x)); Child(res_env, NextDown(Down(x))); assert( type(res_env) == ENV, "Manifest/ENV_OBJ: res_env!"); y = Manifest(y, res_env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, TRUE, enclose, fcr); /* we always expand children of ENV_OBJ (need_expand == TRUE) */ ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = y; debug1(DHY, DD, "]Manifest env_obj returning %s", EchoObject(x)); break; case CLOSURE: x = ManifestCl(x, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, enclose, fcr); break; case PAGE_LABEL: Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, WORD_TIDY); ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case NULL_CLOS: StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style); ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case CROSS: case FORCE_CROSS: assert( Down(x) != x && LastDown(x) != Down(x), "Manifest: CROSS child!"); if( !fcr ) /* stop if fcr, i.e. if purpose was to find a cross-reference */ { debug0(DCR, DD, " calling CrossExpand from Manifest/CROSS"); Child(y, Down(x)); if( type(y) == CLOSURE ) { /* *** want cross ref now always, not only if ok x = CrossExpand(x, env, style, ok, crs, &res_env); *** */ x = CrossExpand(x, env, style, crs, &res_env); assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "Manifest/CROSS: type(x)!" ); New(hold_env, ACAT); Link(hold_env, res_env); /* expand here (calling Manifest immediately makes unwanted cr) */ debug0(DCE, DD, " calling ClosureExpand from Manifest/CROSS"); x = ClosureExpand(x, res_env, FALSE, crs, &res_env2); New(hold_env2, ACAT); Link(hold_env2, res_env2); x = Manifest(x, res_env2, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, TRUE, enclose, fcr); DisposeObject(hold_env); DisposeObject(hold_env2); } else { y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); } } break; case WORD: case QWORD: /* *** patched by JeffK 17/10/06 as suggested by Ludovic Courtes *** */ /* if( !ok || *crs == nilobj ) */ if( !ok ) { word_font(x) = font(*style); word_colour(x) = colour(*style); word_underline_colour(x) = underline_colour(*style); word_texture(x) = texture(*style); word_outline(x) = outline(*style); word_language(x) = language(*style); word_baselinemark(x) = baselinemark(*style); word_strut(x) = strut(*style); word_ligatures(x) = ligatures(*style); word_hyph(x) = hyph_style(*style) == HYPH_ON; debug3(DOM, DDD, " manfifest/WORD underline() := %s for %s %s", "UNDER_OFF", Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x)); if( small_caps(*style) && ok ) x = MapSmallCaps(x, style); /* unreachable */ underline(x) = UNDER_OFF; ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; } New(y, ACAT); FposCopy(fpos(y), fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(y, x); Link(y, x); x = y; /* NB NO BREAK! */ case ACAT: StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style); adjust_cat(x) = padjust(*style); StyleCopy(new_style, *style); padjust(new_style) = FALSE; assert(Down(x) != x, "Manifest: ACAT!" ); link = Down(x); Child(y, link); assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "Manifest ACAT: GAP_OBJ is first!" ); /* multiline = FALSE; */ /* manifest first child and insert any cross references */ if( is_word(type(y)) ) { word_font(y) = font(*style); word_colour(y) = colour(*style); word_underline_colour(y) = underline_colour(*style); word_texture(y) = texture(*style); word_outline(y) = outline(*style); word_language(y) = language(*style); word_baselinemark(y) = baselinemark(*style); word_strut(y) = strut(*style); word_ligatures(y) = ligatures(*style); word_hyph(y) = hyph_style(*style) == HYPH_ON; if( small_caps(*style) && ok ) y = MapSmallCaps(y, style); } else y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); debug3(DOM, DDD, " manfifest/ACAT1 underline() := %s for %s %s", "UNDER_OFF", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y)); underline(y) = UNDER_OFF; /* ??? if( is_word(type(y)) ) */ if( ok && *crs != nilobj ) { debug1(DCR, DD, " insinuating %s", EchoObject(*crs)); TransferLinks(Down(*crs), *crs, link); DisposeObject(*crs); *crs = nilobj; } prev = y; /* manifest subsequent gaps and children */ for( gaplink = Down(link); gaplink != x; gaplink = NextDown(link) ) { Child(g, gaplink); assert( type(g) == GAP_OBJ, "Manifest ACAT: no GAP_OBJ!" ); debug3(DOM, DDD, " manfifest/ACAT2 underline() := %s for %s %s", "UNDER_OFF", Image(type(g)), EchoObject(g)); underline(g) = UNDER_OFF; link = NextDown(gaplink); assert( link != x, "Manifest ACAT: GAP_OBJ is last!" ); Child(y, link); assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "Manifest ACAT: double GAP_OBJ!" ); /* manifest the next child */ debug1(DOM, DD, " in ACAT (3), style = %s", EchoStyle(style)); if( is_word(type(y)) ) { word_font(y) = font(*style); word_colour(y) = colour(*style); word_underline_colour(y) = underline_colour(*style); word_texture(y) = texture(*style); word_outline(y) = outline(*style); word_language(y) = language(*style); word_baselinemark(y) = baselinemark(*style); word_strut(y) = strut(*style); word_ligatures(y) = ligatures(*style); word_hyph(y) = hyph_style(*style) == HYPH_ON; if( small_caps(*style) && ok ) y = MapSmallCaps(y, style); } else y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); debug3(DOM, DDD, " manifest/ACAT3 underline() := %s for %s %s", "UNDER_OFF", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y)); underline(y) = UNDER_OFF; /* manifest the gap object */ if( Down(g) != g ) { /* explicit & operator whose value is the child of g */ Child(z, Down(g)); z = Manifest(z, env, &new_style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, ACAT_TIDY); GetGap(z, style, &gap(g), &res_inc); vspace(g) = hspace(g) = 0; } else { /* implicit & operator */ GapCopy(gap(g), space_gap(*style)); switch( space_style(*style) ) { case SPACE_LOUT: /* usual Lout spacing, the number of white space characters */ width(gap(g)) = width(gap(g)) * (vspace(g) + hspace(g)); break; case SPACE_COMPRESS: /* either zero or one space */ if( vspace(g) + hspace(g) == 0 ) { width(gap(g)) = 0; } else { /* else width is like one space, so OK as is */ } break; case SPACE_SEPARATE: /* exactly one space always, so do nothing further */ break; case SPACE_TROFF: /* Lout spacing plus one extra space for sentence end at eoln */ width(gap(g)) = width(gap(g)) * (vspace(g) + hspace(g)); debugcond2(DLS, DD, vspace(g) > 0, " prev = %s %s", Image(type(prev)), EchoObject(prev)); if( vspace(g) > 0 ) { /* set z to the preceding object; may need to search ACATs! */ z = prev; while( type(z) == ACAT || type(z) == ONE_COL || type(z) == ONE_ROW || type(z) == HCONTRACT || type(z) == VCONTRACT ) { Child(z, LastDown(z)); } /* if preceding object is a word, check for end sentence */ if( is_word(type(z)) ) { for( p = string(z); *p != '\0'; p++ ); debug4(DLS, DD, " prev = %s, last = %c, LSE = %s, LWES = %s", EchoObject(z), *(p-1), bool(LanguageSentenceEnds[*(p-1)]), bool(LanguageWordEndsSentence(z, FALSE))); if( p != string(z) && LanguageSentenceEnds[*(p-1)] && LanguageWordEndsSentence(z, FALSE) ) width(gap(g)) += width(space_gap(*style)); } } break; case SPACE_TEX: if( vspace(g) + hspace(g) == 0 ) { /* zero spaces gives zero result, as for compress above */ width(gap(g)) = 0; } else { /* set z to the preceding object; may need to search ACATs! */ z = prev; while( type(z) == ACAT || type(z) == ONE_COL || type(z) == ONE_ROW || type(z) == HCONTRACT || type(z) == VCONTRACT ) { Child(z, LastDown(z)); } /* one extra space if preceding is word ending sentence */ if( is_word(type(z)) ) { for( p = string(z); *p != '\0'; p++ ); debug4(DLS, DD, " prev = %s, last = %c, LSE = %s, LWES = %s", EchoObject(z), *(p-1), bool(LanguageSentenceEnds[*(p-1)]), bool(LanguageWordEndsSentence(z, TRUE))); if( p != string(z) && LanguageSentenceEnds[*(p-1)] && LanguageWordEndsSentence(z, TRUE) ) width(gap(g)) += width(space_gap(*style)); } } break; default: assert(FALSE, "Manifest: unexpected space_style!"); break; } nobreak(gap(g)) = (width(gap(g)) == 0); /* *** if( line_breaker(g) && is_definite(type(y)) ) multiline = TRUE; *** */ } debug1(DOM, DD, " in ACAT, gap = %s", EchoLength(width(gap(g)))); /* compress adjacent juxtaposed words of equal font, etc. */ if( is_word(type(y)) && width(gap(g)) == 0 && nobreak(gap(g)) && vspace(g)+hspace(g)==0 && units(gap(g)) == FIXED_UNIT && mode(gap(g)) == EDGE_MODE && prev != nilobj && is_word(type(prev)) && !mark(gap(g)) && word_font(prev) == word_font(y) && word_colour(prev) == word_colour(y) && word_underline_colour(prev) == word_underline_colour(y) && word_texture(prev) == word_texture(y) && word_outline(prev) == word_outline(y) && word_language(prev) == word_language(y) && word_baselinemark(prev) == word_baselinemark(y) && word_strut(prev) == word_strut(y) && word_ligatures(prev) == word_ligatures(y) ) /* no need to compare underline() since both are false */ { unsigned typ; assert( underline(prev) == UNDER_OFF, "Manifest/ACAT: underline(prev)!" ); assert( underline(y) == UNDER_OFF, "Manifest/ACAT: underline(y)!" ); if( StringLength(string(prev))+StringLength(string(y)) >= MAX_WORD ) Error(8, 24, "word %s%s is too long", FATAL, &fpos(prev), string(prev), string(y)); z = y; typ = type(prev) == QWORD || type(y) == QWORD ? QWORD : WORD; y = MakeWordTwo(typ, string(prev), string(y), &fpos(prev)); word_font(y) = word_font(prev); word_colour(y) = word_colour(prev); word_underline_colour(y) = word_underline_colour(prev); word_texture(y) = word_texture(prev); word_outline(y) = word_outline(prev); word_language(y) = word_language(prev); word_baselinemark(y) = word_baselinemark(prev); word_strut(y) = word_strut(prev); word_ligatures(y) = word_ligatures(prev); word_hyph(y) = word_hyph(prev); underline(y) = UNDER_OFF; debug3(DOM, DDD, " manifest/ACAT4 underline() := %s for %s %s", "UNDER_OFF", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y)); MoveLink(link, y, CHILD); DisposeObject(z); DisposeChild(Up(prev)); DisposeChild(gaplink); } prev = y; /* insinuate any cross-references */ if( ok && *crs != nilobj ) { debug1(DCR, DD, " insinuating %s", EchoObject(*crs)); TransferLinks(Down(*crs), *crs, link); DisposeObject(*crs); *crs = nilobj; } } ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case HCAT: case VCAT: x = ManifestCat(x, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, enclose, fcr); break; case WIDE: case HIGH: Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); num1 = GetWidth(y, style); SetConstraint(constraint(x), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, num1, MAX_FULL_LENGTH); DisposeChild(Down(x)); goto ETC; /* two cases down from here */ case HSHIFT: case VSHIFT: Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); GetGap(y, style, &shift_gap(x), &res_inc); shift_type(x) = res_inc; if( mode(shift_gap(x)) != EDGE_MODE || (units(shift_gap(x))!=FIXED_UNIT && units(shift_gap(x))!=NEXT_UNIT) ) { Error(8, 27, "replacing invalid left parameter of %s by +0i", WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(x)) ); shift_type(x) = GAP_INC; units(shift_gap(x)) = FIXED_UNIT; width(shift_gap(x)) = 0; mode(shift_gap(x)) = EDGE_MODE; } DisposeChild(Down(x)); goto ETC; /* next case down from here */ case HCONTRACT: case VCONTRACT: case HLIMITED: case VLIMITED: case HEXPAND: case VEXPAND: case ONE_COL: case ONE_ROW: ETC: par = (type(x)==ONE_COL || type(x)==HEXPAND || type(x) == HCONTRACT || type(x)==HLIMITED || type(x)==WIDE || type(x)==HSHIFT) ? COLM : ROWM; Child(y, Down(x)); /* manifest the child, propagating perp threads and suppressing pars */ bt[par] = ft[par] = nilobj; bt[1-par] = bthr[1-par]; ft[1-par] = fthr[1-par]; y = Manifest(y, env, style, bt, ft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); /* replace with split object if par threads needed */ bt[par] = bthr[par]; ft[par] = fthr[par]; bt[1-par] = ft[1-par] = nilobj; ReplaceWithSplit(x, bt, ft); break; case BEGIN_HEADER: case SET_HEADER: /* first manifest gap, which is left parameter */ debug1(DGS, D, "[ Manifest(%s)", EchoObject(x)); Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); GetGap(y, style, &line_gap(save_style(x)), &res_inc); /* make vc, a joined VCAT of MAX_HCOPIES copies of the header */ Child(y, LastDown(x)); DeleteLink(Up(y)); New(vc, VCAT); Link(vc, y); for( i = 1; i < MAX_HCOPIES; i++ ) { /* make new gap object and link to vc */ New(g, GAP_OBJ); mark(gap(g)) = FALSE; join(gap(g)) = TRUE; FposCopy(fpos(g), fpos(y)); gword = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(g)); Link(g, gword); Link(vc, g); /* copy y and link to vc */ z = CopyObject(y, &fpos(y)); Link(vc, z); } ifdebug(DGS, D, DebugObject(x)); /* manifest vc */ vc = Manifest(vc, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, enclose, fcr); /* make the MAX_HCOPIES children of vc into children of header */ assert(type(vc) == VCAT, "Manifest/BEGIN_HEADER: vc!"); for( link = Down(vc); link != vc; link = nextlink ) { nextlink = NextDown(link); Child(z, link); if( type(z) != GAP_OBJ ) MoveLink(link, x, PARENT); } /* DisposeObject(vc); */ debug0(DGS, D, "] Manifest returning"); /* ifdebug(DGS, D, DebugObject(x)); */ break; case END_HEADER: case CLEAR_HEADER: /* give these objects a dummy child, just so that threads can attach */ /* to it and keep the thread code happy. Don't use ReplaceWithSplit */ /* because we don't want a split above a header */ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); Link(x, y); y = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, enclose, fcr); break; case HSPAN: case VSPAN: ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case ROTATE: Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); GetGap(y, style, &res_gap, &res_inc); if( res_inc != GAP_ABS || mode(res_gap) != EDGE_MODE || units(res_gap) != DEG_UNIT ) { Error(8, 28, "replacing invalid left parameter of %s by 0d", WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(x)) ); units(res_gap) = DEG_UNIT; width(res_gap) = 0; } sparec(constraint(x)) = width(res_gap); DisposeChild(Down(x)); Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE,enclose,fcr); ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case BACKGROUND: Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE,enclose,fcr); Child(y, LastDown(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE,enclose,fcr); ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case START_HVSPAN: case START_HSPAN: case START_VSPAN: case HMIRROR: case VMIRROR: case HSCALE: case VSCALE: case HCOVER: case VCOVER: Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE,enclose,fcr); ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case SCALE: Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); if( is_word(type(y)) && StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY) ) { /* missing scale factor, meaning to be inserted automatically */ bc(constraint(x)) = fc(constraint(x)) = 0; /* work out later */ bfc(constraint(x)) = 0; } else if( is_word(type(y)) && StringEqual(string(y), STR_SCALE_DOWN) ) { /* scale factor "downifneeded", meaning to be inserted automatically */ bc(constraint(x)) = fc(constraint(x)) = 0; /* work out later */ bfc(constraint(x)) = -1; } else if( type(y) != ACAT ) { /* presumably one word, common factor for horizontal and vertical */ scale_factor = GetScaleFactor(y); bc(constraint(x)) = fc(constraint(x)) = scale_factor * SF; } else { /* get horizontal scale factor */ Child(z, Down(y)); scale_factor = GetScaleFactor(z); bc(constraint(x)) = scale_factor * SF; /* get vertical scale factor */ Child(z, LastDown(y)); scale_factor = GetScaleFactor(z); fc(constraint(x)) = scale_factor * SF; } DisposeChild(Down(x)); Child(y, LastDown(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case KERN_SHRINK: Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); Child(y, LastDown(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case YIELD: Error(8, 29, "%s not expected here", FATAL, &fpos(x), KW_YIELD); break; case RAW_VERBATIM: case VERBATIM: Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); DeleteLink(Down(x)); MergeNode(y, x); x = y; break; case CASE: x = ManifestCase(x,env,style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, enclose, fcr); break; case BACKEND: res = MakeWord(WORD, BackEnd->name, &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); break; case XCHAR: Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); if( !is_word(type(y)) ) { Error(8, 30, "%s dropped (parameter is not a simple word)", WARN, &fpos(y), KW_XCHAR); res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); } else if( (word_font(y) = font(*style)) == 0 ) { Error(8, 31, "%s dropped (no current font at this point)", WARN, &fpos(y), KW_XCHAR); res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); } else { ch = MapCharEncoding(string(y), FontMapping(word_font(y), &fpos(y))); if( ch == '\0' ) { type(y) = QWORD; Error(8, 32, "%s dropped (character %s unknown in font %s)", WARN, &fpos(y), KW_XCHAR, StringQuotedWord(y), FontFamilyAndFace(word_font(y))); res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); } else { res = MakeWord(QWORD, STR_SPACE, &fpos(x)); string(res)[0] = ch; } } ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); break; case CURR_LANG: if( language(*style) == 0 ) { Error(8, 33, "no current language at this point, using %s", WARN, &fpos(x), STR_NONE); res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, &fpos(x)); } else res = MakeWord(WORD, LanguageString(language(*style)), &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); break; case CURR_FAMILY: case CURR_FACE: if( font(*style) == 0 ) { Error(8, 38, "no current font at this point, using %s", WARN, &fpos(x), STR_NONE); res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, &fpos(x)); } else if( type(x) == CURR_FAMILY ) res = MakeWord(WORD, FontFamily(font(*style)), &fpos(x)); else res = MakeWord(WORD, FontFace(font(*style)), &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); break; case CURR_YUNIT: case CURR_ZUNIT: { FULL_CHAR buff[20]; if( type(x) == CURR_YUNIT ) sprintf( (char *) buff, "%dp", yunit(*style) / PT); else sprintf( (char *) buff, "%dp", zunit(*style) / PT); res = MakeWord(WORD, buff, &fpos(x)); } ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); break; case UNDERLINE: /* change x to an ACAT */ assert(Down(x) != x && NextDown(Down(x)) == x, "Manifest: UNDERLINE!"); type(x) = ACAT; adjust_cat(x) = padjust(*style); padjust(*style) = FALSE; StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style); /* manifest x's sole child and set underline flags in the child */ Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok,FALSE,enclose,fcr); SetUnderline(x); ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case FONT: case SPACE: case YUNIT: case ZUNIT: case BREAK: case COLOUR: case UNDERLINE_COLOUR: case TEXTURE: case LANGUAGE: assert( Down(x) != x && NextDown(Down(x)) != x, "Manifest: FONT!" ); StyleCopy(new_style, *style); Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); switch( type(x) ) { case FONT: y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); FontChange(&new_style, y); break; case SPACE: y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); SpaceChange(&new_style, y); break; case YUNIT: y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); YUnitChange(&new_style, y); break; case ZUNIT: y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); ZUnitChange(&new_style, y); break; case BREAK: y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); BreakChange(&new_style, y); break; case COLOUR: y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, WORD_TIDY); ColourChange(&new_style, y); break; case UNDERLINE_COLOUR: y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, WORD_TIDY); ColourUnderlineChange(&new_style, y); break; case TEXTURE: y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, PARA_TIDY); TextureChange(&new_style, y); break; case LANGUAGE: y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); LanguageChange(&new_style, y); break; } DisposeChild(Down(x)); Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); DeleteLink(Down(x)); MergeNode(y, x); x = y; break; case SET_CONTEXT: /* check that we have a valid YIELD node for left parameter */ debug0(DOM, D, " entering @SetContext"); Child(y, Down(x)); if( type(y) != YIELD ) Error(8, 33, "left parameter of @SetContext is not obj @Yield obj", FATAL, &fpos(x)); assert(Down(y) != y && NextDown(Down(y)) == LastDown(y), "@Yield in @SetContext"); /* unlink key and manifest it */ Child(key, Down(y)); DeleteLink(Down(y)); key = Manifest(key, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); key = ReplaceWithTidy(key, WORD_TIDY); if( !is_word(type(key)) ) Error(8, 33, "@SetContext: key is not a simple word", FATAL,&fpos(key)); debug1(DOM, D, " @SetContext: `key' argument: %s", string(key)); /* unlink value but don't manifest it */ Child(value, Down(y)); DeleteLink(Down(y)); debug1(DOM, D, " @SetContext: `value' argument: type %s", Image(type(value))); debug0(DOM, D, " @SetContext: parameters fetched"); /* get the right parameter's value */ Child(z, LastDown(x)); /* memorize the key, value, style and environment for use when */ /* manifesting VALUE in `@GetContext'. */ StyleCopy(new_style, *style); context_key(context(new_style)) = key; context_value(context(new_style)) = value; context_style(context(new_style)) = style; context_env(context(new_style)) = env; ReplaceNode(z, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(z, env, &new_style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); break; case GET_CONTEXT: assert( Down(x) != x, "Manifest: GET_CONTEXT!" ); Child(y, Down(x)); y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, WORD_TIDY); value_env = env; if( is_word(type(y)) ) { STYLE *s; OBJECT value = nilobj; int found = 0; debug1(DOM, D, " @GetContext %s", string(y)); /* iterate over the contexts until one that contains the key being */ /* looked for (currently Y) is found. */ for( s = style; s != NULL; ) { CONTEXT *ctx = &context(*s); if( !ctx ) { s = NULL; } else if( context_key(*ctx) != nilobj && (StringEqual(string(context_key(*ctx)), string(y))) ) { value = context_value(*ctx), found = TRUE; /* VALUE is to be manifested with the style associated to CTX */ StyleCopy(new_style, *style); context(new_style) = context(*context_style(*ctx)); debug3(DOM, D, " @GetContext %s -> value has type %s (%p)", string(y), Image(type(value)), value); /* same for the environment */ value_env = context_env(*ctx); break; } else s = context_style(*ctx); } if( !found ) { Error(8, 33, "no value for context variable `%s', using the empty string", WARN, &fpos(x), string(y)); res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); StyleCopy(new_style, *style); } else res = CopyObject(value, &fpos(value)); } else { Error(8, 33, "%s dropped (right parameter is not a simple word)", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_GET_CONTEXT); res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); StyleCopy(new_style, *style); } ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x); /* manifest the context value under the style and environment that */ /* were in effect at the `@SetContext' invocation point. */ x = Manifest(res, value_env, &new_style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); break; case OUTLINE: case PADJUST: case HADJUST: case VADJUST: StyleCopy(new_style, *style); if( type(x) == OUTLINE ) outline(new_style) = TRUE; else if( type(x) == VADJUST ) vadjust(new_style) = TRUE; else if( type(x) == HADJUST ) hadjust(new_style) = TRUE; else padjust(new_style) = TRUE; Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); DeleteLink(Down(x)); MergeNode(y, x); x = y; break; case MELD: case COMMON: case RUMP: assert( Down(x) != x && NextDown(Down(x)) != x, "Manifest: COMMON!" ); debug2(DOM, D, "[Manifest %s %s", EchoObject(x), EchoObject(env)); /* find the first child of x, make sure it is an ACAT, and manifest */ Child(x1, Down(x)); if( type(x1) != ACAT ) { OBJECT newx1; New(newx1, ACAT); adjust_cat(newx1) = padjust(*style); padjust(*style) = FALSE; MoveLink(Down(x), newx1, CHILD); Link(newx1, x1); x1 = newx1; } x1 = Manifest(x1, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); link1 = x1; while( NextDown(link1) != x1 ) { Child(z, NextDown(link1)); if( type(z) == ACAT ) { TransferLinks(Down(z), z, NextDown(link1)); DisposeChild(Up(z)); } else link1 = NextDown(link1); } debug1(DOM, D, " manifested x1 = %s", EchoObject(x1)); /* find the second child of x, make sure it is an ACAT, and manifest */ Child(x2, NextDown(Down(x))); if( type(x2) != ACAT ) { OBJECT newx2; New(newx2, ACAT); adjust_cat(newx2) = padjust(*style); padjust(*style) = FALSE; MoveLink(NextDown(Down(x)), newx2, CHILD); Link(newx2, x2); x2 = newx2; } x2 = Manifest(x2, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); link2 = x2; while( NextDown(link2) != x2 ) { Child(z, NextDown(link2)); if( type(z) == ACAT ) { TransferLinks(Down(z), z, NextDown(link2)); DisposeChild(Up(z)); } else link2 = NextDown(link2); } debug1(DOM, D, " manifested x2 = %s", EchoObject(x2)); if( type(x) == MELD ) { /* if Meld, result is Meld(x1, x2) */ res = Meld(x1, x2); } else { /* find the point where x1 and x2 begin to differ */ link1 = Down(x1); link2 = Down(x2); while( link1 != x1 && link2 != x2 ) { Child(y1, link1); Child(y2, link2); debug1(DOM, D, " y1 = %s", EchoObject(y1)); debug1(DOM, D, " y2 = %s", EchoObject(y2)); if( !EqualManifested(y1, y2) ) break; link1 = NextDown(link1); link2 = NextDown(link2); } /* if COMMON, result is x1 or x2 if either ran out, */ /* or else x2 (say) up to but not including link2 and prec gap */ if( type(x) == COMMON ) { if( link2 == x2 ) { res = x2; } else if( link1 == x1 ) { res = x1; } else { if( link2 == Down(x2) ) res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x2)); else { TransferLinks(PrevDown(link2), x2, x1); res = x2; } } } /* if RUMP, result is x2 starting from link2 or NextDown(link2) */ else if( type(x) == RUMP ) { if( link2 == x2 ) res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x2)); else if( link1 == x1 ) { TransferLinks(Down(x2), NextDown(link2), x1); res = x2; } else /* link1 != x1 */ { TransferLinks(Down(x2), link2, x1); res = x2; } } } /* now res replaces x */ ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x); x = res; ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); debug1(DOM, D, "]Manifest returning %s", EchoObject(x)); break; case INSERT: /* manifest and detach the left parameter, call it z */ Child(z, Down(x)); z = Manifest(z, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); DeleteLink(Down(x)); /* manifest the right parameter and make it the result */ Child(y, LastDown(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); DeleteLink(LastDown(x)); MergeNode(y, x); x = y; /* now find the reattachment point for z down inside the result, x */ x = InsertObject(x, &z, style); if( z != nilobj ) { Error(8, 34, "object dropped by %s: no suitable insert point", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_INSERT); DisposeObject(z); } break; case ONE_OF: Child(y, Down(x)); if( type(y) != ACAT ) { /* child is not a sequence of choices, so ignore ONE_OF */ Error(8, 39, "%s ignored: no choices in right parameter", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_ONE_OF); y = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); DeleteLink(Down(x)); MergeNode(y, x); x = y; } else { /* try each child in turn; result is first to find *target */ OBJECT target_before; for( link = Down(y); link != y; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(z, link); if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ ) continue; target_before = *target; z = Manifest(z, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); if( *target != target_before ) break; } DeleteLink(Up(z)); ReplaceNode(z, x); DisposeObject(x); x = z; } break; case NEXT: assert( Down(x) != x, "Manifest/NEXT: Down(x) == x!" ); Child(y, Down(x)); debug1(DCS, DD, " Manifesting Next( %s, 1 )", EchoObject(y)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, FALSE, FALSE, enclose, fcr); debug1(DCS, DD, " calling Next( %s, 1 )", EchoObject(y)); done = FALSE; y = Next(y, 1, &done); debug2(DCS, DD, " Next(done = %s) returning %s", bool(done), EchoObject(y)); DeleteLink(Down(x)); MergeNode(y, x); x = y; break; case PLUS: case MINUS: Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, ACAT_TIDY); Child(z, NextDown(Down(x))); z = Manifest(z, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, ACAT_TIDY); if( is_word(type(y)) && sscanf( (char *) string(y), "%d", &num1) == 1 && is_word(type(z)) && sscanf( (char *) string(z), "%d", &num2) == 1 ) { FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_WORD]; sprintf( (char *) buff, "%d", type(x) == PLUS ? num1+num2 : num1-num2); res = MakeWord(WORD, buff, &fpos(x)); } else { res = MakeWord(WORD, (FULL_CHAR *) "???", &fpos(x)); } debug4(DOM, DD, "{ %s } %s { %s } = %s", EchoObject(y), Image(type(x)), EchoObject(z), EchoObject(res)); res = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, FALSE, FALSE, enclose, fcr); ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x); x = res; break; case OPEN: debug0(DCR, DD, " [ Manifest/OPEN begins:"); Child(y, Down(x)); DeleteLink(Down(x)); Child(res, LastDown(x)); hold_env = nilobj; if( type(y) == CLOSURE ) { AttachEnv(env, y); StyleCopy(save_style(y), *style); debug0(DCR, DDD, "calling SetEnv from Manifest (b)"); res_env = SetEnv(y, nilobj); New(hold_env, ACAT); Link(hold_env, res_env); res = Manifest(res, res_env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); } else if( is_cross(type(y)) ) { Child(z, Down(y)); if( type(z) == CLOSURE ) { debug0(DCR, DD, " calling CrossExpand from Manifest/OPEN"); /* *** want cross ref now always, not only if ok y = CrossExpand(y, env, style, ok, crs, &res_env); *** */ y = CrossExpand(y, env, style, crs, &res_env); AttachEnv(res_env, y); debug0(DCR, DDD, "calling SetEnv from Manifest (c)"); res_env = SetEnv(y, env); New(hold_env, ACAT); Link(hold_env, res_env); res = Manifest(res, res_env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); } else { Error(8, 35, "invalid left parameter of %s", WARN, &fpos(y), KW_OPEN); res = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); } } else { Error(8, 36, "invalid left parameter of %s", WARN, &fpos(y), KW_OPEN); res = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); } ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x); if( hold_env != nilobj ) DisposeObject(hold_env); x = res; debug0(DCR, DD, " ] Manifest/OPEN ends"); break; case TAGGED: x = ManifestTg(x, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, enclose, fcr); debug2(DCR, DD, "Manifest returning %ld %s", (long) x, EchoObject(x)); break; case PLAIN_GRAPHIC: case GRAPHIC: debug1(DRS, DD, " graphic style in Manifest = %s", EchoStyle(style)); Child(y, LastDown(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style); Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case LINK_SOURCE: case LINK_DEST: case LINK_URL: /* save_mark(x) = 0; */ Child(y, LastDown(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok,FALSE,enclose,fcr); StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style); if( type(x) == LINK_DEST && is_indefinite(type(y)) ) type(x) = LINK_DEST_NULL; Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, WORD_TIDY); ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; case INCGRAPHIC: case SINCGRAPHIC: StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style); debug2(DGP, DD, " manifest at %s (style %s)", EchoObject(x), EchoStyle(&save_style(x))); Child(y, Down(x)); y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr); y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, WORD_TIDY); if( !is_word(type(y)) ) { Error(8, 37, "%s deleted (invalid right parameter)", WARN, &fpos(y), type(x) == INCGRAPHIC ? KW_INCGRAPHIC : KW_SINCGRAPHIC); y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)); ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x); x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr); return x; } ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr); break; default: assert1(FALSE, "Manifest:", Image(type(x))); break; } /* end switch */ debug2(DOM, DD, "]Manifest returning %s %s", Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x)); debug1(DOM, DD, " at exit, style = %s", EchoStyle(style)); debug1(DOM, DDD, "up: ", EchoObject(bthr[COLM])); debug1(DOM, DDD, "down: ", EchoObject(fthr[COLM])); debug1(DOM, DDD, "left: ", EchoObject(bthr[ROWM])); debug1(DOM, DDD, "right: ", EchoObject(fthr[ROWM])); debugcond1(DHY, DD, eee, "] Manifest returning %s", EchoObject(x)); depth--; return x; } /* end Manifest */