Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.04 Bug fixes Underlining Small capitals now work properly More flexible reference formatting setup file options List items and displays now break across page boundaries Quick reference guide (Appendix A, User's Guide) Version of @Eq that uses TeX's fonts Numbered list items can be tagged and referred to using @NumberOf Multi-paragraph figure captions and multi-page figures Various micro changes to @Eq to improve appearance Merged index entries, and better guidance on how to make an index DOS portability (I hope), still working on Mac portability Eiffel programming language printing Multi-word tags and sorting keys permitted Margin notes `Bypass' symbols (fewer passes for computer-generated Lout source) Arbitrary chapter heading and part heading layouts Viewers like GhostView now show real page numbers @Sup and @Sub symbols (similar to sup and sub in equations) Slovenian language ANSI C (getting closer and closer...) @IncludeGraphic will now accept a compressed file e.g. filename.eps.gz @Verbatim { ... } like in LaTeX. Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.05 Bug fixes ANSI C (getting very very close...) Removed call to system("sort"), which was causing porting problems Optional list of tables and list of figures in books More options and setup file options for fine-tuning tables and figures Package for printing bar codes (see software directory) Moved initialization of non-English error message files into makefile Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.06 Bug fixes Czech Plain text manual pages for people without troff Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.07 Bug fixes @URL field added to references @LongFootNote, @LongEndNote, @LongCaption stupidity removed Matrices and delimiters in equations improved Captions to figures and tables may be above or below Theorems, definitions, claims, propositions, lemmas, corollaries, examples Words like "Chapter" and "Theorem" may be changed by the user Numbered displays have been re-implemented and are much improved @RightDisplay symbol @F symbol added as synonym for { Courier Base -1p } @Font ... Ability to set simple document options in the command line Horizontal galleys (for expert users) Drop capitals (large capitals in top left corner of paragraph) Optimal body text breaking (makes large in-line displays more practical) More flexible control of the format of chapter, section etc. headings Option for starting chapters etc. on any, odd, or even pages Command line option -S for safe execution (prohibits calls to system()) Symbols for up to three independent indexes at the end of each document References work now when the citation point is after the reference list Placement of objects at arbitrary points on the page Reference lists may be before or after appendices Choice of nine locations for figures and tables (page top, foot, etc.) Numbering of footnotes works properly in all unusual cases now Database index files created afresh automatically if system has stat() Choice of rules for spaces between words (like Lout, troff, or TeX) Spacing in equations (both eq and teq) further improved Kerning of accented characters deduced from corresponding unaccented ones @NotRevealed symbol (for expert users) Another, hopefully better attempt made at Latin-2 formatting Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.08 Bug fixes Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.09 Bug fixes French hyphenation foll_or_prec works in all cases now, not just galleys (for expert users) @Enclose symbol (for expert users) Multi-page figures and tables can be boxed (revised @Format option) Optimal paragraph breaker has been tuned to discourage widow words, and to hyphenate more paragraphs but use fewer hyphens when it does More consistent set of setup files since all now derived from one master Setup files "doc" and "report" now work with plain text output Unpaginated (continuous) plain text output @FirstChapterNumber, @FirstSectionNumber etc. options in setup file Alternative error message format (filename:linenum:colnum: ...) Newline no longer needed at end of file New diagram drawing package called Diag (replaces Fig): many new link types; trees; labelled nodes and links; many useful options New "oragged" paragraph breaking style, combines ragged and outdent Comprehensive usage message printed by "lout -u" Horizontal spacing of subscripts in equations (both eq and teq) improved Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.10 Bug fixes @StructPageNums option for pages numbered by section Dot between section (etc.) numbers and title made optional Updated version of lout.teq (TeX-style equation formatter) EvenPageTop and EvenFullPage figure and table locations @Graph options for plotting values in decreasing order References may cite other references now (bug fix) Installation option for making "lout -S" the default behaviour @E symbol added alongside @Eq as synonym for @OneCol @Eq New language EnglishUK which is like English but with UK hyphenation rules @AnotherFootNote symbol for consecutive footnotes on one word LOUTLIB env variable determines library directory at run time if set Lots of arrow symbols added to eq and teq Paragraph gaps may have "u" suffix, meaning unbreakable (for expert users) Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.11 Bug fixes Sorting collation sequence may be locale-specific if desired Changed paragraph breaker, no longer calls the notorious CorrectOversize Word count feature (see manual entry, -w) Italian language Fix for the long-standing bug in database file reading on DOS-like systems Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.12 Bug fixes @CurrFamily and @CurrFace symbols similar to @CurrLang (for expert users) @II symbol for getting italics right in headings and tables of contents @Graph now has rticks option for ticks on right-hand side of frame PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) back end (command line flag -Z) Latin2 and Russian are now part of the main Lout distribution Changed license from GNU General Public License Version 1 to Version 2 Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.13 [released February 1999] Bug fixes Gaps between galley components may have "u" (unbreakable) suffix, meaning that the galley may not be broken at this gap (for expert users) @StartHSpan, @StartVSpan, @StartHVSpan, @HSpan, @VSpan (spanning cols, rows) unbreakablefirst @Break and unbreakablelast @Break (stops widows, orphans) named parameters may import their parent, like body parameters (expert) definitions and named parameters may have multiple names (expert) @OneOf symbol chooses result that contains desired galley target (expert) @HLimited, @VLimited symbols for further control over use of space (expert) @ListInterruptItem and @ListNewPage: interrupts, page breaks between items @Verbatim symbol now built-in, so no longer limited to Unix @RawVerbatim like @Verbatim but preserves initial spaces on first line 0rt gap for left justification of the preceding object (expert) @Background symbol for printing one object in the background of another Maximum depth of @Includes increased from 7 to 10 New table formatting package, see User's Guide (old one is still there) New @Meld symbol for better melding of index entries (expert) Option to @FootNote for choosing your own footnote label Optional full-width abstracts in technical reports Hungarian language including Hungarian-specific heading formats *** IMPORTANT: TWO CHANGES THAT ARE NOT UPWARDLY COMPATIBLE *** (1) The @Abstract symbol in technical reports now comes before the // symbol, not after it. See User's Guide for details. (2) Setup file arrangements have changed. You now need to have one @SysInclude line for each package you use. For example, Previous versions Version 3.13 --------------------------------------------- @SysInclude { eq } @SysInclude { eq } @SysInclude { ddoc } @SysInclude { diag } @SysInclude { doc } Import clauses in mydefs files also have to change: Previous versions Version 3.13 --------------------------------------------- import @DocumentLayout import @BasicSetup import @CPrint import @CPSetup import @DiagramPrint import @DiagSetup Sorry for the inconvenience, but the old system was inconsistent and was tending towards an unsustainable combinatorial explosion of setup files. No changes *within* documents are needed, and these new arrangements do not affect the content of the packages. The user's guide documents it all. Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.14 [released March 1999] Bug fixes "lout -PDF" now available as alternative to "lout -Z" Cross referencing list items yields just the raw item number now Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.15 [May 1999] Bug fixes @FootNoteFormat option for controlling format of footnotes @TheoremFormat option for controlling format of theorems (etc.) @ListOuterGap setup file option for space before and after lists Standardized and improved "slides" package, incl. new setup file options (NB please send me @Word&&lecture and @Word&&overhead in your language) Faster database reading (uses more memory though); prevent with -M @DoubleLine symbol in diagrams for drawing a double line -l and -L flags for selecting collation order (see lout -u) Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.16 [28 May 1999] Bug fixes Optimal paragraph breaking weights adjusted yet again (sigh) Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.17 [13 September 1999] Bug fixes @AtEnd option for @Book and @Report (unnumbered back cover page) @Abbreviations symbol in books (like @Introduction but for abbreviations) @Euro symbol added for getting a European Currency symbol Document OBJECT struct declaration in externs.h (for gurus only) Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.18 [26 February 2000] Bug fixes (more than usual, somehow) New @CurrYUnit and @CurrZUnit symbols (expert users) @Diag enhancement: node types, similar to row types in @Tbl @Diag enhancement: new features for drawing syntax diagrams Portuguese (thanks to Jose Roberto B. de A. Monteiro) Slight change to @Tbl spec (affects aligned columns) Replaced c2lout with prg2lout (computer program formatting) @Outline symbol for printing words in outline rather than filled A few extra @Eq symbols: filledcircle, small, trieq Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.19 [9 March 2000] Bug fixes Four @HeaderComponent symbols for running headers (expert users) Running headers in multi-page tables Running headers in indexes Two extra @Eq symbols: triangleup, triangledown Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.20 [8 April 2000] Bug fixes (including the internal error that was dumping core recently) Multi-line style changes (@I, @Colour etc.) now work in lines @Break mode @Perl symbol for Perl programming language formatting (includes Pod) Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.21 [10 May 2000] Bug fixes (including an old problem of bits lost from programs in tables) Refinements to @Perl symbol for Perl programming language formatting Program texts can now be formatted with line numbers added -V now tells about PDF compression and whether debug output is available "Page body margins" for indenting of page body wrt headers and footers Margin notes code updated to work as desired with the new page body margins @PageEnclose symbol generalizes @PageBox (enclose each page in anything) Robustness wrt Linux strcoll() improved (tab characters no longer compared) "Abstract" word in tech reports now centred again by default Lout now builds composite characters - see Expert's Guide, under @Font *** IMPORTANT: ONE CHANGE THAT IS NOT UPWARDLY COMPATIBLE *** If you are using your own setup file, then it is likely to contain the line "@SysInclude { fontdefs }". There is no longer a fontdefs file, there is now a fontdefs database, so you need to replace this line with "@SysDatabase @FontDef { fontdefs }". Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.22 [3 June 2000] Bug fixes More setup file options for controlling the appearance of reports Makefile now explicitly explains how to compile with debugging on/off Added quotesinglebase, quotedblbase, ellipsis to LtLatin2.LCM file Object-oriented back end (of interest to implementors only) Chapters without page breaks option (see @ChapterStartPages, User's Guide) Font includes all in page setups now (of interest to implementors only) Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.23 [24 June 2000] Bug fixes, including Uwe's fix of the nasty bug reported by Matej Cepl, and my fix of a table running headers bug reported by Matthew Neumann. Cross links (see User's Guide, Cross References and Links section) New symbols for expert users: @LinkSource and @LinkDest @Python symbol for typesetting Python programs using prg2lout. Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.24 [8 October 2000] Bug fixes, including a new and better fix for table running headers bugs Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.25 [December 2001] Bug fixes Finnish additions Croatian, Slovakian, Upper Sorbian Outdent is now settable e.g. { setoutdent 0.3f } @Break object @InitialOutdent options for initializing outdent value Updated barcodes package to work with recent Lout versions (@FontDef) "downifneeded @Scale" like "{} @Scale" but will only scale down, not up @F symbol yields a settable font, no longer hardwired to Courier @TitleOf symbol e.g. "@TitleOf azaleas" similar to "@NumberOf azaleas" @IndexText option to @Book etc., allows text just below Index title References may be printed in order of first citation New @Diag link types: @HVHLine, @HVHCurve, @VHVLine, @VHVCurve "baselinemark @Font" option (mark along baseline rather than half x height) @IncludeGraphicRepeated symbol: less output when EPS included repeatedly Arbitrary colours in @Colour, @Tbl, @Diag, and @Graph, done consistently Size of small caps can be set now e.g. "{ setsmallcaps 0.8 } @Font ..." Got rid of boxes around links when PostScript converted to PDF Revised end of sentence handling for some languages Symbols for embedding clickable URLs into PostScript output I've decided not to maintain the PDF back end, but I will try to ensure that Lout's PostScript output works with PostScript-to-PDF converters. Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.26 [October 2002] Fixed bug causing crash when breaking certain list items across pages Merged index entries completely reimplemented @DropTagItem (@DTI) now prevents page break after drop tag Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.27 [22 November 2002] Fixes for all bugs, including table running headers and index headers Repeated @PrependGraphic of same file allowed and ignored Repeated @Include of same file of definitions allowed and ignored Pie graphs (see new chapter of User's Guide) Textures, a.k.a. patterns (see new section of Basic Graphics chapter, and revisions to @Tbl, @Pie, @Diag, and @Graph chapters) User's Guide no longer mentions @Diag lengths (1.2 cm, 0.5 ft etc), although they are still available for backward compatibility Arrowheads at opposite ends of a @Diag link now each have own style, length, and width (NB this is marginally not upward compatible) User's Guide now recommends "paint { none }" to get no paint, although the old "nopaint" value is still available for backward compatibility Any line anywhere can end in any of \n, \r, \r\n, or \n\r 26 more strings recognised as keywords in @CP C/C++ printing Lots more named colours using Mark Summerfield's @Xrgb symbol Glossaries, following a design by Thorsten Seitz @IndexFormat, @SubIndexFormat, @SubSubIndexFormat options for changing the format of index entries @IndexSpacer and @IndexLetters - spacers (headers) within indexes In @Diag, @Box and @ShadowBox now have NNW, NNE, SSW, and SSE tags User's Guide has revised and larger (17-page) index Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.28 [December 2002] Bug fixes @Colophon symbol produces colophons in books Nonpareil and Ruby programming languages supported by prg2lout Eight-bit characters considered printable by prg2lout "lout -t" ignores texture changes, for when tools don't support them @Ding symbol (like @Sym) for dingbats Dingbats fully documented in Chapter 1 of the User's Guide Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.29 [August 2003] Fixed latest table running headers bug @PageLabel value "?" usually now replaced by a guess at a page number Index entry types (Ordinary, Main, Special) for index pagenum format Haskell programming language support in prg2lout (ack Thorsten Seitz) RSL programming language support in prg2lout (ack Darren Bane) @OneOrBoth symbol added to syntax diagrams, for "X | Y | XY" grammar New outlinestyle/pathstyle options for @Diag: dotdashed, dotcdashed, dotdotdashed, dotdotcdashed, dotdotdotdashed, and dotdotdotcdashed New pairs options for @Graph: dotdashed, dotdotdashed, dotdotdotdashed; plus @GraphDotDashed, @GraphDotDotDashed, @GraphDotDotDotDashed syms Things not done I may have promised to add dashed, dotted etc. options to @Tbl's rules, but existing code does not lend itself to it, so I haven't. Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.30 [October 2004] Bug fixes (H. K. Man's fix for PDF links, '' in Python, crashing for some cases of "lout --option{value}") Fixed bug with large page sizes. Lout stores object sizes in 32-bit integers, but smaller numbers (gap widths, shifts, character metrics etc.) in 16-bit integers. The left parameter of @Wide and @High was erroneously being passed through a 16-bit variable. Added A2 to list of page types (it works, too) Reference new mailing list address @HMirror and @VMirror symbols for reflecting objects @IndexRangeFormat option for changing "from--to" format in indexes "nolig @Font" for turning off ligatures in following object @BeginSubPrefaces, @SubPreface, and @EndSubPrefaces symbols @BeginSubIntroductions, @SubIntroduction, and @EndSubIntroductions symbols @ParagraphItem symbol (like @ListItem but label integrated into paragraph) Documented the danger of keeping valuable .ld files in source directories Kerning now tries original characters before their unaccented versions "@Graph style { grid }" replaces ticks in graphs with grid lines Things not done @CaptionGap not implementable since some gaps between figures and captions are not accessible. Try @FigureCaptionFormat. Brazilian Portuguese declined on the grounds that it turned out virtually identical to Portuguese Portuguese (convince me...) I may have promised to add an "incontents" option to large-scale structure symbols, which would allow them to opt out of the table of contents. On second thoughts I'm unwilling to do this. I need to be convinced that Lout should encourage this strange thing. Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.31 [August 2005] Bug fixes: Ludovic Courtes's fix for ligatures problem Kingston and Piotrowski's fix for list number referencing problem Fix for things adjacent to relations disappearing in program texts Added @VStrut, @ZeroWidth, @ZeroHeight symbols to basic setup module New User's Guide section ("Precise object placement") documenting @VStrut, @ZeroWidth, @ZeroHeight, and similar already existing symbols Improved rule for avoiding orphan section headings, following a suggestion by Ludovic Courtes Added @ChapterContentsIndent, @SectionContentsIndent etc. to setup files Latin3 and Esperanto (contributed by Ludovic Courtes) "Bullets" and "Symbols" footnote numbering styles (contributed by Michael Piotrowski) "marginkerning @Break" (contributed by Ludovic Courtes) @E inline equation symbol now squeezes superscripts, more like TeX "lout @Space" now used throughout program texts by default (can be changed by setup file options) Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.32 [October 2006] Bug fixes: Uwe's problem of CRLF occurring on file block boundaries fixed, I hope Ludovic's fix ensuring "rragged @Break" applies to isolated words EPS files generated by Lout now safe to include in Lout documents Multi-column lists (see List section of User's Guide for details) Basic command-line errors print usage as well as error message "break" option for lists, "@ListBreak" in setup file (Summerfield) "labelright" list option, "@ListLabelRight" in setup file (Summerfield) Peculiar behaviour of multi-paragraph table entries now documented Some changes to the makefile (contributed by Greg Woods) Options for the title page of overheads (contributed by Ludovic Courtes) "blanklinescale" option to "@Break" (scales height of blank lines) "blanklinescale" options in cprint, java etc. "blanknumbered" option in cprint, java etc. (don't number blank lines) "=head3" token added to Pod programming language "-r" command line option, e.g. -r3 runs Lout three times Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.33 [November 2006] "-w" command line option prints word count only on last "-r" run prg2lout Python language updated to Python 2.5 (Mark Summerfield) EPS files generated by Lout even safer to include in Lout documents New @Diag link shapes: dhuline, dhucurve, uhdline, uhdcurve "SHORT_LENGTH" data type removed from C code (cue general rejoicing) A0 and A1 paper sizes added (and they *really* work) "strut @Font" inserts an invisible vertical strut into each word under it "font" option to "@List" etc., e.g. "@NumberedList font { strut }" "@NewPage { Yes }" option to "@Section" etc. for properly spaced new page "@Floater" symbol added (clone of "@Figure" and "@Table") Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.34 [March 2007] Bug fixes: New @Diag link shapes symbols now visible as they should be Better handling of ellipsis (...) and similar tokens in Python Font change in |{{Crystal Base 9p} @Font 4f} no longer ignored Fixed bug causing cross reference database to occasionally add space prg2lout Python language now implements @ token (Mark Summerfield) &- now turns off hyphenation within immediately adjacent words New "olines @Break" style combines "lines @Break" with outdenting New @Pipe, @PipeVerbatim, and @PipeRawVerbatim symbols (Unix only) In @Diag, "arrowstyle { solidwithbar }" for arrows like this: -->| New @SetContext and @GetContext symbols for experts (Ludovic Courtes) In @Diag, new @DNode and @ENode symbols like @ANode, @BNode, and @CNode (also usable as @DCell and @ECell in syntax diagrams) Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.35 [April 2007] Bug fix: @IncludeGraphicRepeated is working again, although it does crash my printer (but fine with kghostview, evince, ps2pdf etc.) Precedences and associativities now specifiable by invoking a macro New @ColouredUnderline symbol makes coloured underlines New "arrowstyle { many }" in @Diag makes "many"-relation arrowheads New @HClip and @VClip symbols for clipping (see User's Guide) Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.36 [July 2007] Bug fixes: "lout -t" really does avoid textures completely now (Ludovic Courtes) small patch (@PC becomes @PS) to prg2lout.c (Gabor Greif) patch to haskellf (Gabor Greif) changed haskellf symboloperators from "Symbol Base" to "Slope" (Kingston) Lout now released under Version 3 of the GNU General Public License Improved headings of numberless chapters/sections (Ludovic Courtes) @BypassNumber option for numbered displays (Courtes/Kingston) &- after "/" now hyphenates without inserting a hyphen, like &- after - New @Math symbol (Courtes), will obsolete @Eq next release Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.37 [September 2008] Bug fixes: LinkDest x coordinate (reported by Man and Stott) fixed @PipeRawVerbatim (reported by Summerfield) fixed @Figure PageFoot location (reported by Summerfield) fixed Rounding error in some uses of @Scale (reported by Courtes) reduced Problem with null chars in EPS files reported & fixed by Cichelli/Bader In @Graph, problems with symbolsize option (reported by Garcia) fixed Gap before inserted hyphens in Palatino (reported by van den Hoff) fixed PostScript file %%BoundingBox problem (reported by van den Hoff) fixed @BypassWord option for @Chapter added (Courtes) @FontDef outside a database works now (but not recommended) New @PageParityOf symbol like @PageOf but returns "Odd" or "Even" New @PageNumberFormat setup file option (Courtes/Kingston) New @InitialBackgroundColour setup file option (Courtes) Updates to prg2lout.c for Haskell (Greif) New @TitleFormat, @AuthorFormat, @InstitutionFormat, @DateLineFormat slides setup file options (Courtes) In @Diag, path { doubleline } now looks right with arrowstyles open, halfopen, curvedopen and curvedhalfopen (problem reported by Carroll) @ShadowBox still has no option for changing the colour of the shadow, but the User's Guide now has an example showing how to simulate it Increased z08.c/MAX_DEPTH to 2000 (Forkl hit previous limit) @ContentsFormat setup file option now documented in User's Guide Preface of User's Guide now advertises the Lout web page Increased externs.h/MAX_LEX_STACK to 20 (Summerfield hit previous limit) New symbollinewidth option in @Graph (line width for data points) Inclusion of EPS files with previews now supported (Bader) @TitleOf symbol now returns figure captions as well as chapter titles Hyphenation on in programming languages, using new "Programming @Language" New @DocInfo symbol (see User's Guide, Section 3.7) @Math symbol (Courtes) has now replaced @Eq in User's Guide; @Eq is still available for backward compatibility I had one report that prg2lout was returning non-zero intermittently during the formatting of the User's Guide. I have not observed this myself. Presumably there is an uninitialized variable somewhere. It's hard to do anything about this unless someone can get a core dump so we can find out where in prg2lout.c the crash occurred. Cichelli and Bader offered a patch to include PDF files by calling a freeware program to convert them to EPS files and including the EPS files. I declined to include this in the standard release because I felt that it could be done outside Lout, and because the PDF support in Lout is not maintained and generally deprecated. Strictly speaking, turning hyphenation on in programming languages is not backward compatible. I've done it because I have not been able to think of a case where it would cause trouble. If you find a problem with it, please let me know. Jeff Kingston