%%BeginResource: procset LoutTabPrependGraphic %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Tab % % % % This file has been placed in the public domain % % by its author, Jeffrey H. Kingston % % % % To assist in avoiding name clashes, the names % % of all these symbols begin with "ltab". % % % % Jeffrey H. Kingston % % 24 September 1991 % % 22 December 1992 % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % linewidth ltabhs - % horizontal single line /ltabhs { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke } def % linewidth ltabhsp - % horizontal single line with projecting ends /ltabhsp { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto setlinewidth 2 setlinecap stroke } def % linewidth ltabhd - % horizontal double line /ltabhd { dup dup 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto 0 exch 3 mul moveto xsize exch 3 mul lineto setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke } def % linewidth ltabhdb - % horizontal double line below mark /ltabhdb { dup dup 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto 0 exch -3 mul moveto xsize exch -3 mul lineto setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke } def % linewidth ltabhdnw - % horizontal double line with northwest corner /ltabhdnw { dup dup dup dup 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize exch 3 mul moveto -3 mul exch 3 mul lineto -3 mul 0 lineto setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke } def % linewidth ltabhdne - % horizontal double line with northeast corner /ltabhdne { dup dup dup dup 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto 0 exch 3 mul moveto 3 mul xsize add exch 3 mul lineto 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke } def % linewidth ltabhdsw - % horizontal double line with southwest corner /ltabhdsw { dup dup dup dup 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize exch -3 mul moveto -3 mul exch -3 mul lineto -3 mul 0 lineto setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke } def % linewidth ltabhdse - % horizontal double line with southeast corner /ltabhdse { dup dup dup dup 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto 0 exch -3 mul moveto 3 mul xsize add exch -3 mul lineto 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke } def % linewidth ltabvs - % vertical single line /ltabvs { 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke } def % linewidth ltabvd - % vertical double line /ltabvd { dup dup 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto -3 mul 0 moveto -3 mul ysize lineto setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke } def % linewidth ltabvdr - % vertical double line to right of mark /ltabvdr { dup dup 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto 3 mul 0 moveto 3 mul ysize lineto setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke } def %%EndResource