Directory lout/include This directory contains Lout source files for the standard packages. The following listing classifies them into types of files. Setup files (containing mainly lists of options settable by the user) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup files for basic document types (choose one): doc The OrdinarySetup package report The ReportSetup package book The BookSetup package slides The OverheadsSetup package picture The IllustrationSetup package Setup files for special-purpose packages (choose any combination): tbl The Tbl table formatting package tab The Tab table formatting package (OBSOLETE, use tbl) eq The Eq equation formatting package diag The Diag diagram drawing package fig The Fig advanced graphics package (OBSOLETE, use diag) graph The Graph graph drawing package pas The Pas Pascal progam printing package modula The Modula Modula-2 progam printing package latin2 The Latin2 (Eastern European characters) package russian The Russian language package Setup files for program formatting packages (choose any combination): cprint C and C++ eiffel Eiffel blue Blue perl Perl + Pod pod Pod Source files (containing Lout and PostScript source code for the packages) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- bsf The BasicSetup package bsf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by BasicSetup dsf The DocumentSetup package docf The OrdinarySetup package reportf The ReportSetup package bookf The BookSetup package slidesf The OverheadsSetup package picturef The IllustrationSetup package tabf The Tab table formatting package (OBSOLETE) tabf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by tabf (OBSOLETE) tblf The Tbl table formatting package tblf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by tblf eqf The Eq equation formatting package figf The Fig advanced graphics package (OBSOLETE) figf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by figf (OBSOLETE) diagf The Diag diagram drawing package diagf.etc A file included by diagf diagf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by diagf graphf The Graph graph drawing package graphf.etc A file included by graphf graphf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by graphf pasf Pascal modulaf Modula-2 latin2.fd Latin2 font definitions file (placeholder file) russian.fd Russian font definitions file (placeholder file) cprintf C and C++ eiffelf Eiffel bluef Blue perlf Perl podf Pod Miscellaneous ------------- fontdefs Standard font definitions file langdefs Standard language definitions file mydefs Empty file for if the user doesn't have a mydefs ts The ToySetup package (an expert users' intro. example) init A Lout source file used during installation (lout -x) Jeffrey H. Kingston 8 April 2000