Format of Lout hyphenation information files Jeffrey H. Kingston 22 December 1992 21 September 1994 6 June 1995 3 April 1996 Basser Lout Version 3 incorporates automatic hyphenation using the method introduced by TeX (see Appendix H of the TeXBook by D. E. Knuth), with support for multilingual hyphenation. No special action is required to install hyphenation unless it is desired to change the hyphenation information that controls it. There is one hyphenation information file for each language, and it is named in the langdef of that language. For example: langdef German Deutsch { german } (There will usually be other information between the hyphenation file name and the closing brace, not relevant here.) This example means that unpacked Lout hyphenation file german.lh or its packed equivalent german.lp (see below) is to be used when hyphenating German words. These files are kept in the Lout system hyphenation directory (this directory). If a language is desired but no hyphenation information file is available, the file name may be replaced with -, and then the language will be defined but hyphenation in that language will never be attempted. Another possibility is to include a placeholder file for the language (see below). The first time on any run that German hyphenation is required, Lout will search the directories of the hyphenation path for a binary file called german.lp, which contains a binary form of the hyphenation patterns in german.lh, modified so that the file may be shared by big-endian and little-endian machines. If german.lp cannot be found, Lout then searches for the text file german.lh instead, and uses it to construct german.lp. To change the German hyphenation patterns, delete german.lp and modify german.lh; the rest is automatic. Alternatively, if lout is invoked with the -x flag and the langdef line above appears in its input, it will read german.lh and produce german.lp immediately. This is intended for setting up: it is good to create all these packed files at setup time, since a subsequent lout run that needs them will not have write permission in the Lout system hyphenation directory. An unpacked Lout hyphenation information (.lh) file mainly contains a long list of TeX hyphenation patterns. It must begin with either Lout hyphenation information or Lout hyphenation placeholder alone on the first line. In the second case, it is understood that the file is a placeholder (i.e. a stub file which might be overwritten with a real file in the future), and Lout does not read any futher; the effect is that Lout will not hyphenate this language, but not complain about the absence of the file either. In the non-placeholder case, following the header line comes the "Classes:" heading followed by the character classes. For example: Classes: @!$%^&*()_-+=~`{[}]:;'|<,.>?/0123456789 aA bB cC ... yY zZ The hyphenation process treats the characters in each class as identical (so the classes above ensure that the distinction between upper and lower case is ignored). By definition, the characters of the first class are "non-letters", and the characters of the remaining classes are "letters". Notice that these are actual characters, not character names: hyphenation files are encoding-specific. Next comes the "Exceptions:" heading followed by the exceptions, which are words (composed of letters and "-" only) whose hyphenation is to be treated as a special case. For example: Exceptions: ta-ble phil-an-thropic These words may be hyphenated in the places shown by the "-" characters. Character classes are in effect here (Table will be hyphenated as Ta-ble). If there are no exceptions, "Exceptions:" may be omitted. Next comes an optional LengthLimit section, which tells Lout to ignore some patterns. For example, LengthLimit: 4 means that patterns containing more than 4 letters (note that . counts as a letter) are to be ignored. The purpose is to discard the least important patterns from files that are too large for Lout to handle otherwise. None of the files actually use this at present, but hyphenation files seem to be getting larger and larger, and if any whoppers come along they might have to be trimmed in this way. Finally comes the "Patterns:" heading followed by the list of TeX hyphenation patterns. Apart from the weighting digits, the patterns should contain only letters. Lout understands some TeX escape sequences e.g. it will accept \^e anywhere in a hyphenation file as the ecircumflex character. The file may contain comments, which begin with % (either at the start of a line or after a white space character) and go to end of line. The headings, classes, exceptions and patterns are separated by arbitrary white space. Briefly, hyphenation of a word works like this. If the word contains a character not found in any character class, it will not be hyphenated. Otherwise the word is analysed into sequences of letters separated by sequences of non-letters. Each sequence of five or more letters is then matched, either with an exception or else with the hyphenation patterns, and hyphenated. The hyphen character "-" is treated specially. Extreme lengths were resorted to to compress the .lp file as much as possible. Files significantly larger than german.lh are likely to cause Lout to abort with an error message. Please contact if you have problems with this or anything else.