@Section @Title { Overhead transparencies } @Tag { overheads } @Begin @PP To produce overhead transparencies @FootNote { In Version 3.15 overhead transparencies were updated and brought into line with the other document types. Although existing source files do not need to be modified, their printed appearance may change (spacing, running headers). There are some new setup file options, and some changes to existing setup file options. } (hereafter called overheads), start off overheads. @Index { overhead transparencies } slides. @RawIndex { slides @I see overhead transparencies } with the @Code slides setup file and the @Code "@OverheadTransparencies" overhead.transparencies. @Index @Code "@OverheadTransparencies" symbol: @ID @OneRow @Code { "@SysInclude { slides }" "@OverheadTransparencies" " @Title {}" " @RunningTitle {}" " @Author {}" " @Institution {}" " @DateLine { No }" " @InitialFont { Times Base 20p }" " @InitialBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }" " @InitialSpace { lout }" " @InitialLanguage { English }" " @PageOrientation { Portrait }" " @PageHeaders { Titles }" " @FirstPageNumber { 1 }" " @FirstOverheadNumber { 1 }" " @FirstLectureNumber { 1 }" " @OptimizePages { No }" "//" } This shows all the options of @Code "@OverheadTransparencies" with their default values. As usual with options, they may be given in any order, and only the ones whose values need to be changed need be given at all. The meaning of the @Code "//" symbol after the last option is beyond our scope, but disaster will ensue if it is forgotten. @PP If @Code "@Title" is not empty, an initial overhead will be produced containing the {@Code "@Title"}, {@Code "@Author"}, {@Code "@Institution"}, and {@Code "@DateLine"} options. @Code "@DateLine" may be set to {@Code "No"}, meaning no dateline, {@Code "Yes"}, meaning print the current date, or anything else, which is taken to be a date and printed. @PP Each overhead has a running header printed in small type at the top left. The @Code "@RunningTitle" option goes into this header, or, if there is no @Code "@RunningTitle" option, @Code "@Title" is used instead. @PP The remaining options are a selection of setup file options (Section {@NumberOf setup}) that frequently need to be changed. If your changes to the overall formatting are confined to these options, you can change them here and avoid having your own setup file. If you already have your own setup file, change them in either place and omit them in the other. @PP @Code "@InitialFont" is the font in which the overheads will be set, and should contain a family, a face, and a size. A good font size for overheads is 20 points, so that is the default size. @PP @Code "@InitialBreak" controls the behaviour of paragraph breaking in the overheads. It should have three parts: a paragraph breaking style ({@Code adjust}, {@Code ragged}, etc.), an inter-line spacing ({@Code "1.2fx"} for single spacing, {@Code "2.4fx"} for double spacing, and so on), and either @Code "hyphen" or @Code "nohyphen" for turning hyphenation on or off. Adjusted lines and hyphenated words are difficult to read from overheads, so the default is not to have them. @Code "@InitialSpace" determines how Lout treats white space between objects (Section {@NumberOf white}). @Code "@InitialLanguage" determines the language of the overheads. @PP @Code "@PageOrientation" determines the orientation of the page. Its value may be {@Code Portrait} (the default), {@Code Landscape}, {@Code ReversePortrait}, or {@Code ReverseLandscape}. See Section {@NumberOf pagesize} for further details. @PP @Code "@PageHeaders" determines the appearance of page headers and footers. Its value may be {@Code None}, {@Code Simple}, {@Code Titles}, or {@Code NoTitles}. Section {@NumberOf headers} has the details, but just briefly, {@Code None} produces no page headers, {@Code Simple} produces page numbers only, @Code Titles produces full running titles, and @Code "NoTitles" is similar to @Code "Simple" in this context. @PP @Code "@FirstPageNumber" is the number given to the first page, @Code "@FirstOverheadNumber" is the number given to the first overhead, and @Code "@FirstLectureNumber" is the number given to the first lecture, of which more below. See preceding sections for {@Code "@OptimizePages"}. @PP After the compulsory {@Code "//"} come the overheads themselves. There are two alternatives: a series of overheads, corresponding to a single lecture, or a series of series of overheads, corresponding to a series of lectures. If the first is wanted, use this arrangement: overhead. @Index @Code "@Overhead" @ID @OneRow @Code { "@SysInclude { slides }" "@OverheadTransparencies" " @Title { ... }" " @Author { ... }" " @DateLine { ... }" " ..." "//" "@Overhead ... @End @Overhead" "@Overhead ... @End @Overhead" "..." "@Overhead ... @End @Overhead" } @Code "@Overhead" is a large-scale structure symbol, similar to {@Code "@Section"}, with the usual options: @ID @OneRow @Code { "@Overhead" " @Title { Trends in investment since 1980 }" " @RunningTitle { Investment }" " @Tag { investment }" " @InitialLanguage { English }" "@Begin" "..." "@End @Overhead" } If @Code "@Title" is given it will appear as a centred, bold display at the beginning of the overhead. As usual, these options may be given in any order or omitted altogether. @PP The body of the overhead is quite arbitrary. Typically one tends to use lists and displays more than paragraphs, but all the usual features are available. Each overhead begins on a fresh page, but it may occupy more than one page. @PP @Code "@Overhead" also has a @Code "@Format" option which allows you to specify an arbitrary format for the body of the overhead (that is, everything except its title). For example, @ID @Code "@Format { @CurveBox @HExpand @VExpand @Body }" encloses the body in a curvebox, with the box expanded to the full available width and height. Unlike the similar option for figures and tables, however, this @Code "@Format" option unfortunately has not been set up to work with multi-page overheads, so if you use the format just given you have to make sure your overheads all fit on one page. To draw boxes around the @I entire page, use the @Code "@PageBox" setup file options. @PP Lout does not provide any special support for overlays. A good way to make them is to first produce one overhead containing all the layers simultaneously. Once this is correct, enclose the entire body of the overhead in {@Code "white @Colour"}, make one copy of the text of the overhead for each layer, separating the copies with @Code "@NP" (new page) symbols, and, in each copy, enclose the parts that are to appear in that layer in {@Code "black @Colour"} (or any other colour). This works because @Code "white @Colour" makes an object invisible without altering its size. @PP We turn now to the second major alternative, which is a series of lectures, like this: lecture. @Index @Code "@Lecture" @ID @OneRow @Code { "@SysInclude { slides }" "@OverheadTransparencies" " @Title { ... }" " @Author { ... }" " @DateLine { ... }" " ..." "//" "@Lecture ... @End @Lecture" "@Lecture ... @End @Lecture" "..." "@Lecture ... @End @Lecture" } @Code "@Lecture" is a large-scale structure symbol, again with the usual options: @ID @OneRow @Code { "@Lecture" " @Title { Macro-Economic Policies for the Nineties }" " @RunningTitle { Macro-economic policies }" " @Tag { macro-economics }" " @InitialLanguage { English }" "@Begin" "..." "@End @Lecture" } If @Code "@Title" is non-empty the series of overheads will begin with an overhead containing the title alone, centred on the page using the @Code "clines" paragraph breaking style. This means that it makes sense to have a multi-line title. Any text following the @Code "@Begin" will appear under the lecture title as you would expect. Within the body of {@Code "@Lecture"}, place a series of overheads bracketed by @Code "@BeginOverheads" and {@Code "@EndOverheads"}: beginoverheads. @Index @Code "@BeginOverheads" endoverheads. @Index @Code "@EndOverheads" @ID @OneRow @Code { "@BeginOverheads" "@Overhead ... @End @Overhead" "..." "@EndOverheads" } The @Code "@Overhead" symbol is exactly as described earlier. @PP The features described in other chapters are available with overheads. Endnotes and references appear automatically at the end of the overheads. You can have a table of contents, by setting the @Code "@MakeContents" option of the setup file to {@Code Yes}. It will appear automatically after any title overhead. The setup file options have been set on the assumption that you want your lectures to appear in the table of contents, but not individual overheads. It is not possible to have an index, and it is not possible to have multiple columns. @PP Within the @Code slides setup file there is an @Code "@OverheadSetup" symbol whose options control the appearance of features specific to overhead.setup. @Index @Code "@OverheadSetup" overheads (in other words, the features described in this section). Here are some of these options and their default values: @ID @OneRow @Code { "@Use { @OverheadSetup" " # @DateLine { No }" " # @FirstOverheadNumber { 1 }" " # @FirstLectureNumber { 1 }" " # @ContentsWord { contents }" " # @LectureNumbers { Arabic }" " # @OverheadNumbers { Arabic }" " # @TitlePageFont { Helvetica Base }" " # @LectureHeadingFont { Bold 1.20f }" " # @LectureHeadingFormat { @Centre number @DP @Centre title @DP }" " # @OverheadHeadingFormat { @Centre title @DP }" " # @OverheadHeadingFont { Bold }" " # @LectureInContents { Yes }" " # @OverheadInContents { No }" " # @ReferencesInContents { Yes }" "}" } For an introduction to setup files and their options, consult Section {@NumberOf setup}. The first four options are as for @Code "@OverheadTransparencies" as described above. @Code "@ContentsWord" determines the table of contents heading; its default value, {@Code contents}, produces `Contents' in the current language. @Code "@LectureNumbers" and @Code "@OverheadNumbers" determine the style of numbering of lectures and overheads, and may be {@Code None}, {@Code Arabic}, {@Code Roman}, {@Code UCRoman}, {@Code Alpha}, or {@Code UCAlpha} as usual. Next come options for setting the font of the overall title page, the title page of each lecture, and so on, and finally options which determine which entries are made in any table of contents. @PP The @Code "@LectureHeadingFormat" option determines the format of the heading of each lecture. Within it, the symbol @Code "number" stands for the number of the lecture, including the `Lecture' word if there is one, and @Code "title" stands for the title of the lecture. The default value centres the number and title, with display gaps below each one. @Code "@OverheadHeadingFormat" is similar; it has the same symbols but the default value chooses not to use {@Code "number"}. @PP Other setup file options exist which permit you to have a box drawn around each overhead, and to change the page size, margins, and orientation. These are described in Chapter {@NumberOf changes}. @PP Section {@NumberOf headers} describes the setup file options that control the appearance of page headers and footers. With overheads, the values given to the {@Code "@MajorTitle"}, {@Code "@MinorTitle"}, {@Code "@MajorNum"}, and {@Code "@MinorNum"} symbols within those options are as follows. If @Code "@Lecture" is being used: @ID @Tab @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B } { @Rowa A { @Code "@MajorTitle" } B { The @Code "@RunningTitle" option of {@Code "@OverheadTransparencies"}, or its @Code "@Title" option if @Code "@RunningTitle" is absent; } @Rowa A { @Code "@MinorTitle" } B { The @Code "@RunningTitle" option of the current {@Code "@Lecture"}, or else its @Code "@Title" option if @Code "@RunningTitle" is absent; } @Rowa A { @Code "@MajorNum" } B { The number of the current {@Code "@Lecture"}; } @Rowa A { @Code "@MinorNum" } B { A two-part number, for example 5.2, containing the number of the current @Code "@Lecture" and the number within that lecture of the current overhead. } } If @Code "@Lecture" is not being used: @ID @Tab @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B } { @Rowa A { @Code "@MajorTitle" } B { The @Code "@RunningTitle" option of {@Code "@OverheadTransparencies"}, or its @Code "@Title" option if @Code "@RunningTitle" is absent; } @Rowa A { @Code "@MinorTitle" } B { Empty; } @Rowa A { @Code "@MajorNum" } B { Empty; } @Rowa A { @Code "@MinorNum" } B { The number of the current overhead. } } The first page occupied by any overhead is a @Code Start page; subsequent pages are @Code NonStart pages. There are no @Code Intro pages. @End @Section