@Section @Title { Plain text tables } @Tag { tbl_plai } @Begin @PP Tables work well with plain text output (Section {@NumberOf plain}): plain.text.tables @Index { plain text tables } @CD @OneRow -1px @Break @F @Verbatim { ................................................... . . . . Johnson . Johnson suddenly uttered, in . . suddenly . a strong determined tone, an . . uttered, . apophegm, at which many will . . in a strong . start: `Patriotism is the . . determined . last refuge of a scoundrel.' . . tone, an . . . apophegm, at . . . which many .................................. . will start: . . . . `Patriotism . Johnson . Johnson . . is the last . suddenly . suddenly . . refuge of a . uttered, . uttered, . . scoundrel.' . in a strong . in a strong . . . determined . determined . . . tone, an . tone, an . . . apophegm, at . apophegm, at . . . which many . which many . . . will start: . will start: . . . `Patriotism . `Patriotism . . . is the last . is the last . . . refuge of a . refuge of a . . . scoundrel.' . scoundrel.' . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . Johnson suddenly uttered, in . . . a strong determined tone, an . . . apophegm, at which many will . . . start: `Patriotism is the . . . last refuge of a scoundrel.' . . . . . . . . ................................................... } This table was produced by a separate run of Lout and pasted into this document. @PP @Code "@Tbl" changes the default values of several options when used in a plain text document: @ID @Code @Verbatim { @Tbl marginvertical { 2f } marginhorizontal { 2s } rulehorizontalwidth { 1f } ruleverticalwidth { 1s } rulehorizontalgap { 0f } ruleverticalgap { 0s } } When using plain text it is advisable to make vertical distances whole multiples of {@Code "1f"}, and horizontal distances whole multiples of {@Code "1s"}, since this avoids fractional spacing which cannot be successful in plain text files and produces quite messy results. There is also a @Code ruleplainchar option for changing the character used to draw rules. For example, @ID @Code @Verbatim { @Tbl ruleplainchar { - } } would be a good choice if you plan to draw only horizontal rules. This option can be set anywhere as usual. @PP If you do use rules it is worth pondering the implications of the last part of Section {@NumberOf tbl_rule}. Right and below rules are drawn outside the boundary of the cell, which is unimportant in ordinary output, but means that they will appear one space to the right and one line below the cell in plain text output. This explains the slight asymmetry in the example above; you can correct it with @ID @Code @Verbatim { @Tbl marginright { 1s } marginbelow { 1f } } but you still have to worry about rules at the extreme right of the page going off the edge, and rules below the last line bumping into whatever follows the table. The first can be fixed by not using full width tables with right rules; the second by inserting an extra @Code "@DP" after a table that ends with a below rule. @End @Section