@Section @Title { Multiple columns } @Tag { columns } @Begin @PP You can change the number of columns of text per page, and the width of columns. @Index columns multiple.columns @Index { multiple columns } the gap between the columns, by changing these two setup file options: columnnumber. @Index @Code "@ColumnNumber" columngap. @Index @Code "@ColumnGap" @ID @OneRow @Code { "@ColumnNumber { 1 }" "@ColumnGap { 1.00c }" } If you are using your own setup file (Section {@NumberOf setup}), you can find and change them there. If not, @Code "@ColumnNumber" may be changed at the beginning of your document (Section {@NumberOf ordinary}). @PP @Code "@ColumnNumber" may be any number between 1 and 10, with default value 1 as shown, and @Code "@ColumnGap" may be any length (Section {@NumberOf objects}). The column width is derived from these options column.width @RawIndex { column width } column.width.in.pages @SubIndex { in pages } using the obvious formula @ID @Eq { columnwidth = { pagewidth - margins - ({@Code "@ColumnNumber"} - 1) times {@Code "@ColumnGap"} } over @Code "@ColumnNumber" } You must ensure that this comes to something reasonable. @PP These two options do not apply to pages containing an index. For them there are similar setup file options called @Code "@IndexColumnNumber" and @Code "@IndexColumnGap" (Section {@NumberOf indexes}). @PP Most document types permit you to have multiple columns, but certain things will be kept full width regardless of the @Code "@ColumnNumber" option: figures and tables, chapter headings, and so on. The details vary with the document type, so are deferred to Chapter {@NumberOf types}. @End @Section