@Section @Title { Typesetting computer programs independently of any document } @Tag { alone } @Begin @PP Printing of program files independently of any document is done by programs. @RawIndex { programs } programs.standalone @SubIndex { stand-alone } standalone.programs @Index { stand-alone programs } the Unix pipeline @ID @Code "prg2lout -l language options files | lout -s > out.ps" where @Code language stands for any one of the programming language names in the first column of the table above. As usual with Lout, the output will be a PostScript file. Each input file will begin on a new page of the output, starting with its name in bold type. The @Code options are @WideTaggedList @TI { {@Code-p}{@I style} } { Select a printing style (Section {@NumberOf embedded}), either {@Code -pfixed}, {@Code -pvarying}, or {@Code -psymbol}. The default value varies with the language, as shown in the fourth column of the table above. } @TI { @Code -n } { Do not print file names. } @TI { {@Code -f}{@I font} } { Select a font family. The default is @Code "-fCourier" for {@Code -pfixed}, and @Code "-fTimes" otherwise. } @TI { {@Code -v}{@I vsize} } { Select an inter-line spacing size in Lout units. The default is @Code -v1.1fx meaning 1.1 times the font size measured from baseline to baseline. } @TI { {@Code -b}{@I number} } { Select a blank line scale factor, usually a number between 0.5 and 1.0, indicating the factor by which the usual amount of white space inserted to represent a blank line is to be reduced. The default is @Code { 1.0 }, meaning no reduction. } @TI { {@Code -L}{@I number} } { Add line numbers to the print, starting with {@I number}, or 1 if {@I number} is omitted. } @TI { {@Code -N} } { Do not print line numbers at the start of blank lines. } @TI { {@Code -S}{@I file} } { Use @I file as the setup file for printing your language. This allows you to change all the options mentioned in subsequent sections, rather than just the few given here. } @EndList There are also {@Code -t} and {@Code -T} options for dealing with tab characters (Section {@NumberOf tabs}). @End @Section