@Section @Title { Captions } @Tag { pie_capt } @Begin @PP There are options for placing captions left, right, above, and below captions. @RawIndex { captions } captions.pie @SubIndex { in pie graphs } piegraphs. @RawIndex { pie graphs } piegraphs.captions @SubIndex { captions } leftcaption. @RawIndex { @Code "leftcaption" option } leftcaption.pie @SubIndex { in pie graphs } piegraphs. @RawIndex { pie graphs } piegraphs.leftcaption @SubIndex { @Code "leftcaption" option } rightcaption. @RawIndex { @Code "rightcaption" option } rightcaption.pie @SubIndex { in pie graphs } piegraphs. @RawIndex { pie graphs } piegraphs.rightcaption @SubIndex { @Code "rightcaption" option } abovecaption. @RawIndex { @Code "abovecaption" option } abovecaption.pie @SubIndex { in pie graphs } piegraphs. @RawIndex { pie graphs } piegraphs.abovecaption @SubIndex { @Code "abovecaption" option } belowcaption. @RawIndex { @Code "belowcaption" option } belowcaption.pie @SubIndex { in pie graphs } piegraphs. @RawIndex { pie graphs } piegraphs.belowcaption @SubIndex { @Code "belowcaption" option } the pie graph, following the pattern of the captions in {@Code "@Graph"}: @ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim { @Pie leftcaption { At left } rightcaption { At right } abovecaption { This appears above } belowcaption { This appears below } } produces @CD @Pie leftcaption { At left } rightcaption { At right } abovecaption { This appears above } belowcaption { This appears below } { @Slice weight { 20 } label { Admin (20%) } @Slice weight { 40 } paint { green } label { Research (40%) } @Slice weight { 40 } paint { lightred } label { Teaching (40%) } } The captions may be arbitrary Lout objects, so may include equations, {@Code "@Rotate"}, and so on. Each caption except @Code rightcaption is printed in the @Code "clines @Break" style, which means that multiple lines in one caption will be centred beneath each other. The @Code rightcaption option uses the @Code "lines @Break" style, in which the lines are left justified beneath each other. @PP There are options for controlling the amount of space between each caption and the pie graph. Here they are with their default values: leftgap. @RawIndex { @Code "leftgap" option } leftgap.pie @SubIndex { in pie graphs } piegraphs. @RawIndex { pie graphs } piegraphs.leftgap @SubIndex { @Code "leftgap" option } rightgap. @RawIndex { @Code "rightgap" option } rightgap.pie @SubIndex { in pie graphs } piegraphs. @RawIndex { pie graphs } piegraphs.rightgap @SubIndex { @Code "rightgap" option } abovegap. @RawIndex { @Code "abovegap" option } abovegap.pie @SubIndex { in pie graphs } piegraphs. @RawIndex { pie graphs } piegraphs.abovegap @SubIndex { @Code "abovegap" option } belowgap. @RawIndex { @Code "belowgap" option } belowgap.pie @SubIndex { in pie graphs } piegraphs. @RawIndex { pie graphs } piegraphs.belowgap @SubIndex { @Code "belowgap" option } @ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim { @Pie leftgap { 0.5c } rightgap { 0.5c } abovegap { 0.5c } belowgap { 0.5c } } These gaps are inserted only if the corresponding caption is non-empty. Lout knows exactly where captions are, and leaves space for them and their gaps, so it would be wrong to attempt to use the {@Code leftextra}, {@Code rightextra}, {@Code aboveextra}, and {@Code belowextra} options from Section {@NumberOf pie_over} to allow for the space occupied by captions. @PP When a pie graph is to be presented as a centred display, it is usually best if the centring is done with respect to the pie alone, not the captions and labels. The @Code "hidecaptions" option does this by hidecaptions. @RawIndex { @Code "hidecaptions" option } hidecaptions.in.pie @SubIndex { in pie graphs } piegraphs. @RawIndex { pie graphs } piegraphs.hidecaptions @SubIndex { @Code "hidecaptions" option } making the left and right captions and gaps seem to Lout to have zero width: @ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim { @Pie hidecaptions { yes } } Actually @Code "yes" has been made the default value, since the vast majority of pie graphs are centred displays. In the rare cases where this feature is not wanted (for example, if a pie graph appears as an entry in a table), use {@Code "hidecaptions { no }"}. @End @Section