@Chapter @Title { Pascal and Modula-2 Programs } @Begin @LP There is a @Code "@Pas" symbol for printing Pascal programs pascal @Index { Pascal programs } pas. @Index @Code "@Pas" @Cite { $jensen1975pascal }. No attempt is made to follow any particular printing standard; the design simply reflects this author's taste. To use {@Code "@Pas"}, place @Code "@SysInclude { pas }" at the start of your document in the usual way. A Pascal program or program fragment is entered like this: @ID @Code { "@ID @Pas {" "procedure PriDelete(x: PriEntry; var Q: PriorityQueue);" " var i: integer;" "begin" " with Q^ do begin" " size := size - 1;" " if x^.back <= size then" " begin" " i := x^.back;" " A[i] := A[size + 1];" " A[i]^.back := i;" " PriAddRoot(i, Q);" " PriAddLeaf(i, Q)" " end" " end" "end;" "}" } This produces @ID @Pas { procedure PriDelete(x: PriEntry; var Q: PriorityQueue); var i: integer; begin with Q^ do begin size := size - 1; if x^.back <= size then begin i := x^.back; A[i] := A[size + 1]; A[i]^.back := i; PriAddRoot(i, Q); PriAddLeaf(i, Q) end end end; } Blank lines, line breaks, indents and spaces in the input are respected, with a tab being considered equal to eight spaces. @Code "@Pas" can also be used within a paragraph to produce a fragment like @OneCol @Pas { A[i..j] }. Use @Code "@OneCol @Pas { ... }" to prevent the result from breaking over two lines. @PP @Code "@Pas" does not attempt to rearrange the program in any way. Each item is simply printed according to the following plan: @ID { 7c @Wide { @Code and |2.5ct @Pas { and } //1vx @Code array |2.5ct @Pas { array } //1vx @Code begin |2.5ct @Pas { begin } //1vx @Code case |2.5ct @Pas { case } //1vx @Code const |2.5ct @Pas { const } //1vx @Code div |2.5ct @Pas { div } //1vx @Code do |2.5ct @Pas { do } //1vx @Code downto |2.5ct @Pas { downto } //1vx @Code else |2.5ct @Pas { else } //1vx @Code end |2.5ct @Pas { end } //1vx @Code file |2.5ct @Pas { file } //1vx @Code for |2.5ct @Pas { for } //1vx @Code forward |2.5ct @Pas { forward } //1vx @Code function |2.5ct @Pas { function } //1vx @Code goto |2.5ct @Pas { goto } //1vx @Code if |2.5ct @Pas { if } //1vx @Code in |2.5ct @Pas { in } //1vx @Code label |2.5ct @Pas { label } //1vx @Code mod |2.5ct @Pas { mod } //1vx @Code nil |2.5ct @Pas { nil } //1vx @Code not |2.5ct @Pas { not } //1vx @Code of |2.5ct @Pas { of } //1vx @Code or |2.5ct @Pas { or } //1vx @Code otherwise |2.5ct @Pas { otherwise } //1vx @Code packed |2.5ct @Pas { packed } //1vx @Code procedure |2.5ct @Pas { procedure } //1vx @Code program |2.5ct @Pas { program } //1vx @Code record |2.5ct @Pas { record } //1vx @Code repeat |2.5ct @Pas { repeat } //1vx @Code set |2.5ct @Pas { set } //1vx @Code then |2.5ct @Pas { then } //1vx @Code to |2.5ct @Pas { to } //1vx @Code type |2.5ct @Pas { type } //1vx @Code until |2.5ct @Pas { until } //1vx @Code var |2.5ct @Pas { var } //1vx @Code while |2.5ct @Pas { while } //1vx @Code with |2.5ct @Pas { with } } | 7c @Wide { @Code "0" |2.5ct @Pas { 0 } //1vx @Code "1" |2.5ct @Pas { 1 } //1vx @Code "2" |2.5ct @Pas { 2 } //1vx @Code "3" |2.5ct @Pas { 3 } //1vx @Code "4" |2.5ct @Pas { 4 } //1vx @Code "5" |2.5ct @Pas { 5 } //1vx @Code "6" |2.5ct @Pas { 6 } //1vx @Code "7" |2.5ct @Pas { 7 } //1vx @Code "8" |2.5ct @Pas { 8 } //1vx @Code "9" |2.5ct @Pas { 9 } //1vx @Code "." |2.5ct @Pas { . } //1vx @Code "," |2.5ct @Pas { , } //1vx @Code ":" |2.5ct @Pas { : } //1vx @Code ";" |2.5ct @Pas { ; } //1vx @Code "'" |2.5ct @Pas { ' } //1vx @Code "`" |2.5ct @Pas { ` } //1vx @Code "+" |2.5ct @Pas { + } //1vx @Code "-" |2.5ct @Pas { - } //1vx @Code "*" |2.5ct @Pas { * } //1vx @Code "/" |2.5ct @Pas { / } //1vx @Code "(" |2.5ct @Pas { ( } //1vx @Code ")" |2.5ct @Pas { ) } //1vx @Code "[" |2.5ct @Pas { [ } //1vx @Code "]" |2.5ct @Pas { ] } //1vx @Code "^" |2.5ct @Pas { ^ } //1vx @Code ".." |2.5ct @Pas { .. } //1vx @Code "=" |2.5ct @Pas { = } //1vx @Code "<" |2.5ct @Pas { < } //1vx @Code ">" |2.5ct @Pas { > } //1vx @Code "<>" |2.5ct @Pas { <> } //1vx @Code "<=" |2.5ct @Pas { <= } //1vx @Code ">=" |2.5ct @Pas { >= } //1vx @Code ":=" |2.5ct @Pas { := } } } Anything not mentioned here will appear in italic font. @PP Unlike the @Code "@CP" symbol from the previous chapter, the @Code "@Pas" symbol is a quick-and-dirty production which does not offer you any options, or indeed attempt to solve every problem of Pascal formatting. In particular, Pascal strings need attention before formatting by {@Code "@Pas"}. Their interiors are best enclosed in double quotes to prevent the above transformations from occurring inside them. Any @Code "\\" or @Code "\"" characters inside strings will need to be replaced by @Code "\\\\" and @Code "\\\"" respectively, and the opening quote should be replaced by {@Code "`"}. @PP Similar remarks apply to Pascal comments; don't forget that @Code "{" and @Code "}" must be enclosed in double quotes. Alternatively, a @Code "@Com" symbol can be placed in front of a comment enclosed in braces. It will add literal braces: @ID @Code { "@Com { A Pascal comment }" } has result @ID @Pas { @Com { A Pascal comment } } It may still be necessary to enclose the interior in double quotes. @PP There is a @Code "@Modula" symbol which allows you to format Modula-2 programs in the same way as @Code "@Pas" does for Pascal. You get it via {@Code "@SysInclude { modula }"}, and once again it is a quick-and-dirty production. @End @Chapter