................................................... . . . . Johnson . Johnson suddenly uttered, in . . suddenly . a strong determined tone, an . . uttered, . apophegm, at which many will . . in a strong . start: `Patriotism is the . . determined . last refuge of a scoundrel.' . . tone, an . . . apophegm, at . . . which many .................................. . will start: . . . . `Patriotism . Johnson . Johnson . . is the last . suddenly . suddenly . . refuge of a . uttered, . uttered, . . scoundrel.' . in a strong . in a strong . . . determined . determined . . . tone, an . tone, an . . . apophegm, at . apophegm, at . . . which many . which many . . . will start: . will start: . . . `Patriotism . `Patriotism . . . is the last . is the last . . . refuge of a . refuge of a . . . scoundrel.' . scoundrel.' . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . Johnson suddenly uttered, in . . . a strong determined tone, an . . . apophegm, at which many will . . . start: `Patriotism is the . . . last refuge of a scoundrel.' . . . . . . . . ...................................................