@Section @Title { Defining new equation formatting symbols } @Begin @PP Whenever you type particular equations or parts of equations repeatedly, you can save time by using definitions. Definitions are the subject of Section {@NumberOf definitions}, so here we will just give a few examples equations. @RawIndex { equations } equations.definitions @SubIndex { definitions, use with } definitions. @RawIndex { definitions } definitions.use.with.equations @SubIndex { use with equations } of their use in equation formatting. @PP Suppose for example that @OneCol @Eq { p sub i ` log sub 2 ` p sub i } occurs frequently in your document. Then @ID @Code "def epi { p sub i ` log sub 2 ` p sub i }" makes the symbol @Code "epi" stand for the object between the braces: @ID { @Code "big sum from i=1 to n ` epi" |7ct @Eq { big sum from i=1 to n ` epi } } Parameters are very useful when parts of the symbol vary: @ID @OneRow @Code { "def ep" " right x" "{ p sub x ` log sub 2 ` p sub x" "}" } The parameter @Code x will be replaced by the object just to the right of {@Code "ep"}: @ID { @Code { "big sum from i=1 to k ` ep i +" "big sum from j=k+1 to n ep j" } ||7ct @Eq { big sum from i=1 to k ` ep i + big sum from j=k+1 to n ep j } } The precedence of the symbols you define will be 100 by default. @PP To make the symbols of @Code "@Eq" available within such definitions, each must be preceded by {@Code "import @Eq"}. As explained in Section {@NumberOf definitions}, the definitions go into a file called {@Code "mydefs"}, which might then look like this: @ID @OneRow @Code { "import @Eq" "def epi { p sub i ` log sub 2 ` p sub i }" "" "import @Eq" "def ep right x { p sub x ` log sub 2 ` p sub x }" } Use of @Code "epi" and @Code "ep" outside @Code "@Eq" will cause an error. @End @Section