@Section @Title { Embedding program text within program comments } @Tag { cpp_prog } @Begin @PP The standard reference for the Eiffel language @Cite { $meyer1992eiffel } specifies that identifiers within comments may or should be enclosed in ` and ' so that they may be noticed and printed in an italic font: @ID lines @Break @F @Verbatim { @ID @Eiffel { deposit(amount: REAL) is -- deposit `amount' dollars } } produces @ID @Eiffel { deposit(amount: REAL) is -- deposit `amount' dollars } This has been generalized in Lout: arbitrary text within an Eiffel comment between ` and ' will be treated as Eiffel text and printed accordingly. Some other languages may also offer this feature: see the fifth column of the table at the start of this chapter. In principle the precise means of getting it could vary from language to language, but the languages available at the moment either do not have it at all, or else they use ` and ' like Eiffel. @PP On the subject of Eiffel, the Eiffel reference @Cite { $meyer1992eiffel } has some quite detailed style guidelines, and these have been closely followed in the implementation of the @Code "@Eiffel" symbol. In particular, @Code "@Eiffel" prints dots larger than usual when they denote feature calls, as the example @OneCol @Eiffel { account.deposit(20) } shows. @End @Section