@Section @Title { Eiffel program printing } @Tag { eiffel } @Begin @PP There is an @Code "@Eiffel" symbol for typesetting Eiffel programs in conjuction with a filter called {@Code "eif2lout"}. Apart from the change of language, everything is identical to C printing. The file and symbol names are different, of course: @ID @OneRow @Tab vmargin { 0.5vx } @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B } { @Rowa A { @Code cprint } B { @Code eiffel } @Rowa A { @Code c2lout } B { @Code eif2lout } @Rowa A { @Code "@CP" } B { @Code "@Eiffel" } @Rowa A { @Code "@CPSetup" } B { @Code "@EiffelSetup" } } but everything works in an exactly analogous way: you place @ID @Code "@SysInclude { eiffel }" at the top of your document, enclose Eiffel program texts in @Code "@Eiffel { ... }", embed Lout into Eiffel using comments beginning with {@Code "--@"}, and so on. The default style has been changed to {@Code varying}, so as to conform to the style guidelines in the standard Eiffel reference @Cite { $meyer1992eiffel }. Some care has gone into making this conformance strict; in particular, if you enclose identifiers within comments in ` and ', as the style guidelines say you should, they will come out in italics; in fact, arbitrary text between ` and ' within comments will be set as Eiffel code. @PP The files needed for Eiffel printing are distributed separately from Basser Lout. You can get them from the author's @Code ftp directory (see the preface of this guide). @End @Section