@Section @Title { Lout inside C comments } @Tag { cpcomm } @Begin @PP It is possible to embed Lout text inside C and C++ comments, by starting off the comment with an @Code "@" character. The entire comment after the @Code "@" character should be Lout text. For example, to force Lout to start a new page at some point within a C program, place @ID @Code "/*@ @NP */" at that point. Or you could make a heading like this: @ID @Code "/*@ @Display @Heading { treeprint() } */" Other possible uses for this feature include index entries and margin notes. Incredible as it may seem, you can even write @ID @Code "/*@ @CD @Heading { Function @CP { treeprint() } } */" with a @Code "@CP" symbol and some C code inside the Lout code inside the C code. You probably can't go further, however, since that would require a C comment inside a C comment. @End @Section