@Section @Title { Mirror reflections } @Tag { mirroring } @Begin @PP The @Code "@HMirror" symbol produces a horizontal mirror reflection reflect. @Index { Reflected objects } mirror. @Index { Mirror images } hmirror. @Index @Code "@HMirror" of the following object: @ID @Code { "@HMirror AMBULANCE" } produces @ID @HMirror AMBULANCE The @Code "@VMirror" symbol produces a vertical mirror reflection vmirror. @Index @Code "@VMirror" of the following object: @ID @Code { "@VMirror 5c @Wide @Box {" "@B { Pond life. } Pond life includes" "frogs, tadpoles, newts, salamanders," "eels, and mosquito larvae." "}" } produces @ID @VMirror 5c @Wide @Box { @B { Pond life. } Pond life includes frogs, tadpoles, newts, salamanders, eels, and mosquito larvae. } As this example shows, the object to be mirror reflected may be arbitrary. We have used a @Code "@Wide" symbol in this example to restrict the width of the result to be five centimetres wide. See the description of the @Code "@VShift" symbol in Section {@NumberOf include} for what to do if your reflected object is not aligned properly with adjacent objects. @End @Section