@Section @Title { Headings } @Tag { headings } @Begin @PP The @Code "@Heading" symbol makes the following object into a heading. @Index @Code "@Heading" heading. Actually, all it does is change the font, so if you want a centred heading you have to display it as well: @ID @OneRow @Code { "@Display @Heading { A Centred Heading }" "Following text" } If you want a left-justified heading, use @Code "@LeftDisplay" instead of @Code {"@Display"}. Alternatively, you can use no display symbol at all, but then you will need paragraph symbols before and after: @ID @OneRow @Code { "@DP" "@Heading { A Left-Justified Heading }" "@PP" "Following text" } The font used is @Code Bold in the current family, although you can change this by changing the @Code "@HeadingFont" option in the setup headingfont. @Index @Code "@HeadingFont" file (Section {@NumberOf setup}). @PP The @Code "@Heading" symbol may be used with any type of document, but it is really intended only for simple ones. In complex documents, large-scale structure symbols (Section {@NumberOf largescale}) are usually more appropriate. @End @Section