@Section @Title { The empty object } @Tag { empty } @Begin @PP It is possible to produce examples in which an object is clearly empty. @Index { empty object } missing: @ID @Code "{ @I }" The @Code "@I" symbol is supposed to italicize the following object, but in this example there isn't one. A more plausible example is @ID @OneRow @Code { "@PP" "@PP" } There are supposed to be paragraph objects between paragraph symbols, but here there aren't. @PP Wherever an object is clearly missing, Lout inserts an @I { empty object }, which is a rectangle of size zero by zero that prints as nothing. Here are two other ways to get an empty object: @ID @Code "{} \"\"" Braces always enclose an object, so Lout is obliged to insert an empty object between them; the two double quotes make a word with no characters in it, which is taken to be an empty object. @End @Section