@Section @Title { Drop capitals } @Tag { dropcaps } @Begin @PP There are two symbols for producing drop capitals, {@Code "@DropCapTwo"} drop.cap.two.sym @Index @Code "@DropCapTwo" drop.cap.three.sym @Index @Code "@DropCapThree" and {@Code "@DropCapThree"}. Place the capital to be dropped just before the symbol, and the rest of the paragraph after it: @ID @OneRow @Code { "I @DropCapTwo {" "t is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man" "in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." "}" } produces the object @ID 3i @Wide { I @DropCapTwo { t is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. } } @Code "@DropCapThree" is the same except that the capital is larger and spreads over three lines. @PP Because Lout occasionally gets the height of the enlarged capital slightly wrong, there is a @Code "height" option which allows you to change the height if you need to: @ID @OneRow @Code { "H @DropCapTwo height { 1.5v }" "{" " ..." "}" } This shows the default value for the height of the capital in {@Code "@DropCapTwo"}: 1.5 times the current inter-line spacing. The default height in @Code "@DropCapThree" is {@Code "2.5v"}. @PP These symbols produce an object which may appear anywhere in the usual way. A paragraph symbol will be needed after the paragraph. The paragraph breaking style of the body of the paragraph will be {@Code "adjust nohyphen"}; this cannot be changed at present. @End @Section