@Appendix @Title { Bypass Symbols } @Tag { bypass } @Begin @PP The `bypass' symbols described in this appendix are intended to be used only in Lout which is generated by computer programs. Their purpose is to bypass the Lout cross reference database, and so reduce the number of passes needed to finalise a document. These symbols should not be used by people, because that would only lead back to the consistency problems that prompted the introduction of cross references in the first place. @PP To produce a bypass table of contents, set the @Code "@MakeContents" setup file option to @Code "Bypass" and use @Code "@BypassContentsEntry" symbols at the outermost level just before the introduction or first chapter: @ID @Tab @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col ! @Col B } vmargin { 0.5vx } { @Rowa A { "@BypassContentsEntry" } @Rowa A { " indent { 0f }" } B { the indent, e.g. {@Code "0f"}, {@Code "2f"}, {@Code "4f"} ... } @Rowa A { " number {}" } B { the section (etc.) number e.g. {@Code "5.2"} } @Rowa A { " title {}" } B { the section (etc.) title e.g. @Code "Azaleas" } @Rowa A { " pagenum {}" } B { the page number e.g. @Code "@PageOf azaleas" } } For major entries such as chapters, use @Code "@BypassMajorContentsEntry" with the same options. This increases the vertical spacing and uses bold font. When @Code "@MakeContents" is {@Code "Bypass"}, no contents entries will be produced automatically. @PP To bypass Lout's automatic numbering of large-scale structure symbols, use the @Code "@BypassNumber" option: @ID @Code { "@Section" " @Title { Azaleas }" " @Tag { azaleas }" " @BypassNumber { 5.2 }" "..." } Give the full `path number' (5.2, B.3 or whatever) of the symbol. There is a @Code "@BypassNumber" option for every symbol that has a @Code "@Title" option and is usually assigned a number automatically by Lout, plus @Code "@Figure" and {@Code "@Table"}. No changes to the setup file are required in order to use {@Code "@BypassNumber"}, and it is permitted for some large-scale structure symbols to have this option and others not. @PP To produce a bypass reference list, set the @Code "@MakeReferences" setup file option to @Code "Bypass" and place reference entries at the end of the document, after the last chapter or other large-scale structure symbol but before any bypass index entries (see below), like this: @ID @Code { "@BypassReference" " label { [Kin94a] }" " value { @RefPrint kingston1995lout.expert }" } The two options are objects which become the label and value of the reference entry. The @Code "value" option can be any object, including an explicit reference; but @Code "@RefPrint" does not introduce any cross-referencing delay if the @Code "@Reference" symbols lie in a separate database file. No sorting or removal of duplicate entries will be done by Lout. When @Code "@MakeReferences" is {@Code "Bypass"}, @Code "@Cite" and related symbols are ignored. @PP There is also @Code "@BypassChapReference" with the same options for producing bypass chapter reference lists; these symbols should be placed at the outer level immediately after the preface, introduction, chapter or appendix that they refer to. @PP To produce bypass indexes, set the @Code "@MakeIndex" setup file option to {@Code Bypass} and use the @Code "@BypassRawIndex" symbol repeatedly at the very end of the document, enclosed in @Code "@BypassBeginIndex" and @Code "@BypassEndIndex" symbols: @ID @Code { "@BypassBeginIndex" "@BypassRawIndex indent { 0f } { Azaleas, @PageOf azaleas }" "..." "@BypassEndIndex" } The @Code "indent" option gives the indent ({@Code "0f"}, @Code {"1f"}, @Code {2f}, etc.), and the right parameter is as for @Code "@RawIndex". No @Code "@PageMark" operations, sorting, merging, or attachment of page numbers will be done by Lout. When @Code "@MakeIndex" is {@Code Bypass}, @Code "@Index" and related symbols are ignored. At present, bypass index symbols work only in books, not with ordinary documents or technical reports. There are corresponding symbols for creating bypass indexes A and B. @End @Appendix