@Section @Title { "@Scale" } @Tag { scale } @Begin @PP scale. @Index { @@Scale symbol } This symbol geometrically scales its right parameter by the scale factor given in its left parameter: @ID @Code "1.0 @Scale Hello 2.0 @Scale Hello 0.5 @Scale Hello" has result @ID { 1.0 @Scale Hello 2.0 @Scale Hello 0.5 @Scale Hello } The left parameter can be two scale factors, in which case the first applies horizontally, and the second vertically: @ID @Code "{0.5 2.0} @Scale Hello" has result @ID { {0.5 2.0} @Scale Hello } The left parameter may be empty, in which case Lout will scale the object by a common factor horizontally and vertically so as to occupy all available horizontal space: @ID @Code "{} @Scale { Hello world }" has result @LD {} @Scale { Hello world } The right parameter may be any object. @@Scale has both a @@OneCol and a @@OneRow effect, and the marks of the result coincide with the principal marks of the right parameter. @End @Section