@Section @Title { "@OneCol" and "@OneRow" } @Tag { onerow } @Begin @PP The @@OneRow symbol onerow.sym @Index { @@OneRow symbol } principal.mark.effect @SubIndex { effect on @@OneCol and @@OneRow } returns its right parameter modified so that only the principal row mark protrudes. This is normally the first row mark, but another one may be chosen by preceding it with @Code "^/" or {@Code "^//"}. For example, @ID @Code { "@OneRow { |0.5rt Slope @Font x + 2 ^//1p @HLine //1p |0.5rt 5 }" } has result @LP @ID { @ShowMarks @OneRow { |0.5rt Slope @Font x + 2 ^//1p @HLine //1p |0.5rt 5 } } @LP with one row mark protruding from the bar as shown. Compare this with @ID @Code { "@OneRow { |0.5rt Slope @Font x + 2 //1p @HLine //1p |0.5rt 5 }" } where the mark protrudes from the numerator: @LP @ID { @ShowMarks @OneRow { |0.5rt Slope @Font x + 2 //1p @HLine //1p |0.5rt 5 } } onecol.sym @Index { @@OneCol symbol } @@OneCol has the same effect on columns as @@OneRow does on rows, with the symbols @Code "^|" and @Code "^||" (or {@Code "^&"}) determining which mark is chosen. @End @Section