@Section @Title { "@Null" } @Tag { null } @Begin @PP This symbol null.sym @Index { @@Null symbol } provides a convenient way to remove unwanted concatenation symbols. If there is a concatenation symbol preceding @@Null, the @@Null and the concatenation symbol are both deleted. Otherwise, if there is a following concatenation symbol, it and the @@Null are both deleted. Otherwise, @@Null becomes an empty object. @PP These rules apply to a fully parenthesized version of the expression. For example, in @ID @Code { "... //1vx @Null |0.5i ..." } it is the horizontal concatenation symbol following @@Null that disappears, because in the fully parenthesized version @ID @Code { "... //1vx { @Null |0.5i ... }" } there is no concatenation symbol preceding the @@Null. @End @Section