@Section @Title { "@NotRevealed" } @Tag { notrevealed } @Begin @PP The @@NotRevealed symbol notrevealed.sym @Index { @@NotRevealed symbol } exerts fine control over the process of expanding receptive symbols. It may appear only within the body of a definition, immediately following the name of a receptive symbol. For example: @ID @OneRow @Code { "def A { @Galley }" "" "def B { @Galley }" "" "def ABList" "{" " A" " // B @NotRevealed" " // ABList" "}" } The meaning is that the symbol immediately preceding @@NotRevealed, @Code B in this example, is not revealed to galleys which encounter @Code "ABList" while searching for targets; to such galleys it appears that @Code "ABList" contains @Code A only, not {@Code B}, hence only galleys targeted to @Code A will expand {@Code "ABList"}. However, after @Code "ABList" is expanded by such a galley, @Code B will be available as a target in the usual way. @PP Apart from this meaning, @@NotRevealed has no effect at all, and the body of the definition may be understood by deleting @@NotRevealed and any preceding space. Thus, the symbol preceding @@NotRevealed may have named and right parameters in the usual way; these would follow after the @@NotRevealed symbol. @PP This symbol was introduced to overcome a problem with floating figures treated as displays. It turned out to be essential to specify the layout of a column (in part) as @ID @OneRow @Code { "@BodyTextPlace" "// @FigurePlace" "// @BodyTextPlace" "// @FigurePlace" "// @BodyTextPlace" "..." } so that figures could alternate with body text down the column. However, some means was needed to ensure that in the absence of any figures there could only be one @Code "@BodyTextPlace" in the column, since otherwise various problems arose, for example the @Code "@NP" symbol merely causing a skip from one @Code "@BodyTextPlace" to the next in the same column, rather than to the first in the next column. Also, without this feature the optimal page breaker's attempts to end a column early would be frustrated by Lout then discovering that plenty of space existed at a following @Code "@BodyTextPlace" in the same column. The solution is based on @Code "ABList" above; each occurrence of @Code "@BodyTextPlace" after a @Code "@FigurePlace" is not revealed in the enclosing definition, and so cannot be found by body text galleys unless a figure has previously attached to the preceding {@Code "@FigurePlace"}. @End @Section