@Section @Title { "@HMirror" and "@VMirror" } @Tag { hmirror } @Begin @PP hmirro. @Index { @@HMirror symbol } vmirro. @Index { @@VMirror symbol } mirroring @Index { Mirroring an object } reflecting @Index { Reflecting an object } @@HMirror and @@VMirror cause their right parameter to be reflected, either horizontally or vertically. For example, @ID @Code { "@HMirror AMBULANCE" } has result @ID @HMirror AMBULANCE and @ID @Code { "@VMirror AMBULANCE" } has result @ID @VMirror AMBULANCE The parameters of these symbols may be arbitrary Lout objects as usual. Both symbols have both a @@OneCol and a @@OneRow effect. @PP In each case the reflection is about the mark of the object (that is, the reflected objects have the same marks as the originals), so that, for example, when used within a line of text the results are @HMirror AMBULANCE and @VMirror AMBULANCE respectively. @End @Section