@Section @Tag { lexical } @Title { Lexical structure (words, spaces, symbols) and macros } @Begin @PP The input to Lout consists of a sequence of @I {textual units}, textual.unit @Index {Textual unit } which may be either {@I{white spaces}}, @I identifiers, @I delimiters, or @I {literal words}. Each is a sequence of @I characters chosen from: letter @Index { Letter character } other @Index { Other character } quote @Index { Quote character } escape @Index { Escape character } comment.char @Index { Comment character } underscore.char @Index { Underscore character } @ID @Tab vmargin { 0.5vx } @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B } { @Rowa A { letter } B { @Code "@ab-zAB-Z_" } @Rowa A { white space } B { @I { space formfeed tab newline } } @Rowa A { quote } B { @Code "\"" } @Rowa A { escape } B { @Code "\\" } @Rowa A { comment } B { @Code "#" } @Rowa A { other } B { @Code "!$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?[]^`{|}~" } } Notice that @Code "@" and @Code "_" are classed as letters. Basser Lout accepts the accented letters of the ISO-LATIN-1 character set (depending on how it is installed), and these are also classed as letters. The ten digits are classed as `other' characters, and in fact the `other' class contains all 8-bit characters (except octal 0) not assigned to previous classes. @PP A @I {white space} is a sequence of one or more white space characters. white.space @Index { White space } formfeed @Index { Formfeed } space.f @Index { Space } Lout treats the formfeed character exactly like the space character; it is useful for getting page breaks when printing Lout source code. @PP A @I delimiter is a sequence of one or more `other' characters which delimiter @Index { Delimiter } is the name of a symbol. For example, @Code "{" and @Code "//" are delimiters. When defining a delimiter, the name must be enclosed in quotes: @ID @Code { "def \"^\" { {} ^& {} }" } but quotes are not used when the delimiter is invoked. A delimiter may have delimiters and any other characters adjacent, whereas identifiers may not be adjacent to letters or other identifiers. The complete list of predefined delimiters is @ID @OneRow @Code { { "/" @JL "//" @JL "^/" @JL "^//" } |2.2cx { "|" @JL "||" @JL "^|" @JL "^||" } |2.2cx { "&" @JL "^&" } |2.2cx { "&&" @JL "{" @JL "}" } } A longer delimiter like @Code "<=" will be recognised in preference to a shorter one like {@Code "<"}. @PP An @I identifier is a sequence of one or more letters which is the name of a identifier @Index { Identifier } symbol. It is conventional but not essential to begin identifiers with {@Code "@"}; Basser Lout will print a warning message if it finds an unquoted literal word (see below) beginning with {@Code "@"}, since such words are usually misspelt identifiers. The ten digits are not letters and may not appear in identifiers; and although the underscore character is a letter and may be used in identifiers, it is not conventional to do so. The complete list of predefined identifiers is @ID @OneRow @Code { { "@BackEnd" @JL "@Background" @JL "@Begin" @JL "@Break" @JL "@Case" @JL "@Common" @JL "@Char" @JL "@CurrFace" @JL "@CurrFamily" @JL "@CurrLang" @JL "@CurrYUnit" @JL "@CurrZUnit" @JL "@Database" @JL "@End" @JL "@Enclose" @JL "@Filter" @JL "@FilterErr" @JL "@FilterIn" @JL "@FilterOut" @JL "@Font" @JL "@ForceGalley" @JL "@Galley" @JL "@Graphic" @JL "@HAdjust" @JL "@HContract" @JL "@HCover" @JL "@HExpand" @JL "@High" @JL "@HLimited" @JL "@HScale" @JL "@HShift" } |4.4cx { "@HSpan" @JL "@Include" @JL "@IncludeGraphic" @JL "@Insert" @JL "@KernShrink" @JL "@Key" @JL "@Language" @JL "@LClos" @JL "@LEnv" @JL "@LInput" @JL "@LVis" @JL "@LUse" @JL "@Meld" @JL "@Merge" @JL "@Minus" @JL "@Moment" @JL "@Next" @JL "@NotRevealed" @JL "@Null" @JL "@OneCol" @JL "@OneOf" @JL "@OneRow" @JL "@Open" @JL "@Optimize" @JL "@Outline" @JL "@PAdjust" @JL "@PageLabel" @JL "@PlainGraphic" @JL "@Plus" @JL "@PrependGraphic" @JL "@RawVerbatim" } |4.4cx { "@Rotate" @JL "@Rump" @JL "@Scale" @JL "@SetColor" @JL "@SetColour" @JL "@Space" @JL "@StartHSpan" @JL "@StartHVSpan" @JL "@StartVSpan" @JL "@SysDatabase" @JL "@SysInclude" @JL "@SysIncludeGraphic" @JL "@SysPrependGraphic" @JL "@Tag" @JL "@Tagged" @JL "@Target" @JL "@Underline" @JL "@Use" @JL "@VAdjust" @JL "@VContract" @JL "@VCover" @JL "@Verbatim" @JL "@VExpand" @JL "@VLimited" @JL "@VScale" @JL "@VShift" @JL "@VSpan" @JL "@Wide" @JL "@Yield" @JL "@YUnit" @JL "@ZUnit" } } plus the names of the parameters of @@Moment. The symbols @@LClos, @@LEnv, lclos @Index { @@LClos symbol } lenv @Index { @@LEnv symbol } linput @Index { @@LInput symbol } lvis @Index { @@LVis symbol } luse @Index { @@LUse symbol } @@LInput, @@LVis and @@LUse appear in cross reference databases generated by Lout and are not for use elsewhere. @PP A sequence of characters which is neither a white space, an identifier, nor a delimiter, is by default a @I {literal word}, which means that it will word @Index { Word } literal.word @Index { Literal word } quoted.word @Index { Quoted word } pass through Lout unchanged. An arbitrary sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes, for example @Code "\"{ }\"", is also a literal word. Space characters may be included, but not tabs or newlines. There are special character sequences, used only between quotes, for obtaining otherwise inaccessible characters: @ID @Tab vmargin { 0.5vx } @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B } { @Rowa A { @Code "\\\"" } B { produces @Code "\"" } @Rowa A { @Code "\\\\" } B { "\\" } @Rowa A { @Code "\\ddd" } B { the character whose ASCII code is } @Rowa A { } B { the up to three digit octal number {@Code ddd} } } So, for example, @Code "\"\\\"@PP\\\"\"" produces {@Code "\"@PP\""}. @PP When the comment character comment @Index { Comment } @Code "#" is encountered, everything from that point to the end of the line is ignored. This is useful for including reminders to oneself, like this: @ID @OneRow @Code { "# Lout user manual" "# J. Kingston, June 1989" } for temporarily deleting parts of the document, and so on. @PP @I Macros macro @Index { Macro } provide a means of defining symbols which stand for a sequence of textual units rather than an object. For example, the macro definition @ID @Code { "macro @PP { //1.3vx 2.0f @Wide &0i }" } makes Lout replace the symbol @Code "@PP" by the given textual units before assembling its input into objects. A similar macro to this one is used to separate the paragraphs of the present document. The enclosing braces and any spaces adjacent to them are dropped, which can be a problem: @Code "@PP2i" has result {@Code "//1.3vx 2.0f @Wide &0i2i"} which is erroneous. @PP The meaning of symbols used within the body of a macro is determined by where the macro is defined, not by where it is used. Due to implementation problems, @@Open symbols will not work within macros. Named and body parameters will work if the symbol that they are parameters of is also present. There is no way to get a left or right brace into the body of a macro without the matching brace. @PP Macros may be nested within other definitions and exported, but they may not be parameters. They may not have parameters or nested definitions of their own, and consequently a preceding @Code export clause (Section {@NumberOf visibility}) would be pointless; however, an @Code import clause is permitted. @End @Section