@SubSection @Tag { recursion } @Title { Recursion and page layout } @Begin @PP Design and implementation should proceed together in exploratory projects, since otherwise the design too easily becomes unrealistic. Sometimes the implementation does more than its designer intended. The author wrote the following purely as a testing scaffold: @ID @OneRow @Code { "def @Page right x" "{" " 8i @Wide 11i @High" " {" " //1i ||1i x ||1i" " //1i" " }" "}" } Only afterwards did he realize its significance: the concept of a page had been defined outside the implementation, removing the need for commands for setting page width and height, margins, and so on. @PP Defining a sequence of pages is harder, since their number is not known in advance. A simple version of this same problem is afforded by the leaders found in tables of contents: @ID { 4i @Wide { Chapter 7 @Leaders 53 } } This seemed to require recursion, specifically the definition @ID @Code { "def @Leaders { .. @Leaders }" } Note that both @Code ".." and @Code "@Leaders" are objects, so the two spaces separating them are significant. No base case is given, and indeed we have no boolean or conditional operators with which to express it; but we can adopt the implicit base `if space is not sufficient, delete {@Code "@Leaders"} and any preceding space'. Then the expression @ID @Code "4i @Wide { Chapter 7 @Leaders 53 }" will produce the object shown above. It is hard to see how this base could be made explicit, without violating the general principle of keeping all size information internal. In the implementation, @Code "@Leaders" remains unexpanded while sizes are being calculated; then it is treated similarly to a receptive symbol, with its body as an incoming galley (Section {@NumberOf flushing}). @PP With this settled, it is now clear how to define a document which is a numbered sequence of pages. Let @Code "@Next" be a prefix operator which returns its parameter plus one. Then @ID @OneRow @Code { "def @PageList" " right @PageNum" "{" " @Page {" " |0.5rt - @PageNum -" " //1v @TextPlace" " //1rt @FootSect" " }" " //" " @PageList @Next @PageNum" "}" } when invoked in the expression {@Code "@PageList 1"}, has for its result the potentially infinite object @ID @OneRow { @LittlePage { |0.5rt - 1 - //1.2vx @Code "@TextPlace" //1rt @Code "@FootSect" } // @LittlePage { |0.5rt - 2 - //1.2vx @Code "@TextPlace" //1rt @Code "@FootSect" } //0.2c 8p @Font @Code "@PageList 3" } Similarly, we may define @Code "@FootSect" like this: @ID @OneRow @Code { "def @FootSect" "{" " def @FootList" " right @Num" " {" " @FootPlace" " //1v" " @FootList @Next @Num" " }" "" " 1i @Wide @HLine" " //1v" " @FootList 1" "}" } so that an invocation of @Code "@FootSect" produces @ID @OneRow @Code { 1i @Wide @HLine "@FootPlace" "@FootPlace" "@FootPlace" "..." } The expansion process is very similar to a BNF derivation, and would be attempted only on demand. @PP Clearly, deciding which expansions to take and replacing @Code "@TextPlace" and {@Code "@FootPlace"} by the appropriate actual text will not be easy; this is the subject of Section {@NumberOf galleys}. The important point for now is that we have here a very simple and flexible method of specifying the layout of pages, which requires no specialized language features. @End @SubSection